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PM Exercise

Problem Statement
• An online shopping organization (A) wants to update its’ technology
framework. Currently the website is built with PHP and mysql
database. They got many reviews regarding the slower response time
of the current website. So, they want to implement the frontend and
backend with react.js and node.js respectively. Additionally, they want
to migrate to oracle database from mysql database. You are supposed
to implement the website for that organization. You have react.js
developers but they have very minimal knowledge on node.js.
Vision and scope document
• Project background
• The current shopping website is slower because it is built with some old technology
stack. The number of customers has declined due to this in the last year. Thus, the
organization intends to built a new website with react.js and node.js which will
enhance the response time of the website. Additionally, the organization wants to
migrate to oracle database from mysql database.
• Stakeholder
• The organization
• Head of the database team
• Head of the development team
• Head of the testing team
Vision and scope document
• Users
• Home website users
• Merchants
• Risks
• Learning node.js might delay the project.
• As the developer supposed to learn node.js and implement, thus there is a
chance of generating a lot of error in codebase.
• Error in data migration can potentially damage the project.
Vision and scope document
• Assumptions
• The development team will develop the website successfully given that the team has
minimal expertise on node.js.
• Vision statement
• The organization will have a new website which will provide very faster response time. This
will enable the organization to attract a lot of new customers and increase their profit.
• List of features
• User homepage – get latest product items.
• User item page – provide details of the product item.
• Checkout page – enables user to buy the product.
• Merchant homepage – shows list of items which are sold most times
• Merchant item page – shows statistical details of the product item.
Vision of scope document
• Scope of phase released (optional)
• Features that will not be developed
• Users will not be able to save items for future transactions.
• Users can not return product after buying.
Wideband Delphi estimation – Task list
Task list Assumption
1. Requirement analysis
2. Requirement specification Current website functionalities are properly defined
3. Requirement verification
4. Database design Current database design is error free
5. Database implementation
6. Merchant pages Quick learning of the development team
7. User pages Quick learning of the development team
8. Testing
9. Data migration Implementation of data pipeline
10. Deployment Data migration is done successfully
Exercise problem
• Owner of a hotel have come to you for the development of a web
application to run his daily activities. The hotel does not have any
online hotel reservation system. They have a desktop application for
managing their financial activities. The owner wants a web application
which will include online hotel reservation system as well as
managing the hotels’ financial activities in one web application.
Considering the scenario, write a vision and scope document.

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