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Science, Technology, and

Course Title: Science, Technology, and Society
Course Description:
This course examines the interrelationship between science, technology, and
society. It explores how scientific and technological developments shape societal values,
norms, and behaviors, while also being influenced by them. Students will critically
analyze the impacts of science and technology on various aspects of human life, from
ethical dilemmas to policy decisions.
Course Objectives:
•1. To explore the interplay between science, technology, and society.
•2. To analyze the ethical, social, economic, and environmental impacts of scientific and
technological advancements.
•3. To develop critical thinking skills in evaluating and discussing contemporary scientific
and technological issues.
•4. To understand the historical and cultural contexts that shape scientific and
technological developments.
Course Outline
Part I - General Concepts and STS Historical Developments
• Definition and Purpose of Science and Technology
• Historical Development
• Science and Technology in the Philippines
Part II - STS and The Human Condition
• Breakthroughs in Science and technology
• The Age of Information Technology
• The Nanotechnology
• The Pros and Cons of Technology
Part III - Specific Issues in Science and Technology
• Ethical Issues in Science and Technology
• Environmental Impacts of Science and Technology
Part I

General Concepts
STS Historical Developments
Science Defined
• from the Latin word “Scientia” which means knowledge
• It refers to a system of acquiring knowledge about the natural and physical world
through an organized and systematic approach. (Cambridge Dictionary/Science made

Purpose of Science
• Explains everything that surrounds the natural world (Subject to change as new
evidences are found)
• Seeks ways to solve existing problems confronting human life
• Helps in the development of technology
• Explores current facts to construct new explanations to existing realities
Technology Defined
- is a result of the new-found knowledge being applied to engineering or the
creation of ways to simplify and facilitate human activities

- refers to the tools and techniques needed to control and manipulate the
environment and uplift human conditions

Purpose of Technology
- Improving the environment so that resources maybe sustained for future
- Simplifies human activities for daily survival
- Facilitates growth and innovation as it creates a higher and improved standard of
Highlights of the significant developments in the history of science from ancient civilizations to the

Ancient Civilizations
• Ancient Egyptians developed simple machines for building temples, tombs, sculptures, pyramids
• Ancient Mesopotamians developed early forms of writing (cuneiform) and arithmetic, the invention of the
wheel helped in trade, war, and transportation
Greek and Roman Period
• 586 – 526 BC : stated that when air condenses, it becomes visible (Anaximenes)
• 460 – 375 BC : Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, found out that diseases are caused by natural causes, not
because of superstitious beliefs
• 384 – 322 BC : Aristotle developed the concept of the Scientific method. He stated that the sun goes around
the earth
• 470 – 399 BC : Socrates applied philosophy in the study of human nature and Knowledge through Socratic
• 424 – 348 BC: Plato introduced “academy” as the first institution of higher learning
• 127 – 145 AD: Claudius Ptolemy, a Greco-Roman mathematician and astronomer, considered the earth as the
center of the Universe,
Medieval Period (took place after the fall of the Roman Empire 476 AD)
• The collapse of the Roman Empire resulted in the rise of the Dark Ages where there was a notable
intellectual decline
• Later developments include: the flourishing of the Islamic Age to developments in Medicine with Persian
doctors and chemists (Avicenna, wrote a medical encyclopedia which was used until the 18 th century)

The Renaissance (Rebirth)

