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Physics 114B - Mechanics

Lecture 9 (Walker: 4.3-5)

2D Kinematics Examples
January 19, 2012

John G. Cramer
Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics
B451 PAB
 Homework Assignments #2 and #3 are now available on WebAssign.
Assignment #2 is due at 11:59 PM on Thursday, January 19 (tonight).
Assignment #3 is due at 11:59 PM on Thursday, January 26.
 Register your clicker using the “Clicker” link on the Physics 114A
Syllabus page.
 We will have our first Midterm Exam on Friday, January 20. It will
have 75 points of multiple-choice questions based on end-of-chapter
problems, and a 25 point free-response question testing qualitative
understanding of Chapters 1-4.
 Exam I will have assigned seating. Seat assignments will be posted
before the exam on the entry doors. If you would like to request a
left-handed seat, a right-handed aisle seat, a front-row seat, or need a
seat at the tables in the back (4 seats only), send me E-mail ASAP.

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 2/35

Lecture Schedule (Part 1)
Physics 114A - Introduction to Mechanics - Winter-2012
Lecture: Professor John G. Cramer
Textbook: Physics, (Edition: UW Vol. 1 or Complete 4th), James S. Walker
Week Date L# Lecture Topic Pages Slides Reading HW Due Lab
2-Jan-12 H1 New Year Holiday
3-Jan-12 1 Introduction to Physics 12 21 Chapter 1
1 5-Jan-12 2 Position & Velocity 8 22 2-1 to 2-3 No HW
No Lab 1st week

6-Jan-12 3 Velocity & Acceleration 10 25 2-4 to 2-5

9-Jan-12 4 Equations of Motion 9 20 2-6 to 2-7
10-Jan-12 5 Vectors 8 24 3-1 to 3-3
2 12-Jan-12 6 r, v & a Vectors 5 24 3-4 to 3-5 HW1
1-D Kinematics

13-Jan-12 7 Relative Motion 3 18 3-6

16-Jan-12 H2 MLK Birthhday Holiday
17-Jan-12 8 2D Motion Basics 5 20 4-1 to 4-2
3 19-Jan-12 9 2D Examples 13 35 4-3 to 4-5 HW2
Free Fall & Projectiles

20-Jan-12 E1 EXAM 1 - Chapters 1-4

We are here.
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 3/35
Finding Position from Velocity

January 18, 2011 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 4/38

Drag Racer’s Displacement
The figure shows the
velocity of a drag racer.
How far does the racer
move during the first 3.0 s?

The net distance traveled
is the area under the velocity
curve shown in blue. This is
a triangle with sides 12 m/s
and 3.0 s. The area of this
triangle is:
A = ½(12 m/s)(3 s) = 18 m.
Thus, the drag racer moves
18 m in the first 3 seconds.

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 5/35

Example: The Flying Cap
Upon graduation, a joyful student throws her cap
straight up in the air with an initial speed of 14.7 m/s. Given
that its acceleration has a magnitude of 9.81 m/s 2 and is
directed downward (we neglect air resistance),
(a) When does the cap to reach its highest point?
(b) What is the distance to the highest point?
(c) Assuming the cap is caught at the same height it was
released, what is the total time that the cap is in flight?
1. Draw the cap (as a dot) in its various positions.
2. (a) Use the time, velocity and acceleration relation.
v y  v0 y (0 m/s)  (14.7 m/s)
v y  v0 y  a y t ; t    1.5 s
ay 9.81 m/s 2
(b) Use average velocity: vav = v0/2 = 7.35 m/s;
y = vav t = (7.35 m/s)(1.5 s) = 11.0 m
(c) Up time = down time, so total time is 3.0 s. (see text for a more
complicated method.)
3. The answers have the right units and seem reasonable.
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 6/35
Example: The Flying Cap

The height of the cap vs. time has the

form of a parabola (since x ~ t2). It is
symmetric about the midpoint (but would
not be if air resistance were present).

The velocity of the cap vs. time has the

form of a straight line (since v ~ t). The
velocity crosses zero at the midpoint and is
negative thereafter, because the cap is
moving downward.

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 7/35

Zero Launch Angle
Launch angle: direction of initial velocity with
respect to horizontal

v  (v0 cos  )
vw2  v02  2 gh
 (v0 sin  ) 2  2 gh 

Question: Which diver hits the water with the greatest speed?
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 8/35
Zero Launch Angle
In the zero launch angle case, the initial
velocity in the y-direction is zero. Here are the
equations of motion, with x0 = 0 and y0 = h:

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 9/35

Zero-Launch Trajectory
This is the trajectory of a projectile
launched horizontally. It is a parabola.

