Weeks 3-4

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English II (En)

Weeks 3-4

Prepared by: Diaa' Al Disuqui

Assistant Lecturer
College of Language and Communication

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Eng II En - Prepared by: Diaa' Al Disuqui 2
Eng II En - Prepared by: Diaa' Al Disuqui 3
Prefixes, P. 75


• 1- b
• 2- b
• 3- c
• 4- a
• 5- c
• 6- b
• 7- c
• 8- a
• 9- b
• 10- b

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5 Can you use the previous prefixes with other words?

Misspell, misjudge, mismanage

Pro-feminism, pro-Arabism (usually with concepts)

Eng II En - Prepared by: Diaa' Al Disuqui

Disentangle, dismantle, disapprove

Bipolar, bicycle
P. 76

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Language review, P.

Modal Perfect

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P. 78
Eng II En - Prepared by: Diaa' Al Disuqui
P. 149

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P. 149

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Perfect modals of ability, permission, and possibility

The ordinary modals of ability are can and could. The perfect modal of ability
is could have + past participle. Look at this sentence:
• He could have driven himself to work today, but he took the bus instead.
Now look at the negative.
• He couldn’t have driven himself to work today. That's why I picked him up.

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Perfect modal of permission and possibility

The ordinary modals pf permission are can and may. The ordinary modals of
possibility are may and might. When these modals become perfect modals,
they all become modals of possibility. Look at these sentences.
• Carlos may have fixed his car if he had had the chance.
• I might have studied harder if I had known that the test would be this
• She might not (may not) have come if she had known it would snow.

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Perfect modals of advice

You may be familiar with the ordinary modals of advice, should and ought
to. Look at these sentences when they are changed to perfect modals.
• I should have called you before I left..
• They ought to/should have finished working by now.

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The perfect modal would have

The perfect modal would have… is often used in a conditional sentence

to express regret.
• I would have bought a better car if I had known that this one would break

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Perfect modals of necessity and obligation

The ordinary modals of necessity and obligation are must and have to. Let us
see what happens when they become perfect modals.
• He must have seen the Statue of Liberty. He came to New York by ship.
• She has to/ought to have read that book. Her professor assigns it every year.
• We must have filled out the forms wrongly. They didn’t process our credit
card application.

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Exercise A, P. 78

• No
• Yes
• No
• No
• Not sure
• Yes
• No
• Not sure

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Exercise B, P. 78

• Should have signed

• Could have told me
• Correct
• Must have made
• Correct
• Correct
• Must have been
• Should have made

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Now, answer the following...
• Everyone (attend) yesterday's meeting. The CEO discussed the new budget.
ought to have attended
• The management (sell) some shares if they wanted to raise money.
might/may have sold
• This has been mentioned in class, you (concentrate) with the doctor.
should have concentrated
• This is the first time Yasmin is late, something wrong (happen) with her.
must have happened
• I can't believe that the CEO resigned after all these successes. He (be
crazy) when he did so.
must have been crazy

• If we had planned properly for the campaign, we (make) bigger profits.

could/would have made
Eng II En - Prepared by: Diaa' Al Disuqui 19

Thank you

Eng II En - Prepared by: Diaa' Al Disuqui

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