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Communication and Demand Promotion skill


On COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout and campaign

for social mobilizers
31, May/2022
Outline of presentation
• Learning objectives
• Role of HCW for C-19 vaccination
• Rational of communications for C-19 vaccination
• Techniques of good communication
• Demand promotion/ generation strategy
• Capacity building
• How to talk about C-19 vaccine
• What is vaccine hesitancy and what should I do
• Risk /crisis communication
• HCW role in crisis communication
• summery
Learning objectives
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe the importance of communication for COVID-19 vaccine roll out
and campaign
2. Describe the communication process, demand promotion strategies and
interpersonal communication skills
3. Identify target audience for advocacy, social mobilization, community
engagement and risk communication during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout
and campaign.
4. Identify key communication and demand promotion strategies and activities
5. Effectively communicate with community members and stakeholders about
the COVID-19 vaccination
6. Help to promote acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines and other routine
immunization among the communities
Rationale of Communication for COVID-19 vaccination

To establish public trust, confidence,

acceptance and demand on COVID-19
vaccine and encourage uptake of vaccines by
eligible populations
Techniques for good communication
1. Before
Set aside time
to give
7. End of attention 2. On arrival
warmly and
and request
praise for
commitment to

Techniques for
communication 3. In session
6. In session
Ask questions to
expression of
understanding ideas and

4. In session
5. In session
Listen actively
to show For additional information on good
concerns with
interest and communication, see Interpersonal
empathy Communication on Immunization:
Demand Generation Strategies and approaches

Advocacy Strategy
Advocacy can be done through:
• High-level advocacy meetings at different levels
(ministers, parliamentarian, etc.)
• Engaging influencers and role models (religious
and community leaders, local celebrity or
influencers, etc.).
• Organize and conduct launching ceremonies at
diff. levels.
• Woreda, zonal/sub city or facility level advocacy
Mainstream Media Engagement
• Conduct a one/two-day training on COVID-19 vaccine for the journalists and
reporters who will become the key advocates for the vaccine and in responding to
rumors, misinformation and fake news
• Prepare talking points on COVID-19 vaccine updates & conducting regular press
briefing .
• Prepare a press release –launching
• Field visit and expert interview – news coverage very often, panel & documentary
• Share the contact information of the designated spokespersons at national and
subnational level with the media agencies for timely and accurate information


Social Media Engagement /utilization
• Offers significant potential for communicating about COVID-19 vaccine safety
directly to the public- both .

-both on personal and organizational account

• Convenient way to communicate regularly and give real-time updates

• Importantly, majority of rumors and outrage go viral within few seconds

• Building social media presence and communication is critical to:

o Raise the public awareness- THIKVAH

o Monitor public concerns and gather information to address communities’ questions,

concerns and feedback on COVID-19 related issues
National and Regional Toll-free Hotline Phone
Addis Ababa 8335, 6406 or 952
Tigray 6244
Oromia 6955
Amhara 6981
SNNPR 6929
Dire Dawa 6407
Somali 6599
Sidama 7794
Afar 6220
Harari 6864
Gambella 6184
Social & Community
Conduct mobilization activities by engaging
• Civil society organizations
different stakeholders including:
• Public & private sectors
• Government ministries/organizations
• Community-based organizations
• National and regional media agencies
• Professional associations, and
• International and local NGOs
• Communities and families
• Faith-based organizations
• Special need populations
Community engagement- considerations

Considerations- community engagement

The trigger for action .
Understan Community dynamics and dimension- “one
d size may not fit all “.
How to support .
Evidence based to shape contextually
relevant and appropriate interventions .
Participatory & inclusive of people
with disabilities and special need
population , IDP/ Refugees, segment
Empowerment- Local
population (women/youth) …
Community mobilizers/influencer .
engagement to
consider… Dialogue always to be real two way.

Adaptable and localization in away

building local capacity for future use
of EPI related demand generation
and COVID_19 vaccine .
Capacity Building
This will be done as part of integrated The capacity building focuses on:
training for: • Demand generation/promotion
• The frontline health workers, plan
• Health extension workers (HEWs), • Risk communication plan
• Family health team (PHCU) • Techniques of community dialog
• Health education and information
dissemination officers
• Hotline/call center Counselor
• Media/journalist/reporters, SC/zonal
public relations
• Designated spokesperson (media forum
• And social mobilizers
• Principles of understanding-
understanding of message to the
recipient -this is all about -message
clarity .
Principles of •Complete ( leaving no space for any
doubts likely not to confuse the
communications- recipient as incomplete information
while engage : mislead .
•Principle of attention – message be
expressed in pleasant sound manner.
•Principle of brevity – message must be
brief .
Principles of timeliness- must be high time,
when needed .
When much in advance – the danger of
forgetting , while delay -loss of its purpose .
Principles of The principles of appropriates- must be
communications rational in the context of org objectives.
continued …
Principles of feedback – must be two ways

The principles of constructive .