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 10/35

Zero Launch Angle
Eliminating t and solving for y as a function
of x:

This has the form y = a + bx2, which is

the equation of a parabola.
The landing point can be found by
setting y = 0 and solving for x:

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 11/35

Projectile Motion
v0 y g
v0 x  v0 cos  0 ; v0 y  v0 sin  0 ;  tan  0
v0 x
ax  0; a y   g

vx  v0 x ; v y  v0 y  gt

x(t )  x0  v0 xt ; y (t )  y0  v0 y t  12 gt 2

x  x  1  x   v0 y   g  2
t ; y ( x)  v0 y   2 g   x  2 x
v0 x v
 0x   0 x   0 x   2v0 x 
v v

 g  2 This is the equation

y ( x)   tan  0  x   2 x
 2v0 cos  0 
for a parabola.
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 12/35
General Launch Angle
In general, v0x = v0 cos θ and v0y = v0 sin θ
This gives the equations of motion:

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 13/35

Clicker Question 1
You throw a ball into the air with an initial speed of 10 m/s at
an angle of 60° above the horizontal. The ball returns to the
height at which it was thrown in a time T.
Which of these plots best represents the speed of the ball as
a function of time?

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 14/35

General Launch Angle
Snapshots of a trajectory; red dots
are at t = 1 s, t = 2 s, and t = 3 s


January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 15/35

Projectile Motion: Range

Range: the horizontal distance a projectile travels

If the initial and final elevation are the same:

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 16/35

Projectile Motion:
Maximum Range
The range is a maximum when θ = 45°:

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 17/35

Projectile Motion:
Symmetry in projectile motion:

Same y and |v|

Same y and |v|

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 18/35

Path of Projectile


 g  2
y ( x)   tan  0  x   2 x
 2v0 cos  0 

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 19/35

Example: A Cap in the Air
A delighted physics graduate throws her
cap into the air with an initial velocity of 24.5 g
m/s at a 36.9° angle with the horizontal. The
cap is later caught by another student.
[Neglect air resistance ; Sin(36.9°) = 3/5;
Cos(36.9°) = 4/5].
(a) Find the total time the cap is in the air.
(b) Find the total horizontal distance traveled.
y (t )  v0 y t  2 gt
1 2

When y  0, t (v0 y  12 gt )  0, so t1 =0 and t 2 =2v0 y / g

v0 y  v0 sin  0

t2 =2v0 sin  0 / g  2(24.5 m/s)(sin 36.9) /(9.81 m/s 2 )  3.00 s

x  v0 xt2  v0 cos  0t2  (24.5 m/s)(cos 36.9)(3.00 s)  58.8 m

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 20/35
Example: Ranger & Monkey
A park ranger with a tranquilizer dart intends to shoot a
monkey hanging from a branch. The ranger points the barrel
directly at the monkey, not realizing that the dart will
follow a parabolic path that will pass below the
monkey’s present position. The monkey,
seeing the gun discharge, instantly lets
go of the branch and drops out of the
tree, expecting to avoid the dart.
(a) Show that the monkey will be hit,
independent of the dart velocity vd.
(b) Let vd0 be the initial velocity of the dart. Find the dart velocity relative
the monkey at an arbitrary time t during the dart’s flight.
rm  rm 0  12 gt 2 rd  vdg 0t  12 gt 2
Therefore, when rm  rd (i.e., the dart hits the monkey) then rmo  vdg 0t
In other words, provided the gun is aimed so that the extension of the
vector vdg0 passes through the monkey’s position rm0, the dart hits the monkey.
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 21/35
Example: A Supply Drop
A helicopter drops a supply package to flood
victims on a raft in a swollen lake. When the package g
is released, the helicopter is 100 m directly above
the raft and flying at a velocity of 25.0 m/s at an
angle of 36.9° above the horizontal. [Neglect air
resistance; Sin(36.9°) = 3/5; Cos(36.9°) = 4/5].
(a) How long is the package in the air?
(b) How far from the raft does the package land?
(c) If the helicopter continues at constant speed,
where is it when the package lands?
y (t )  v0 y t  12 gt 2 0  12 gt 2  v0 y t  y

v0 y  v0 sin  0  (25.0 m/s)(sin 36.9)  15.0 m/s; v0 x  v0 cos  0  20.0 m/s

The helicopter
v0 y  v  2 gy
0y (15.0 m/s)  (15.0 m/s)  2(9.81 m/s )( 100 m)
2 2
will be 194 m
t 
g (9.81 m/s 2 ) above the
t  3.24 s and t  6.30 s x  xh  v0 x t  (20.0 m/s)(6.30 s)  126 m package impact

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 22/35

Example: A Rocket Sled
A rocket sled accelerates
at 50 m/s2 for 5.0 s, coasts
for 3.0 s, then deploys a
braking parachute and
decelerates at 3.0 m/s2
until coming to a halt.