• 14th - 16th Century: The Renaissance began in Italy, characterized by a revival of interest in classical
learning and the significant contributions of ancient Greece and Rome were revived
• 16th Century: Nicolaus Copernicus proposes the heliocentric model of the solar system(sun is the center
of the solar system), challenging the geocentric view.
• 16th Century: Johannes Kepler known for his Laws of Planetary motion which became the foundation of
Newton’s theory of universal gravitation
• 16th century: Galileo Galilei , an astronomer and the father of modern science, developed the telescope
to study heavenly objects
• 16th century: Leonardo Da Vinci (who painted Mona Lisa and The Last Supper) invented the flying
The Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution happened between the times of Nicholas Copernicus (1473-
1543) to that of Isaac Newton (1642-1727). The advancement in human thinking during
the scientific revolution brought forth the emergence of modern science.
•Copernican Revolution –
Paradigm shift from Ptolemy’s “the Earth was stationary in the center of the
universe – to – the theory of Copernicus that the Earth moves and that the sun is the
center of the cosmos which was known as Heliocentric theory.
•Keplerian Revolution –
The works of Johannes Kepler (1571- 1630) explained planetary orbits and their
motions. The orbit of planets around the sun is an ellipse.
•Galilean Revolution –
Galileo Galilei invented the telescope to observe the heavenly bodies
specifically the sun, moon and the planets. (revealed the mountains and craters of the
Law of constant acceleration of free-flowing bodies.(bodies of different weight
fall at the same rate)
•Newtonian Revolution –
Isaac Newton marked the shift from a finite qualitative cosmos to the view of
an infinite, quantitative universe. Newton’s Laws of Motion, Law of Universal Gravitation
Science and Technology in the Philippines
Significant Developments in Science and Technology
The varied period in the history of the Philippines shows the development in
the realm of science and technology that uniquely reflects the abilities of Filipinos.

Before Spanish Colonization:

- presence of alibata, an alphabet and writing system
- use of calendar, weaving, mining, shipbuilding, and house buildings provides
evidence as to the progressive knowledge in science and technology
- ability to extract medicines from plants and herbs
- building of Banaue Rice terraces (use of engineering, farming)
Hispanic Philippines (Spanish Rule)
- introduction of formal education (UST, earliest University)
- Engineering and Medicine are priority courses
- building of Intramuros
 Fr. Ignacio Mercado – first Filipino Augustinian botanist, promoted the creation of a botanical pharmacy
 Dr. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera- contributed to the understanding of Pott’s disease in 1881
 Dr. Leon Ma Guerrero – father of Philippine Pharmacy, experimented on medicinal plants to substitute
synthetic drugs
 Anacleto Sales del Rosario – father of Philippine Science and Laboratory, leading chemist during Spanish
period, he produced pure alcohol from “tuba”
 Dr. Manuel S Guerrero – initiated studies on beri-beri and cholera
American Period
- established Bureau of Science which conducted researches
- sciences focused on agriculture, trade, food production and medicine development
- Pres Carlos P. Garcia passed the Science Act of 1958 and established the National Science Development
The Contemporary Philippines
 During the Marcos period - revitalization of science subjects, exploration of Atomic Energy, established PAGASA,
Science high schools were established to promote science and technology
 During Pres. Corazon Aquino – creation of Department of Science and Technology, offered scholarships on
science and technology careers
Significant Contributors in Science and Technology

 Gavino C. Trono – a biologist who made remarkable contributions in

tropical marine phycology
 Angel C. Alcala – a biologist known for his studies on the
rehabilitation of coral reefs, created artificial coral reefs
 Ramon C. Barba – a horticulturist who made advancements in the
mango industry, made mango bear fruits 3 times a year
 Edgardo D. Gomez – initiated marine resources conservation
programs, pioneered breeding of giant clams
 Fe del Mundo – a pediatrician, founder of 1st pediatric hospital,
pioneered studies on infectious disease
 Eduardo Quisumbing – a botanist who contributed to the
advancement of plant taxonomy, medicinal plants
In your personal views, What are
the 3 most important scientific
and technological developments
in the past, and explain how
these inventions made an impact
on you in this present day, on
society, and on the environment?
Reflection Essay (not less than
300 words)
Part II

STS and The Human Condition

Breakthrough in Science and Technology

As key drivers to modern

change, science and technology
significantly impact not only
economies but health systems,
industries, infrastructure, and
even the educational systems.
The 21st century breakthrough
have transformed practices and
lives of people across the globe.
The Age of Information Technology
The industrial revolution which happened around 1700s, triggered the beginning of technological
innovations, which until the present is evolving. The rise of Information Communication Technology
(ICT) provided greater opportunities for people and countries to connect and market themselves for
greater economic prosperity. Barriers to communication between people from varied locations have
been removed through the Internet.
What is Information technology?
It is the transmission of information requiring the use of systems specifically computers, and
telecommunications, for storing, retrieving, and sending information.
* The 21st century – marked the advancement of Information Technology
Significant Impacts of Information Technology
 The rise of E-commerce
 Remote work
 Distance Education
 ICT and the Social Media
 Cyber Crimes
The Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology and Nanoscience are the study and application of extremely small particles which can be
used across all scientific fields such as biology, physics,engineering, and chemistry.

