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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Lecture notes for Unit operation in food processing

Department: Food Science and Nutrition

By: Tayto Mindahun (PhD candidate in Chemical Process and Product Design
(CPPD), MSc in Process Engineering, BSc in Chemical Engineering )
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Lecture 1

Definitions and fundamental concepts of Unit

operation in food processing
What is process?
• Process is the set of activities or industrial operations that modify the properties of
raw materials with the purpose of obtaining products to satisfy the needs of a society.

 The processes can be divided into so-called unit or basic operations common to many
Classification of processes
Batch Process:
 Feed is charged at the beginning of the process and the product is
collected some time later.
i.e. during the process no feed enters and no product is released.
During the process, no feed enters and no product out.
Continuous Process
 Feed and product flow continuously throughout the duration of the
Semi-Batch Processes
 A semi-batch process is when reactants are periodically added or products are
periodically removed.
 Any process which are not batch or continuous (Inputs without outputs OR outputs
without inputs).
Steady-State and Unsteady state processes
 Process variables(temperature, pressure,
volume and flow rates) don't vary with time.

Unsteady-State (Transient):
 Process variables vary with time.
What is unit operation?
 Unit operations are a basic step in a process which involves physical change or
chemical transformation.

 Individual operations have common techniques and

are based on the same scientific principles.

 A given process would be formed by a combination of

unit operations.

 The combination and sequence of operations, same or different in nature determines

the nature of the final product
Unit Operations: Classification
1. Based on the nature of the transformation performed:
i. Physical stages:
 Grinding, sieving, mixture,
 Fluidization, sedimentation, flotation, filtration,
 Rectification, absorption, extraction, adsorption, heat exchange,
evaporation, drying, etc.
ii. Chemical stages: refining, chemical peeling
iii. Biochemical stages:
 Fermentation,
 Sterilization,
 Pasteurization,
 Enzymatic peeling
2. Based on the transferred property:
i. Heat Transfer Unit Operations:
 Sterilization and pasteurization,
 Evaporation, heat exchangers, ovens, solar plates, etc.
ii. Mass Transfer Unit Operations:
 Distillation:
 Absorption:
 Extraction:
 Adsorption etc…
iii. Momentum Transfer Unit Operations:
 Sedimentation, filtration, and ultrafiltration, fluidization
iv. Simultaneous Mass–Heat Transfer Unit Operations
 Crystallization, Dehydration, Humidification and dehumidification
v. Complementary Unit Operations:
 Grinding, milling, sieving, mixing of solids and pastes, etc
Review questions

1. Explain the concept of unit operation synergy in food processing, and provide
examples of how combining different unit operations can lead to improved product
quality and efficiency?
2. Compare and contrast batch processing and continuous processing in food
production, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each approach
with respect to unit operations?
End of lecture 1

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