School Health Modified Nov 2022

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School health

Outline :


Needs of school age

Common Health Problems of school age group:

School health program

Goal of school health program

Benefits of school health program

Importance of school health program

Component of school health program

Definition :

Children in the age group 6-18 attend school.

They are at a critical stage of the human life
cycle characterized by physiologic and
psychosocial changes that require special
attention from the health care system.
Needs of school age:

1-Happy home means that the home of the school

children must be secure. Student should feel support
physically and psychologically from their interested
2- Proper nutrition: it should contain all nutritional
elements especially protein, vitamins to ensure that
the child will grow well physically, mentally and
socially. Proper nutrition should give the child
enough energy to cope with demands of school life.
3- Free from fatigue school children should be free
from fatigue physically or psychologically.

4- Proper clothing and shoes: Students use uniform. It

overcomes the different level of socioeconomic status
between students. It should be tidy and clean.
5- Good sight, hearing & speech: the student has
aright in correct sight, hearing normally or by using
glass or hears aid. If there is any problem in speech
should be treated.
6- Free from handicaps: handicaps may be due to

7- Free from infection: it may be happen in case of

improper immunization and infectious disease.
Common Health Problems of school age group:
1- Malnutrition: this age group depends on beverages
and desserts in their food. They like snakes and fast
food. This type of food contains a lot of fat and sugar.
This makes them liable to obesity , iron deficiency
anemia, vitamin A deficiency.
2- Vision problem: it is very common problem. It may
be congenital or acquired.
3- Hearing problem: it is a crucial problem and
teacher can observe students through their attention,
answering question, direction of their head and ears.
4- Respiratory disease : it occurs due to improper
class environment and improper clothing. The weather
of school should be suitable to season e.g bronchial

5- Cardiac disease Many different types of heart

problems can affect children.
They include congenital heart defects, viral infections
that affect the heart, and even heart disease acquired
later in childhood due to illnesses or genetic
6- Accidents: it occurs inside or outside school as
road, traffic and sport occurs in the way
between home and school . The main cause of
accidents are unsafe transportation or school
7- Smoking. Cigarette smoking during childhood and

adolescence causes significant health problems among

young people, including an increase in the number and

severity of respiratory illnesses, decreased physical

fitness and potential effects on lung growth and function.

8- Psychological / emotional: emotional and
psychological abuse in children is defined as
behaviors, speech, and actions of parents,
caregivers, or other significant figures in a child’s life
that have a negative mental impact on the child.
School health program:
School health program is an integrated set of planned,
sequential, school-affiliated strategies, activities, and
services designed to promote the optimal physical,
emotional, social, and educational development of students

Goal of school health program:

Improving students’ knowledge, attitudes and skills in
Improving academic outcomes.
Improving health outcomes.
Improving social outcomes.
Benefits of School Health program:
*Improve student performance and test scores.
*Decrease risky behaviors.
*Reduce drop out rates.
*Less absenteeism.
*Less violence.
*Improve rates of physical activity.
Importance of school health program:
School age children are considered a very important
sector of the population due to the following reasons:

Biologically vulnerable: school children are in a

continuous stage of rapid growth and development.
Therefore the school health program influence all
future aspects of their health ( i.e physical, mental,
psychological, social and spiritual health).
Accessible: school health services cover the majority
of school health program.

Effectiveness of services: school health services have

immediate and long term health promoting effects on

Continuity of care: school children could receive

health services for at least 12 continuous years.
Therefore, any health problem could be detected
early and properly managed.
Components of school health program:
Objectives of the school health program:

It is designed to improve the health of students,

school personnel, families and other members of
the community.

Health promotion of school children to benefit

from their learning experiences.

Prevention and control of health hazards.

Ensure the provision of healthy learning
A comprehensive school health program includes the
following components:

Healthy and safe school environment.

Nutrition and food safety.
School health education.
Physical education and activity.
Emotional well-being, psychological guidance and

Health promotion of school staff.

Family, school and community partnership.
1-Health education
2-Physical education (PE)

Instructs students on how to be physically active for

3-Nutrition services

Encourage school breakfast programs.

Monitor available foods in school.
Discourage use of non-nutritious foods for rewards
Educate food school nutritionist on healthy meals.
Monitoring the sanitation of school cafeteria.

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