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Presented by : Anisha Bhujel

Roll No: 19030615

P.U Registration Number : 2018-2-03-1349
Camad College.
How can energy governance be improved at the national
and international levels to ensure a sustainable and
affordable energy supply? How it will help to mitigate the
environmental impacts of energy production and
consumption promoting energy security and fostering
social and economic development?
Improving energy governance at national and international levels is crucial for ensuring a sustainable
and affordable energy supply, mitigating environmental impacts, promoting energy security, and
fostering social and economic development. Here are several key strategies to achieve these goals:

• Policy and Regulatory Frameworks:

Governments should develop clear and consistent policies and regulations that
support sustainable energy development.
• International Cooperation and Collaboration:
Nations need to work together to address energy challenges. This
can involve sharing best practices, technology transfer, and
collaboration on research and development.
• Renewable Energy Promotion:
Governments should prioritize the development and deployment of renewable energy sources,
such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power.
• Energy Efficiency Measures:
Improving energy efficiency is crucial for reducing energy
waste and ensuring affordability. Governments should
implement energy efficiency standards for appliances,
buildings, and industrial processes.
• Stakeholder Engagement and Public Participation:
Inclusive decision-making processes involving relevant
stakeholders, such as local communities, industry
representatives, and civil society organizations, are crucial
for effective energy governance.
• Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:
Governments should invest in capacity building programs to enhance technical and managerial skills
in the energy sector.
• Access to Energy:
Governments should prioritize universal access to
modern, clean, and affordable energy services.
• Innovation and Technology Deployment:
Governments should support research and development
in clean energy technologies, such as advanced storage
systems, smart grids, and energy management systems.

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