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Ag Tobig Keboklagan

by: Shan Krishia

Reporters: Jaecell Ann Oxsalis

Kristine D. Reque
Ag Tobig nog Keboklagan
 The folk epic “Ag Tobig nog Keboklagan” (The Kingdom
of Keboklagan) was collected among the Suban – on who
lived on the western slopes of the mountain range that
runs like a backbone and divides the Zamboanga
Peninsula, above Sindangan Bay. It is also of
Zamboanga’s oldest epics.

 Timoway – Father of Taake

 Balo Libon – Wife of Timoway
 Taake – The hero of the epic
 Kasangolan – Assistant of Timoway
 Datu Sakandabar
 Lady of Pintawan – A nearly naked woman, sewing, whom Taake courted.
 Lady of Pintogan – Close of friend of Lady Pintawan
 Datu Tomitib Manaon – Dreamed of a lone Subanon fighting in Keboklagan

 Towan Salip and Sorotan Domatong – Abhor the idea of lady Pintawan marrying a
 Datu Liyo – Liyo
 Saulagya Maola – Datu of Keboklagan and brother of Lady Pintawan
 Datu Bataqelo – Chief of Dibaloy
 Lilang Diwata – Sister of Datu Bataqelo; renames Taake. “Malompyag” or “he fights in
all places
 Egdodan Magsorat and Egdodan Sabagan – Rules Walo Sabang
 Asog – A God, disturb by the massive destruction
 The Keboklagan of Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte is a saga about the life and exploits
of the superhuman hero named Taake, from the kingdom of Sirangan, whose successful
courtship of the Lady Pintawan in the kingdom of Keboklagan, in the very navel of the sea,
sets off a series of wars between Sirangan and other kingdoms led by chieftains who
resented a Subanon winning the love of the Lady of Keboklagan. The wars widen,
dragging other kingdoms into the fray. The chiefs of Sirangan, led by this time, there are
too many deaths, and Asog the supreme Being in the sky world is bothered by this. Asog
descends on the earth, tells the combatants to stop fighting, and to hold a buklog, during
which each of the warriors will be given a life partner, he fans the kingdoms and all those
who died in the fighting spring to life again.

 Where does the story the kingdom of Keboklagan takes place?

- Taake headlines the Ag Tobig nog Keboklagan (The Kingdom of Keboklagan), an
epic of the Suban – on of the Zamboanga Peninsula and Misamis Occidental in Mindanao,
consisting of 7,590 lines, 8 lines.
- About the adventure of hero Taake
- The epic identifies the Subanon in more than one aspect of their culture, including their
customs and religious beliefs, their manner of dress, speech, and character as people with
poetic insight and lyrical taste. It depicts the beginnings of their kinship with the Muslims.

 The Subanon cosmogony exemplifies the basic duality of mortal life and spiritual realm,
with a complex system of interrelationships between these two cosmic elements. The
physical world is inhabited by the kilawan (visible mortals), who become sick and whose
ailments are attributed to supranatural causes. In the nonmaterial realm exist the
kanagkilawan (supernatural), who are not visible to ordinary mortals, but who be perceived
and addressed by the balian (medium or shaman). The supernatural beings are of four
kinds: gimuud (souls), mitibug (spirits), getautelunan (demons), and Diwata (deities). They
are also acknowledged to have the power of raising the dead.
Culture and Traditions

 The Subanens who communicate through their Subano language

prefer and wear colorful clothes and accessories. Black, red and
white are their favorite colors. The women often wear red earrings
that match with beaded necklaces. Like other tribes, Subanens have
their own entertainment or way of enjoying life. They like music.
Their marriage custom is done through taltal, a court dances that
they perform during social gatherings and special occasions such
as weddings.

 Taake’s perseverance to fight for Pintawan.

 It serves the desire and determination to fight for something
 What makes the story unique?
- The story is unique, because it shows us a glimpse of the beliefs,
traditions, values and culture of the Saban – on.
 Taake, son of Timoway, went fishing on the sea. He found a fish as big as a hill with a golden scales. He attempted to
capture if but instead fell into the sea and later on finds himself in a kingdom called Keboklagan. There he met a beautiful
girl named Pintawan. Taake who was mesmerized by Pintawan’s beauty fell in love at first sight. Pintawan agreed with
Taake’s offer of marriage. However, the datus of Keboklagan does not approve of them getting married. So the datus
ordered his people to kill Taake and offer him as a sacrifice. Pintoqan, who was like a sister to Pintawan adviced Taake to
leave but Taake refused to leave. Taake fought with the help of Tomitib against the eight datus subjects. But the datus
subjects had the power to comeback to life. After seven months of fighting Taake got tired and fell asleep in the
battleground. Taake dreamed of a girl telling him to go the tower of Walo Sabang in the guise of Towan Salip Palasti to get
their powerful medicines and amulets. When he came back, armed with the medicine and amulet, the people whom they
felled did not come back to life anymore. The God Asog notice the battle and went down to earth and told them to stop
fighting. In return the God gave them their partners in life. The datus agreed. So Asog fanned the kingdom with his
kerchief and those who died lived again. Taake returned home and saw his mother and told her he was her son, she revived.
The kingdom of Sirangan prepared a buklog. All the datus from different kingdoms were invited and there they were
invited and there they were given partners in life by their God Asog.

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