(a) What is the maximum

velocity reached by
the rocket sled?
v1x = v0x + a0x(t1 – t0) (b) What is the total distance traveled by
= a0xt1 the rocket sled?
= (50 m/s2)(5.0 s) x1 = x0 + v0x(t1 – t0) + ½a0x(t1 – t0) = ½a0xt1
2 2

= 250 m/s = ½(50 m/s2)(5.0 s)2 = 625 m

x2 = x1 + v1x(t2 – t1) = 625 m + (250 m/s)(3.0 s) = 1375 m
v3x2 = 0 = v2x2 +2a2xx = v2x2 +2a2x(x3 – x2), so
x3 = x2 + (v3x2 - v2x2)/2a2x
= 1375 m + [0 – (250 m/s)2]/[2(-3.0 m/s2)] = 11,800 m
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 23/35
Example: Dropping a Ball
A person skateboarding with
a constant speed of 1.30 m/s
releases a ball from a height
of 1.25 m above the ground.
Use x0 = 0 and y0 = h = 1.25 m.
(a) Find x and y for t1 = 0.250 s.
(b) Find x and y for t2 = 0.500 s.
(c) Find the velocity, speed, and direction of the ball at t2 = 0.500 s.
x1  v0t1  (1.30 m/s)(0.250 s)  0.325 m
y1  h  12 gt12  (1.25 m)  12 (9.81 m/s 2 )(0.250 s) 2  0.943 m
x2  v0t2  (1.30 m/s)(0.500 s)  0.650 m
y2  h  12 gt22  (1.25 m)  12 (9.81 m/s 2 )(0.500 s) 2  0.0238 m
vx  v0  1.30 m/s v y   gt2  (9.81 m/s 2 )(0.500 s)  4.91 m/s

v  (1.30 m/s) xˆ  ( 4.91 m/s) yˆ
v  vx2  v y2  (1.30 m/s) 2  (4.91 m/s) 2  5.08 m/s
  arctan  v y / vx   arctan ( 4.91 m/s) / (1.30 m/s)   75.2
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 24/35
Clicker Question 2:
Dropping the Ball
From the same height (and at the same time), one ball is
dropped and another ball is fired horizontally. Which one will
hit the ground first?

(A) the “dropped” ball

(B) the “fired” ball
(C) they both hit at the same time
(D) it depends on how hard the ball was fired
(E) it depends on the initial height

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 25/35

Example: A Rough Shot
Chipping from the rough, a
golfer sends the ball over a 3.0 m t1
high tree that is 14.0 m away.
The ball lands on the green at the
same level from which it was
struck after traveling a
horizontal distance of 17.8 m.
(a) If the ball left the club
at 54.0° above the horizontal
and landed 2.24 s later, what was its initial speed v0?
(b) How high was the ball when it passed over the tree?
vx  d / t  (17.8 m) / (2.24 s)  7.95 m/s v0  vx / cos   (7.95 m/s) / cos 54.0  13.5 m/s

t1  x / vx  (14.0 m) / (7.95 m/s)  1.76 s

y  y0  v y t1  12 gt12  v0 sin  t1  12 gt12

 (13.5 m/s) sin 54.0(1.76 s)  12 (9.81 m/s 2 )(1.76 s) 2  4.03 m
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 26/35
Example: A Home Run
A baseball is hit so that it
leaves the bat making a 30° angle g
with the ground. It crosses a
low fence at the boundary of the
ballpark 100 m from home plate
at the same height that it was
struck. (Neglect air resistance.)
What was its velocity as it
left the bat?
v0 x  v0 cos  ; v0 y  v0 sin  ;
x1  x0  v0 x (t1  t0 )  (v0 cos  )t1 ;
y1  0  y0  v0 y (t1  t0 )  12 g (t1  t0 ) 2  (v0 sin  )t1  12 gt12 ;

0  (v0 sin  )t1  12 gt12  (v0 sin   12 gt1 )t1 ; Therefore, x1  (v0 cos  )t1  (v0 cos  )(2v0 sin  / g );
x1  2v0 2 sin  cos  / g  v0 2 sin 2 / g ;
so t1  0 or t1  2v0 sin  / g ;
v0  x1 g / sin 2  (100 m)(9.80 m/s 2 ) / sin(60)  33.6 m/s

