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Neural Networks

Presented By: Puspa Upreti

Table of Contents:

 Introduction of Neural Network

 Features of a Neural Network

 Application of neural Network

 How Neural Networks Works?

 Neural Network were first proposed in 1944 by Worren
McCulloch and Walter pitt who developed a mathematical model
of simple neural network.

 It is also called Artificial Neural Network.

NEURAL NETWORKS  Neural Network is a method in artificial intelligence that teaches

the computer to processes the data in such a way that is inspired
by the human brain.

 They consist of interconnected processing nodes, neuron that

works together to process the information and make prediction
based on that information.

 It is able to extract the data features automatically.

 Thus the Artificial Neural Network attempt to solve the

complicated problem like summarizing the documents or
recognizing faces with the greater accuracy.
Feature of Neural Networks
 They are the capable of learning from examples and improving their performance
over the time through the training.

 Neural Networks are particularly useful for solving the complex problem such as
image, language processing and the prediction.

 Neural Network can be designed and optimized for specific tasks, allowing them
to achieve the high level of accuracy and the performance.

 They are able to generalize to new and unseen data, making them for the prediction
and classification tasks.
How Neural Networks Works
It consists of multiple layers called the input Layers,
output layers and hidden layers. In each layers every
nodes is connected to all nodes.
 Initially the database should be fed into the input
layer which will then flow to the hidden layer.

 The connection which exist between the two layers

randomly assigns weights to the input.

 A Bias is added to the each input . Bias is a constant

which is used in used in the model to fit best for the
given data.

 The weighted sum of all the input will be sent to a

function that is used to decide the active status of
neuron by calculating the weighted sum and the
adding the bias. It is called the activation Function.

 The nodes that are required to fire for feature

extraction are decided based on the output value of
the activation function.
Application of Neural Network
 Movie industry : Neural Network have been used in various ways in the entertainment industry in order
to create the stunning visual effects, realistic facial animation, and unique soundscapes.

 Medical Diagnosis: Neural Network can be used to assist in medical Diagnosis by analyzing the patient
data and identified the potential health risk.

 Bank Fraud Detection: Neural Network can be used to detect fraudulent activities in financial
transaction. For example they can be used to detect credit card fraud by analyzing the transaction

 In Searching platforms: searching platforms like such as google and yahoo also use the advanced types
of neural networks to improve their user experience.

Overall, neural network have a wide range of application in the various field, and their potential user are
constantly being explored.

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