Avoiding polarization

Good Listen each other

as part of IPC Requires conversational competency

Don’t have multitask

Be present .
Effective communication :

•Be concise : when you be concise

• you pay attention
• Remembered easily
• Have more impact
•Be polite.
•Don’t listen with the intent to replay- rather listen
with the intent to understand .
Diseases had already begun to disappear

Majority of people who get vaccinated has got the

disease .
Understand common
vaccine misconceptions “Hot lots” of vaccine have been associated with
/at least the 10 top more adverse events .
question/ like reason for
refusal . Vaccines cause harmful side effects, illnesses, and
even death .

Multiple vaccinations at same time increase risk of

harmful side effects .
This (5C) helps in response to
the questions from
Apply concept of community and the way it
“Five C “to tackle handled the question.
the hesitancy & Need to be multi-faceted
refusal approach that address the
key behavioral factors .
Recommendations from trusted health care
1- workers professionals and public health figures
to allay fears
Facilitate community dialogs to understand the
and trust : cause of mistrust in vaccine .
safety and
efficacy of Transparent dialog that respect community
concern about vaccine safety and efficacy
Communication of uncertainty with clarity
around the vaccine benefit
Empathetic risk communications though
trusteed source of information’s – such as
HCW, public figures in the community .
2. Complacency :
perception of low
risk and disease Avoid polarizing labels – such as anti vaxxer
severity and conspiracy – focus on greater societal
benefit of vaccine .

Support individual to understand the risk

and benefit through their own engagement
with credible source of information’s
Refers to the degree to which the comfort,
convenience, time, place, and quality of a
vaccine affects uptake of the vaccine.

This continuum ranges from total

3. Convenience acceptance to complete refusal.

The concern is that hesitancy can lead to

refusal, and unvaccinated clusters may
emerge as disease outbreaks
Social media platform - exercise in more
accountable -sign pledge in countable to remove
misinformation /disinformation/harmful content .

Avoid narrow focuses on misinformation and

4: Communications_ acknowledge public concern about vaccine safety
source of
Engage in dialogue and highlighted the benefit of
vaccine to the country/community …

Government sharing misinformation illegal

Targeted community engagement
( segregate- youth, women , religious ,
mothers etc ).
5: Context : social
-demographic Use community champion- faith leaders ,
characteristics respected figures about safety and efficacy
of the vaccine

Culturally competent , multilingual , visual

appealing message in the community /in
the hesitant community .
Keys to effective communication

• Credibility
• Trust / Honesty
• Mutual respect
• Commitment
• Expertise (including good
quality information)
• Empathy
• Recognition that individual
decisions may be based more
on values than on evidence .
How to talk about COVID-19 vaccine- IPC

Source and additional information:

How to talk about COVID-19 vaccine - IPC– cont.

Source and additional information:

How to talk about COVID-19 vaccine- IPC – cont.

Source and additional information:

How to talk about COVID-19 vaccine –IPC – cont.

Explore reasons for not wanting to

get vaccinated in order to provide
further discussion and support

Source and additional information:

How to talk about COVID-19 vaccine- IPC – cont.

Side Effects

Source and additional information:

How to talk about COVID-19 vaccine- IPC – cont.

Source and additional information:

What is vaccine hesitancy and what should I do?


Accept Accept, Accept Refuse, Refuse

all but some, delay but all
vaccine unsure and refuse unsure vaccine
s some s

Offer positive Focus on their

encouragement Discuss to better concerns:
: "That is understand questions and Show respect and do
wonderful!" concerns: "Tell me more not argue. Point to
about that." Respond with trusted community
empathy. members and

For additional information :

Examples of “how to respond” to hesitancy with empathy:

"I know vaccinating will help Health worker: “I understand that you want
me, but I am afraid of side- to make the best choice for yourself. What side-
effects." effects are you concerned about?”

"I am not sure what to do. Health worker: "I can see you are questioning
My community leader vaccines. How do others you know deal with
objects to vaccines." vaccination? What are your concerns?"

"I read rumours about Health worker: “Social media and websites can spread
COVID-19 vaccine online. I false information. You can get the latest on COVID-19
do not know what to believe.” vaccine from the source I trust at I am
also here to answer your questions.”

