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Zenith Energy

The Future is Green Energy and

Renewable Energy.
Solutions for Climate Change

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Why Act-On Climate Change
• It is crucial because it's about ensuring a safe and comfortable home.
• Protecting our loved ones from potential environmental harm, making sure basic needs
like clean water, energy, and food.
• Acting on climate change is super important because it keeps our planet healthy, makes
sure we have clean air and water, saves money, creates jobs, and brings people from all
over the world together to build a better future for everyone.
Renewable Energies
Renewable energies come from natural sources that are
continuously replenished, making them sustainable and
environmentally friendly.

• Solar Energy
• Wind Energy
• Hydropower
• Geothermal Energy
• Tidal Energy
• Biomass Energy
The Sun
Solar energy has enormous potential due to its
abundance and sustainability. By harnessing the
power of the sun, we can generate clean
electricity, reduce reliance on finite resources, and
combat climate change. The ongoing
advancements in solar technology make it a key
player in the transition to a more sustainable and
energy-efficient future.

Sun energy, or solar power, comes from the sun. We use it to make electricity with solar panels
and heat water for homes. It's clean, abundant, and helps us without hurting the planet.
Waves and Tides
Wave energy harnesses the power of ocean waves for electricity, using
devices like buoys. Tidal energy captures energy from the regular rise
and fall of tides, generating power through underwater turbines. Both
offer reliable, renewable sources of energy from the constant motion of
water bodies, contributing to a sustainable energy future.
Energy Storage
Solar panel energy storage involves capturing
and storing electricity generated by solar panels
for later use. This is typically done using
batteries, like lithium-ion batteries. When the
sun is shining, excess electricity generated by
solar panels is stored in these batteries. During
periods without sunlight, stored energy is then
released, providing a continuous and reliable
power supply even when the sun is not shining,
making solar energy available day and night.
Thank you very
Business Mail


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