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PrEd 146n

Assessment in
Learning 1
Instructor: Mr. Helmar G. Ycong

MODULE 11 || Lesson
Lesson 1.2 Basic Concepts
1.1 –– Roles in Assessment
of Assessment PrEd
PrEd 146n
146n || Assessment
Assessment in
in Learning
Learning 11
Foundations of Assessment
in Learning

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1
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Roles of Assessment
MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1
Learning Outcomes:
Identify given situations
according to the roles of

Differentiate the roles of


MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1
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Roles of Assessment
MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1
Why Assess Learners?

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

To monitor and aid learner’s
A teacher needs to be constantly aware
of what the learners know, what
difficulties they are experiencing, and
how best to help them

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

To provide learners with
evidence of their progress and
enhance motivation
Assessment results give learners
tangible evidence of their progress

Achieving short-term goals can boost

learners’ motivation: encourage them
to persist and to focus on areas they
need to work more

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

To monitor your performance
and plan your future work
Information can help you evaluate
your own work

Finding out how effective you have

been and how successful your chosen
method and materials were

You are able to plan & modify aspects

of your teaching
MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1
To provide information for
parents, colleagues and school
Teachers benefit when assessment
results are kept by the school and
passed on

Assessment results are seen as

evidence of teacher’s effectiveness

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

Purposes of Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning

Assessment OF Learning

Assessment AS Learning

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

Assessment FOR Learning
1. Placement
2. Formative
3. Diagnostic

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

- Prior to instruction

1. Assess the needs of the learners
2. Serve as starting point for instruction
3. Serve as grouping

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

- During instruction

1. Monitor the students’ level of
attainment of learning objectives
2. Know learners’ strengths and
weaknesses and the progress of their

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

- During instruction

1. Determine students’ recurring or
persistent difficulties
2. For remedial instruction
3. Know student’s learning problem not
revealed in the formative assessment

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

Assessment OF Learning
- Done after instruction
- Summative assessment

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

Assessment OF Learning
1. To know students’ level of their
proficiency or competency
2. For grading purposes
3. For reporting to stakeholders
4. For educational reforms
5. To determine whether instructions
have successfully achieved the
curriculum outcomes

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

Assessment AS Learning
Requires teacher to undergo training on
how to assess learning and be equipped
with the competencies needed in
performing their work as assessors

The use of a task or an activity to allow

students the opportunity to use
assessment to further improve their own

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

Where the students If instructional
are, or what they objectives are
already know achieved

is used to

Students’ weaknesses If students master the

for remedial objectives of the lesson with
instruction the purpose of giving grades

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1


Thank You!

MODULE 1 | Lesson 1.2 – Roles of Assessment PrEd 146n | Assessment in Learning 1

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