9 - Non Communicable and Communicable

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(Communicable and Non-communicable diseases)

Definition of Epidemiology
Purposes of Epidemiology
 Objectives of epidemiology in Public Health
The Epidemiology Triangle
Difference between communicable and non-
communicable diseases
The Epidemiology of Non-communicable diseases
 Causes of non-communicable diseases
 Prevention of non-communicable disease
 Epidemiology of communicable diseases
 Prevention of non-communicable disease
Definition of Epidemiology
The study of the distribution and determinants of health-
related states or events.

*Epidemiology is concerned with the frequency
and pattern of health events in a population.
*Frequency refers not only to the number of cases in a
population, but also to the relationship of that number to the
size of the population.
*Pattern refers to the occurrence of health-related events by
time, place, and person. Time patterns may be annual,
seasonal, weekly, daily, hourly.
*Epidemiology is also used to search
for determinants, which are the causes and other
factors that influence the occurrence of disease and
other health-related events.
*Epidemiological information is used to plan and
evaluate strategies to prevent illness.
Purposes of Epidemiology

1. To investigate nature / extent of health-

related phenomena in the community /
identify priorities
2. To study natural history of health-related
3. To identify causes and risk factors
4. To recommend / assist in application of best
interventions (preventive and therapeutic
5. To provide foundation for public policy.
Objectives of epidemiology in Public
• Discover the agent, host, and environmental factors that
affect health

• Determine the relative importance of causes of illness,

disability, and death

• Identify those segments of the population that have the

greatest risk from specific causes of ill health

• Evaluate the effectiveness of health programs and

services in improving population health
The Epidemiology Triangle
The Epidemiology Triangle

1- The agent is the cause of the disease

*Can be bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus,
Chemicals, radiation, heat, toxins.

2- The host is an organism, usually human or

animal, that harbors the disease
3- The environment is the favorable surroundings
and conditions external to the human or animal
that cause or allow the disease or allow disease

*Environmental factors can include the

biological aspects as well as the social, cultural,
and physical aspects of the environment
Difference between communicable and non-communicable

* Non-Communicable disease
* Also called non-infectious
* For example: Heart disease
* Communicable diseases
* Also called infectious
* Passed through
Non-communicable diseases
*Diseases that CANNOT be spread from
one person/thing to another
*Diseases that are not caused by
pathogens (bad germs)
*Can affect any system in the body
(circulatory, nervous, respiratory)
*Can be treated but not usually cured
The Epidemiology of Non-communicable diseases

*Non-communicable diseases: groups of medical disorders

associated with exposure to risk factors.

*That is non-infectious or non-transmissible. It does not

spread from one person to another through any mode.

*Non-communicable disease is referred as a chronic

disease which progresses slowly and remains for a long
duration in the body.

*The risk factors include personal factors, lifestyle and

environmental factors.
Causes of non-communicable diseases

1. Hereditary-passed from parent to child

2. Environmental
*Where you live –or work
*For example: Nuclear power plant
3. Lifestyle
*Poor health habits –smoking,, poor
diet, lack of exercise and emotional
Preventing non-communicable disease

*Have a balanced diet

*Get regular exercise
*Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other
*Regular check-ups can identify early
warning signs
The common types of Non Communicable
:Diseases are
*Cardiovascular diseases ( like heart attacks and
*Chromic respiratory diseases ( such as asthma)
Communicable Diseases
* Caused by direct or indirect
spread of pathogens (bad
germs) from a person or thing
to another.
Epidemiology of communicable diseases
*Diseases which spread from one person to another,
through direct or indirect mode.
*Communicable disease progress quickly.
*They are most infected kind of disease, where
transmitted from one person to another or from
animal to person through the air, water, food,
insects, blood transmission, physical contact with
the infected person.
How diseases are spread

* Direct contact - touching infected

area of person
* Indirect - sneezing, coughing,
sharing personal items
* Contact with vectors (animals and
insects) - bites
* Other contact - eating contaminated
*Where Diseases Enter The Body
Mouth A break in
skin (cuts)


Prevention for communicable

*Wash hands
*Cover mouth when sneezing or
*Proper care of food, don’t share food
*Eat healthy and exercise to improve
immune system
*Shower daily
*Avoid coming in contact with the infected person
are the precautions everyone should follow to
avoid catching a disease.
*Sanitation of environment.
*Health education of the public. Health awareness
about mode of transmission healthy living
conditions, lifestyle, good habits and behavior.
*Health promotion of the public. Good
nutrition, healthy lifestyle, healthy living
conditions and get enough rest
*Good housing with suitable ventilation
*Eradication or control of insects, rats, cats
and dogs.
*Food and milk sanitation

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