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Assessment of Learning

Joel S. Guileb
Principles of Good Practices
Topic for Today in Assessing Learning
 You will form a group, based on the number
of items.
 Each member will be assigned a number.
 Your group will be given assigned a principle
of assessment to analyze and discuss.
 Each member should capture the group’s
Heads Together
understanding of the assigned principle of
 A number will be drawn and whoever has
that number will deliver the group’s answer.
(No reading of answers.)
10 minutes four group
Time Allotment 2 to 3 minutes to present the
group’s answer to the class
1 minute feedback
1. The assessment of
Principle student learning starts
1 with the institution’s
mission and core values.
2. Assessment works best when the
program has clear statement of
Principle 2 objectives aligned with the
institutional mission and core values.
3. Outcomes-based assessment
focus on the student activities that
will still be relevant after formal
schooling concludes. The
Principle 3
approach is to design assessment
activities which are observable
and less abstract.
4. Assessment requires attention not
only to outcomes but also and equally
to the activities and experiences that
Principle 4 lead to the attainment of learning
5. Assessment works best when it is
continuous, ongoing, and not episodic.
Assessment should be cumulative
Principle 5 because improvement is best achieved
through a link series of activities done
over time in an instructional cycle.
6. Begin by specifying clearly and
exactly what you want to assess.
What you want to assess is/are
Principle 6
stated in your learning
outcomes/lesson objectives.
7. The intended learning
outcome/lesson objectives
Principle 7 NOT content is the basis of the
assessment task.
8. Set your criterion of
Principle 8 success or acceptable
standard of success.
9. Make use of varied tools for
assessment data-gathering and
Principle 9
multiple sources of assessment
10. Learners must be
Principle 10 given feedback about
their performance.
11. Assessment should be on
real-world application and not
Principle 11 on out-of-context drills.
12. Emphasize on the
assessment of higher-order
Principle 12 thinking.
13. Provide opportunities
Principle 13 for self assessment.

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