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Producers and Other

Stakeholders of
In this lesson, we will connect the idea
of media languages to the idea of
audiences, producers and other
The audience of the message

The audience refers to the group of

consumers for whom a media message was
constructed as well as anyone else who is
exposed to the message. There are two
general types of media audience:
1. Mass Audience – are the
mainstream consumers
2. Niche Audience – a small group
of influential audience with a
unique taste
The producers of the message

The producers are the people

engaged in the process of
creating and putting together
media content to make a finished
media product
Other stakeholders in the process

Other stakeholders are the

libraries, archives, museums,
internet and other relevant
information providers
The Audience , being, the consumers of
the media message while the Producers
are the creators of such media message.
On the other hand, other stakeholders can
be the libraries, archives, museums,
internet and other relevant information
Make a 1-3 minutes video, that use to sell your
school to a particular audience. Consider the
use of appropriate icons, symbols, visual and
verbal language, music, colors, camera shots
and angles, etc. to engage and speak to this
audience. Audiences for this video could be
potential students who might enroll in the
school, parents of these students, school
trustees, a politician, etc.
Legal, Ethical, and
Societal Issues in
Media and Information
Copyright - a legal device that provides the
creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or
different inventive work the only real right to
publish and sell that job. Copyright
owners have the proper to manage the copy of
their work, together with the proper to
receive payment for that reproduction.
Violation of a copyright is named
Refers to the limitation and to the
prerogative (a right or privilege to a
particular individual or class) granted by
copyright law to the author of an ingenious
(original) work. samples of fair use
embrace statement, search engines,
criticism, news coverage, research,
teaching, library archiving and scholarship.
Copying or closely imitating the
work of another author,
composer, etc., with no
permission and with the intention
of passing the results off as
original work.
NETIQUETTE refers to a collection of
rules that governs what conduct is
socially acceptable in a web or digital
scenario. It’s a social code of network
communication. Netiquette is a set of
rules for behaving properly on-line. It
represents the importance of correct
manners and behavior on-line.
Your task:
Individual; Make an
How to stay safe and
secure online?
Digital Divide,
Addiction, and
Digital divide could be a term that refers to the
gap between demographics and
regions that have access to trendy info and
technology, and people that do not or have
restricted access. Before the late twentieth
century, digital divide referred
principally to the division between those with
and without phone access.
The digital divide generally exists between
those in cities and people in rural areas;
between the educated and the uneducated;
between socioeconomic groups; and,
globally, between the more and less
industrially developed nations.
Even among populations with some access to
technology, the digital divide can be evident in
the form of lower-performance computers,
lower-speed wireless connections, lower-
priced connections such as dial-up, and
limited access to subscription-based content
(Rouse, 2014)
Computer Addiction

A disorder in which the individual turns to

the Internet or plays computer games to
change moods, overcome anxiety, deal with
depression, reduce isolation or loneliness,
or distract themselves from overwhelming
-as unwanted, aggressive behavior among
school aged children that involves a real or
perceived power imbalance. The behavior is
repeated, or has the potential to be repeated,
over time. Both kids who are bullied and who
bully others may have serious, lasting
In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be
aggressive and include:
An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—
such as physical strength, access to embarrassing
information, or popularity—to control or harm others.
Power imbalances can change over time and in different
situations, even if they involve the same people.
Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or
have the potential to happen more than once.
Bullying includes actions such as
making threats, spreading rumors,
attacking someone physically or
verbally, and excluding someone from a
group on purpose.
Types of Bullying
There are three types of bullying:
Verbal bullying is saying or writing means
things. Verbal bullying
oInappropriate sexual comments
oThreatening to cause harm
2. Social bullying, sometimes referred to as
relational bullying, involves
hurting someone’s reputation or relationships.
Social bullying includes:
oLeaving someone out on purpose
oTelling other children not to be friends with
oSpreading rumors about someone
oEmbarrassing someone in public
3. Physical bullying involves hurting a
person’s body or possessions.
Physical bullying includes:
oTaking or breaking someone’s things
oMaking mean or rude hand gestures
Cyberbullying, according to (2019), is
bullying that takes place over digital
devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets.
Cyberbullying can occur through SMS,
Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or
gaming where people can view,
participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes
sending, posting, or sharing negative,
harmful, false, or mean content about someone else.
The most common places where cyberbullying occurs
• Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat, and Twitter
• SMS (Short Message Service) also known as Text
Message sent through devices
• Instant Message (via devices, email provider
services, apps, and social media
messaging features)
• Email

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