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Origin and

Nature of
By: Ramil Ephrem L. Sanchez
What is Theory?
A systematic and coherent set of concepts,
explanations, and principles that help us
understand and interpret phenomena.
Table of contents

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Origin of Nature Nature of Theory
• Ancient Philosophers • Dynamic
• Scientific Revolution • Interconnected
• The Enlightenment • Cultural Influence
Origin of Theory
Origin of Theory: Ancient Philosophers
Plato and Aristotle's emphasis on abstract reasoning, empirical
observation, logical analysis, and the pursuit of universal truths
profoundly influenced the development of theoretical
thinking. Their ideas and methods continue to shape
intellectual discourse and theoretical frameworks in
contemporary society.
Origin of Theory: Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution, which occurred during the 16th and
17th centuries, marked a transformative period in human
history, reshaping the way people perceived the natural world.
During this time, groundbreaking scientists like Copernicus,
Galileo, and Newton made significant contributions to the
development of scientific theories, challenging traditional
beliefs and laying the foundation for modern scientific
Origin of Theory: The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment era created an intellectual environment
that encouraged critical thinking, reason, and the pursuit of
knowledge. The ideas of thinkers like Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire,
and others shaped social and political theories, influencing the
formation of democratic societies and the protection of
fundamental human rights. These Enlightenment ideals
continue to impact political and social thought in the modern
Nature of Theory
Nature of Theory: Dynamic
The dynamic nature of theories is a fundamental characteristic of the
scientific method and intellectual growth. It reflects our ongoing quest for
understanding, our openness to new information, and our ability to adapt
our explanations in the face of expanding knowledge. The dynamic nature
of theories ensures that scientific and intellectual pursuits are always
evolving, pushing the boundaries of what we know and driving progress in
various fields of study.
Nature of Theory: Interconnected
The interconnected nature of theories refers to the complex
web of relationships that exist between different theories and
fields of study. It highlights how ideas, concepts, and principles
from one area of knowledge often overlap, influence, and
enrich other areas.
Nature of Theory: Cultural Influence
Cultural influence significantly shapes the nature of theories, making it
essential for scholars and researchers to recognize and respect cultural
diversity. Understanding the cultural contexts in which theories are
developed and applied is crucial for ensuring their relevance, effectiveness,
and ethical integrity in a globalized world. Cultural sensitivity and
awareness enhance the richness of theoretical frameworks, allowing for a
more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of human knowledge
and experience.

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