January 18, 2011 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 27/23

Clicker Question 3:
War at Sea

1 2

A battleship simultaneously fires two shells at two enemy

submarines. The shells are launched with the same initial velocity.
If the shells follow the trajectories shown, which submarine gets
hit first ?
(A) Submarine 1
(B) Submarine 2
(C) They are both hit at the same time
(D) It depends on the initial velocity
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 28/35
Horizontal Range of a Projectile
0  v0 yT  gT ; T  0

v0 y  12 gT  0

2v0 y 2v0
T  sin  0
g g
 2v0  v0 2
R  v0 xT   v0 cos  0   sin  0   2sin  0 cos  0
 g  g
2sin  0 cos  0  sin 2 0

v0 2 R is maximum
R sin 2 0
g when o=45o, so
that sin 2o = 1.
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 29/35
Example: An Elevated Green
A golfer hits a ball from the origin with an initial speed of 30.0 m/s at
an angle of 50.0° above the horizontal. The ball lands on a green that is
5.00 m above the level where the ball was struck.
(a) How long was the ball in the air?
(b) How far did the ball travel horizontally before ot landed?
(c) What is the speed and direction of the ball just before it lands?
y  y0  v y t  12 gt12  v0 sin  t  12 gt 2  h  h  v y t  12 gt12  0

 
t  v y  v y2  2hg / 2h  t  0.229 s and t  4.46 s

x  vx t  v0 cos  t  (30.0 m/s) cos 50(4.46 s)  86.0 m

vx  v0 cos   (30.0 m/s) cos 50  19.3 m/s

v y  v0 sin   gt  (30.0 m/s) cos 50  (9.81 m/s 2 )(4.46 s)  20.8 m/s

v  vx2  v y2  28.4 m/s   arctan v y / vx  arctan ( 20.8 m/s) / (19.3 m/s)   47.1
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 30/35
Example: To Catch a Thief
A police officer chases a master jewel
thief across city rooftops. They are both
running when they come to a gap between
buildings that is 4.0 m wide and has a drop
of 3.0 m. The thief having studied a little
physics, leaps at 5.0 m/s at an angle of 45° above the horizontal and clears
the gap easily. The police officer did not study physics and thinks he should
maximize his horizontal velocity, so he leaps horizontally at 5.0 m/s.
(a) Does he clear the gap? No!
(b) By how much does the thief clear the gap?
y  y0  v0 y t  12 gt 2 3.0 m  0  (5.0 m/s) sin 45t  12 (9.81 m/s 2 )t 2
3.0 m  0  0  12 (9.81 m/s 2 )t 2
t  0.50 s or t  1.22 s
t  6.0 m / 9.81 m/s 2  0.782 s x  x0  v0 xt  0  (5.0 m/s)(1.22 s) cos 45  4.31 m

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 31/35

Example: What A Shot!
The archerfish hunts by dislodging an
unsuspecting insect from its resting place
with a stream of water expelled from the
fish’s mouth. Suppose an archerfish squirts
water with an initial speed of 2.30 m/s at an
angle of 19.5° above the horizontal. When
the water reaches a beetle at
a height h above the water’s
surface, it is moving horizontally.
(a) How much time does the beetle have to react?
(b) What is the height h of the beetle?
(c) What is the horizontal distance d between the fish and the beetle?
v y  v0 y  gt  v0 sin   gt  0 t  v0 sin  / g  (2.30 m/s) sin19.5 / (9.81 m/s 2 )  0.0782 s
h  y0  v y t  12 gt 2  v0 sin  t  12 gt 2
 (2.30 m/s) sin19.5(0.0782 s)  12 (9.81 m/s 2 )(0.0782 s) 2  0.0300 m

d  x0  vx t  v0 cos  t  (2.30 m/s) cos19.5(0.0782 s)  0.170 m

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 32/35
Example: Basketball Throw
A basketball player stands 15.0 ft from the basket, which is 10.0 ft
above the floor. The ball leaves his hands 6.0 ft above the floor with an
initial velocity v0 that is directed at an angle  with the horizontal.
What are the conditions on v0 and  such that he makes the basket?
xf xf
x f  v0 cos  t  t  g
v0 cos  v0 
cos  2( x f tan   yi  y f )
y f  yi  v0 sin  t  12 g t 2
v0 sin  g x 2f 20

 yi  xf  v0 = 7.64 m/s
v0 cos  2  v0 cos  
2 v0  = 52.5°

g x 2f
 yi  x f tan  
2v02 cos 2 

0 20 40 60 80

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 33/35

Summary - 2D Kinematics
 Components of motion in the x- and y-
directions can be treated independently.
 In projectile motion, the acceleration is –g.
 If the launch angle is zero, the initial velocity
has only an x-component.
 The path followed by a projectile is a
 The range is the horizontal distance the
projectile travels.
January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 34/35
End of Lecture 9
 Homework Assignment #2 should be
submitted using the Tycho system by
11:59 PM tonight.
We will have our first Midterm Exam
on Friday, January 20.

January 19, 2012 Physics 114A - Lecture 9 35/35

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