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Unit 4

Great Ideas
Past simple/ past continuos
Past simple
Choose the correct alternative

 1. I usually went home _____ the weekend.

 A) in B) when C) at B) of
 2. I didn’t go home ____ weekend because some friends came to stay.
 A) for B) last C) * D) at
 3. They arrived _____ three o’clock _____ the afternoon.
 A) at / in B) in / for C) when / ago D) last / *
 4. _____ Saturday evening we went out to a concert.
 A) Last B) In C) For D) On
 5. _____ we got home we listened to some music.
 A) For B) Last C) Last D) When
Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct
form, positive or negative.

 1 It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take)

 2 The film wasn’t very good. I didn’t enjoy it much. (enjoy)
 3 I knew Sarah was busy, so I ______________________her. (disturb)
 4 We were very tired, so we ______________________the party early. (leave)
 5 It was hard carrying the bags. They ___________________really heavy. (be)
 6 The bed was very uncomfortable. I ____________________well. (sleep)
 7 This watch wasn’t expensive. It _______________________much. (cost)
 8 The window was open and a bird ____________________into the room. (fly)
 9 I was in a hurry, so I _________________________time to call you. (have)
 10 I didn’t like the hotel. The room ____________________very clean. (be)
How to
use the
It’s break

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