Evolution of Ob

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Evolution of Organisational



1. Sambit Kumar Sahu

2. Sourav Pattnaik
3. Sourav Triphathy
4. Subhasmita Behera
5. Sushree Sangita Das
The Art of Efficiency:
How Scientific and Bureaucratic
Theories Revolutionized Modern

Welcome to ‘The Art of Efficiency’ presentation. In this

talk, we will explore how scientific and bureaucratic
theories have revolutionized modern management. We will
discuss the key principles of these theories and their impact
on organizational efficiency.
 F.W Taylor – Father of Scientific Management
 He rose from the rank of an ordinary laborer to
the position of Chief Engineer.
 Conducted several experiments and concluded
that the amount of work a laborer was doing was
far less as compared to what he was supposed to
be doing.
 Hence, he proposed a number of suggestions to
solve this problem and in doing so he gave a
scientific outlook to management.
The Scientific Management Theory

The scientific management theory,

developed by Frederick Taylor, focuses on
improving efficiency by optimizing work
processes and standardizing tasks. This
theory emphasizes the importance of time
and motion studies to identify the most
efficient ways of performing tasks.
Principles of Scientific Management

1. Science, not Thumb Rule

2. Scientific Selection and Training of workers
3. Co-operation, not individualism
4. Maximum Output
5. Division of responsibility
Techniques of Scientific Management
1. Scientific study of work
1. Method study
2. Motion study
3. Time study
4. Fatigue study
2. Scientific task planning
3. Scientific selection and training of workers
4. Standardisation
5. Differential wage system
6. Specialisation
7. Mental revolution
Benefits of Scientific Management
 Benefits of Employer
1. Maximum Output
2. Industrial Peace
3. Benefit of Specialisation

 Benefits to Workers
1. Better Working Condition
2. More Remuneration
3. Improvement in Standard of Living
4. Increase in Efficiency
Critisism of Scientific Management
 Criticism by Owners
1. Difficult to Introduce
2. Only Suitable to large Scale Business
3. Dependency on Expert

 Criticism by workers
1. Fear of Retrenchment
2. Lack of Initiative
3. Opposition by Labour Union
4. Explotation of Labourers
Management Theory
Max Weber

 Max Weber, a German Scientist,

advocated the bureaucratic approach to
 His Views were, strict rules should be
framed to eliminate managerial
 He was opiniated that, success in big
organization was possible only with the
help of Bureaucratic Management.
The Bureaucratic management theory
The bureaucratic management theory,
developed by Max Weber, emphasizes the
importance of clear rules and procedures in
achieving organizational efficiency. This theory
emphasis the need for a hierarchical structure,
with clear lines authority and a division.
Principle of Bureaucratic management

 Hierarchy of authority
 Division of labour(specialization)
 Clearly defined rules and regulation
 Impersonal relationship
 Formal selection of employees
 Career development
Benefit of Bureaucratic management
 Division of Works Leads to Specialization
 Brings Regularity in the conduct of employee
 Competence being the basis of promotion, it increases the
efficiency of the employee
 Organisation Grows rapidly
Criticisms of Bureaucratic management

 Paper formality Increases

 Red- Tapism Increases
 Personal Relations are ignored
 Lack of initiative in the workers
 Workers oppose change
In conclusion, the scientific and bureaucratic management
theories have had a significant impact on modern management
practices. While these theories have their strength and
weakness, they have helped to improve organisational
efficiency and productivity. By understanding these theories, we
can continue to develop new and innovative management
practice to meet challenge of the modern workplace.
Thank you

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