For additional information :

Community dialog approach as a guide
• Provide the basic facts about the subject matter – in this case COVID 19 vaccine
, from very general about all vaccine to specific “C- 19 vaccine”
• Ass the risk perception ( individual and societal) about the disease .
• Discuses on the impact ( social-economic )
• Then go to individual knowledge assessment
• like :-
• ስለቫይረሱ( ወረርሽኝ) አስከፊነት ምን ያህል ያዉቃሉ /ታወቃላቸሁ /severity of the disease.
• ለወረርሽኙ ያለዎት አመለካከት , perception abut the disease
• ስለ ማንኛዉም ከትባት የሎት እይታ , perceptions about vaccine
• ስለኮቪድ 19 ክትባት ያሎት እይታ , perceptions about COVID 19 vaccine
Community dialog approach as a guide …
• ሰዎች ለምን መከተብ ይፈራሉ/ እርሶስ , Why do you think people get afraid to vaccinate
• ሰዎች ለምን የተከተቡ ይመስሎታል , Why do you think others get vaccinated ?
• ስለከትባቱ ማወቅ የመትፈልጉት /የሚፈልጉት ነገር ካለ (አለ), Anything you want to know about
C-19 vaccine ?
• ስለወረርሽኝ መረጃ ከየትና እንዴት ነዉ የሚያገኙት , Where & how do you get information
about C-19 pandemic
• ስለክትባት መረጃ ከየትና እንዴት ነዉ የሚያገኙት?, Where & how do you get information
about vaccines .
• ስለኮቪድ 19 ክትባተስ መረጃ ከየትና እንዴት ነዉ የሚያገኙት ? Where do you get information
about C-19 vaccine
• ለርሶ ተመራጭ (ተአማኒ) የመረጃ መንጭ ማነዉ?/ ለምን ? Who is the most preferable /reliable
source of information .
• What are the most pressing concern you have ( to vaccinate or not to vaccinate ?
As a summery -point out about vaccine development
stage to build participants vaccine confidence .

• የመጀመሪያው ደረጃ ( phase 1) ክትባቱ እንዴት ይሰራል የሚለውን ጥያቄ ይመለከታል፡፡

• ደረጃ 2 ደህንነት እና ትክክለኛ መጠን (ዶዝ)ን የሚመለከት ሲሆን::
• ደረጃ 3 ደግሞ ክትባቱን ብቃት ይመለከታል ደረጃ 3 ሙከራ ከተጠናቀቀ በኋላ የክትባት አምራቾች
ለተቆጣጣሪ አካላት ማመልከቻ የሚያቀርቡበት ደረጃ ሲሆን ::
• ደረጃ 4 ከክትባት ስርዓት በኋላ ምርትን ከአሉታዊ ተጽእኖዎች መቆጣጠር መቀጠል እንዲሁም
ደህንነትን ማረጋገጥን(AEFI monitoring ) ይመለከታል፡፡
Purpose of risk communication

Source: Presentation on Key elements of risk communication by Helena Ballester Bon, Chair of the ESACRED Demand TWG / UNICEF ESARO
Source: Presentation on Key elements of risk communication by Helena Ballester Bon, Chair of the ESACRED Demand TWG / UNICEF ESARO
Source: Presentation on Key elements of risk communication by Helena Ballester Bon, Chair of the ESACRED Demand TWG / UNICEF ESARO
Source: Presentation on Key elements of risk communication by Helena Ballester Bon, Chair of the ESACRED Demand TWG / UNICEF ESARO
Source: Presentation on Key elements of risk communication by Helena Ballester Bon, Chair of the ESACRED Demand TWG / UNICEF ESARO
Source: Presentation on Key elements of risk communication by Helena Ballester Bon, Chair of the ESACRED Demand TWG / UNICEF ESARO
Health worker’s role in crisis communication and AEFI*
As a vaccinator, do not speak to the media if they
Make sure you know who the COVID-19 vaccine
approach you about a serious illness after
AEFI focal point is for your area.
Reassure community members that the vaccine is • Refer the media to the AEFI focal point who will have
given to protect them from COVID-19. up-to-date information on what has happened and
what needs to be done.
Explain why the vaccination is given, benefits
of vaccination, safety of the vaccine, common side-
effects, and care for side-effects. Communicate with the community. Tell them an
investigation is being carried out by the
If you see that a person recently vaccinated has government.
fallen seriously ill after vaccination: • Show empathy to the family and the community.
• start treatment immediately, refer to the appropriate • Do not give incorrect/false information.
health facility as needed; and • Tell them that you will share follow-up information at
• inform your supervisor and/or AEFI focal point a specific date/time.
immediately (over the telephone); complete the • If no additional information is available at that time,
COVID-19 vaccine AEFI reporting form within 24 maintain communication and provide them a new
hours. follow–up time.

* For more information on AEFI, please refer to the Module 5 on COVID-19 vaccine AEFI monitoring
In summery
• A mobilizer at all level -need to have interest in COVID 19 vaccine mobilization.
• Those vaccinated for C-19 vaccine & /or pro vaccine and have confident in
vaccine .
• Those who have better communication skill, accepted ( respected ) in the
community /village or block.
• Start today ( learn from the previous R1 & 2) campaign .
• All media outlet – news coverage +
• Use all possible means – locally acceptable/adoptable .
• Involve all stakeholder - ( HEID /FHT +) to support the demand generation
• Document social mobilization best practices .
• Pre and intra campaign social mobilization assessment and review .

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