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- Is an inherit power by which the sovereign

state imposes financial burden upon person
and properties as a means of raising revenue
in order to defray necessary state expenses.
- Galleon Traiding
- Bandala system
-Polo y servicio
- Econmienda system
- (CTC) or cedula serves as proof of
residency and citizenship in the country
where it was issued. It is a primary form of
identification in our country.
- Is the initial package of the comprehensive
tax reform program or CTRP signed into law
by President Rodrigo Duterte on December
19, 2017.
Kinds of taxes
- Income tax
- Donor’s tax
- Estate tax
- Valued-added-tax
-Capital gains tax
- Excise tax
- Documentary tax
Income Tax
- Tax on all yearly profits arising from property,
possessions, trades or offices.

- Tax on a person’s income emoluments and profits.

Donor’s tax
- Tax imposed on donations inter-vivos or
those made between living persons to take
effect during the lifetime of the donor.
- Estate Tax is a tax on the right of the deceased person
to transmit his/her estate to his/her lawful heirs and
beneficiaries at the time of death and on certain
transfers, which are made by law as equivalent to
testamentary disposition
Value-Added Tax
- is a form of sales tax. It is a tax on consumption
levied on the sale, barter, exchange or lease of
goods or properties and services in the Philippines
and on importation of goods into the Philippines.
Capital Gains Tax
- Tax imposed on the gains presumed to have
been realized by the seller for the sale, exchange
or other disposition of real property located in
the Philippines, classified as capital assets.
- Tax applicable to specified goods
manufactured in the Philippines for domestic
sale or consumption.
Documentary tax
- Tax on documents, instruments, loan
agreements, and papers, agreements, evidencing
the acceptance, assignment, sale or transfer of an
obligation, rights or property incident thereto.
- perceived as the organization of convictions (reasoning,
religion), values (ethics, morals, ideas of good and bad),
improves, personal conduct standards and survival
procedures collective by the group, or society (nation) after
about period and conveyed by different resources over ages.
Cultural Heritage
- contains substantial legacy, the land,
oceans, wildlife and vegetation and other
shared resources, including the perils, risks
and deceptions in these islands.

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