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Staff Leadership

Chapter 9

1 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023

Meaning & Definition of Leadership
Leadership may be defined as the process of influencing a
group of persons so that they strive willingly to attain
desired objectives.
Features of Leadership
1. It presupposes existence of followers.
2. It is a process of inter-personal influence.
3. It involves community of interests between the leader &
his followers.
4. It is a continuous or ongoing process.
5. It is situational.
6. It is reciprocal.
2 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023
Difference between Leadership & Management

Leadership Management
1 It is possible in both organised & It is possible in formally organised
unorganised group. groups only.
2 A leader derives authority from his A manager derives authority mainly
appeal to his followers. from his official position in the
3 Leadership is mainly a part of Management involves planning,
direction. organising, staffing, directing &
4 It is narrow in scope, being part of It is wider in scope as it includes
management. leadership and other things.

3 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023

Leadership styles
1. Autocratic or Authoritative
2. Participative or Democratic
3. Free-rein or Laissez-faire
4. Paternalistic

4 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023

Leadership Continuum
It was developed by Robert Tannenbaum & Waren
It suggests that leadership style is the varying degree
of use of authority by the leader & area of freedom for
It identifies the behavioural alternatives available to a
manager & highlights the dynamic nature of

5 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023

6 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023
Situational Leadership
It depends on the situation. No single style is
successful in all situations. Situation means the type of
the task to be performed, the ability, needs &
expectations of followers, the total environment inside
& outside the organisation.
Situational Leadership recognises the fact that
effective leadership is one which meets the needs of
the specific situation.
Leadership is complex & a good leader behaves
according to a given situation. But it is very difficult to
change the leadership style every time the situation
Ch 9 - Staff Leadership
7 November 23, 2023
The Managerial Grid
Robert Blake & Jane Mouton developed the
Managerial Grid.
It is a two dimensional graphic model of alternative
combinations of leadership styles or behaviour.
The two dimensions are – Concern for production &
Concern for people

8 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023

The Managerial Grid

9 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023

Thank You

10 Ch 9 - Staff Leadership November 23, 2023

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