Applications of Nanotechnology
 In Medicine – nanomedicine can be implanted in the body,
help in regenerating biological tissues
 In Agriculture – nano-encapsulated release of fertilizers helps save
consumption of fertilizers
nano carriers containing genes, herbicides
 In Electronics – nanoelectronics can reduce power consumption, increase
capacity of memory chips
 In Warfare – nanoweapons produce hyperactive explosives and small robotic

 What is nanotechnology? - YouTube

Nanotechnology is not simply about making things smaller | Noushin Nasiri |
TEDxMacquarieUniversity - YouTube
The Pros and Cons of Technology
Technological Application Advantages/Impact Consequences Limitations
Advancement (Life Aspect)
(List down at least Ex: in medicine,
10) school, business, etc.
Part III

Specific Issues in Science and Technology

Ethical Issues
 Artificial Intelligence
Privacy and Surveillance
Faking technology
Automation of work
 Gene Editing
 Colonizing Space
Environmental Issues
 Global Warming
 Climate Change
Environmental Issues

• Industrialisation can be termed as the
head of all causes since it acts as a
major contributor to global warming.
As much as industrialisation brings
employment and investment into a
nation, it also brings climate change
and pollution with it. Industrialisation
is a major cause of the emission of
not just carbon-containing gases but
also poisonous gases like carbon
monoxide which can cause cancer.
What is climate Climate change is the process of
change? our planet heating up.

Our planet has warmed by an

average of 1°C in the last 100

This is already having huge

3 impacts across the planet for
people and wildlife.
Why is it happening?

The Earth’s climate is getting warmer because

of human activities.

We burn fossils fuels like coal, oil and natural

gas for energy, to generate electricity, to
power our cars and to use for heating and

We also cut down trees across our planet to

make space for things like farming and
expanding cities.

Why does it matter?

Climate change is
damaging natural
environments across
our planet:

• More extreme
weather events
• Sea level rise
• Melting ice caps and
sea ice
• Warming ocean

Give your reflections on the lessons taught by nature to humanity
triggered by the following issues/events:
1. Global Warming

2. Climate change

3. Pollution
Make a commitment on how you intend to help in your own
meaningful way to contribute to the global advocacy of mitigating the
environmental issues mentioned above.
1. How do you perceive the reciprocal relationship between Science and
Technology? Can you provide examples of how Science influences Technology
and vice versa?
2. What are your personal perspectives on the benefits and potential
drawbacks of technology? In your view, can technology sometimes lead to
more harm than good? Please elaborate on your reasoning.
3. From your viewpoint, can you identify and elaborate on three of the most
pivotal scientific and technological advancements, both historical and
contemporary? Explain why these developments have had a significant
impact on individuals, societies, and the environment, both locally and
4. In your perspective, can you pinpoint and explain three instances of
significant scientific and technological advancements that have had adverse
effects on individuals, societies, and the environment, both historically and in
the present day?

Science, Technology, and Society
(A Rudimentary Approach)
Authors: Magalona, Cruz, Evardone, Papel
Published by: Mindshapers Co. Inc (2020)
• Nature of Technology:
• What is Technology:
• Influence of Science, Engineering and Technology on Society and the Natural World:
• Technological Influence on Society
• by Mickeel Allen, Alvernia University
• How Technology Affects Our Lives – Essay
• Influence of Science, Engineering and Technology to Society and the Natural World Bozeman Science:
• The Differences between Science and Technology:
• How Technology Increased Human Development:

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