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The city of Lipa in Batangas was thought to be where lomi first appeared.
However, as one of the best Batangas specialties, it may be found throughout
the province. The Filipino dish Lomi Batangas is a variation of lomi soup
made with pork bones, onions, peppers, pork meat, pork livers, kikiam, eggs,
pork rinds,
​ ground pork, onions, garlic, pepper, and eggs. With a dip
consisting of soy sauce, onions, chiles, and calamansi, it is typically
consumed. The Lomi Batangas is more appealing to Batanguenos since it
contains more vegetables, thicker broth, and more meat toppings.
One of the Lipa Batangas Cuisines that is really
famous, and it has a several types existing in
every corner, area of Lipa Batangas, this one is
Another must-try in Lipa is the Tsokolate Tablea. This is the perfect ingredient for
making drinks for those who have a sweet tooth. Cacao chocolate drinking has been
a long tradition in Batangas and the province is one of the best producers of cacaos.
To make Tsokolate Tablea, the locally harvested cacao is heated and ground. This is
then made into Tablea, which are cacao balls that local cafes use to brew the famous
hot chocolate drink.

Stop by any cafe in Lipa and ask for a Tsokolate Tablea drink. You can also pick up
some to bring home from Bryan’s Pure Tablea de Cacao, located in Barangay
Bolbok. Authentic recipes call for melting the Tablea with water, sugar, and milk.
Then, a special tool called Batidor is used to stir the chocolate into thick and sweet
Also called sikumani, Bikong Batangas is a local rice snack
or kakanin typically sold in eateries, pasalubong shops, and public
market stalls around Lipa. Bikong Batangas is made with brown
sugar, malagkit (sticky rice), gata (coconut milk), and latik (coconut
caramel). This is mixed together and topped with the delicious ground
and roasted peanuts. Get some from Aling Meding’s Special Kakanin at
City Park Avenue, Lipa, Batangas.
Bikong Batangas is so famous that there’s even a festival dedicated to it
— the Sinukmani Festival! This is held annually in Batangas City.
During the festival, locals and tourists can feast on long tables filled with
Bikong Batangas.
A dish that’s similar to Baguio’s peanut brittle is Lipa’s Panutsa.
While Baguio’s peanut brittle is typically light-colored, thin, and
comes with crunchy layers of peanut, Lipa’s Panutsa is denser and
darker. When making Panutsa, locals use darker-roasted peanuts
and caramelized brown sugar. These ingredients are molded into
circles and packed in cling wrap.
Panutsa is a favorite treat of those who love mildly sweet snacks
and peanuts. In the past, Batangueños love cutting up pieces of
this delicacy to sweeten their tea, too! It’s definitely worth picking
up from the market or pasalubong center and trying.
This list can’t end without one of the most popular broth dishes in the Philippines:
Sinigang. Well-loved for its incredibly sour taste and savory stewed meat, there are
many different versions of this dish around the country. In Lipa, Batangas, they
have Sinigang na Maliputo. Made from a rare freshwater fish only found in Taal
Lake, it’s a must-try provincial delicacy. The Maliputo is a naturally flavorful fish.
Once cooked, it has a salty and sweet taste. These flavors are highlighted by the rich
and sour broth of the Sinigang. The Sinigang na Maliputo partners well with
Tagaytay patis or bagoong, which complement the natural flavors of the fish and the
sour flavor of the broth. Enjoy a bowl of this with freshly cooked rice at Hapag
Filipino Restaurant, found in Gen.Luna St, and you’ll have an unforgettable meal!
Sinaing na Tulingan is a Filipino Fish Recipe that translates to braised fish. The recipe
makes use of bullet tuna. It is a type of saltwater fish locally known in the Philippines as
Pancit Guisado is a Filipino noodle dish. It is also known as Pancit Bihon
Guisado. This dish is composed of rice noodles, shredded chicken, shrimp, and
vegetables. The noodles are locally called Bihon. The word Guisado refers to the
method used in cooking the dish. It simply means sautéed. Pancit is a symbol for
long life. It is served during special occasions. A typical birthday menu should
have Pancit. This dish also attributed to the Christmas season. It is a favorite
during potluck Christmas parties. It is also one of the dishes that I recommend for
Christmas dinner or Noche Buena.
I personally like to cook Pancit Guisado because it is quick and easy to prepare.
This is your typical short order dish. It takes less than 30 minutes to complete
provided that the shredded chicken is prepared in advance.
Tawilis is a small fish reaching up to 15 cm only with laterally
compressed bodies and known to exist entirely in fresh water. Tawilis
population can only be found in the lake of Taal, third largest lake in the
Philippines. Tawilis is processed in various products. It can be dried, salted,
and sold as daing. They can also be smoked and bottled in oil but the best
could be fried and dip in vinegar.
Because of several factors like overfishing and single population in one
location, Tawilis is considered as endangered species in 2019. In February
2021, some Tawilis were taken out of Taal Lake due to Taal Volcano's
increasing volcanic activity as part of the conservation project and resettled
in University of the Philippines Los Banos' Limnological Station funded by
Department of Science and Technology.

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