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Branch Of Engineering


Semester - 5th

Date – 26 - 10 -

Subject – Mini project

Coordinator - ANUJ SIR

Arduino robotic Arm & Mecanum wheel Robot

Name of the students

Dheeraj kumar


Uid – 22BEM80006



- Automation:

- Design a versatile robot for task automation.

- Assistance:

- Create a robot to assist in manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics.

- Education:

- Develop a learning tool for robotics education.

- Efficiency:

- Improve task efficiency and precision through automation.


Common problems for This Project:

 Precision: Achieving accurate movements can be difficult.

 Control Complexity: Coordinating arm and wheel movements
may be challenging.
 Power Supply: Ensuring a stable power source can be an issue.
 Integration: Combining the arm and wheels seamlessly may
present challenges.

Task definition:
Robotic Arm Design and Control:

 I will lead the design and assembly of the robotic arm, selecting the
appropriate components and ensuring precise control using Arduino
 Integration with Arduino:
 I will focus on connecting the robotic arm to the Arduino board and
developing the control software for the arm's movements.
 Programming and Testing:
 I will be responsible for writing the code that controls the arm's movements
and testing its functionality.

 Shikshant’s Responsibilities:

 Mecanum Wheel Platform:

 He will lead the design and assembly of the Mecanum wheel platform,
including the selection of Mecanum wheels and chassis components.

 Integration with Arduino:

 He will work on connecting the Mecanum wheel platform to the Arduino
board, ensuring accurate control and synchronized movements.
 Testing and Calibration:

 He will be responsible for testing the Mecanum wheel system and

calibrating it for precise omnidirectional motion.


 These are some published research papers that we have

used as a reference for our project.

 There are various types of articles or research papers on

this project, But these research papers are the most useful
ones that we have found on
See discussions, state, a nd autho r profiles for this publicat ion at: Inrtp s://’«.'v.'v.'.i esearc In ga te.iJet/publica tioiJ/2248

Design and control of mobile robot with Mecanum wheel

Conference P a p e r September 2009
Snurce: IEEE Xplore


26 12, 090

5 authors, including:

Kyri ng-Lyong Hen Of-Kyo Choi

Pohang University of Science and Technology Pohang University of Science and Technology


Hyosin Kim
’ Pohang University of Science and Technology
2 P U B L I C T I O H5 66 C IT@TD NS


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Design and Control of mobile Robot with Alecanum Wheel
Kyuiig-Lyoiig Hair, Oh-Kyu Choi, Jiiiu°ook KirH, Hyosin Kim, liii S. Lee
Departament of Electiical Eiigiiieeiiiig, Poliaiig Uiiiveisiy of Scieiice and Teclniology, Poliaiig, Korea
(Tel : -82-S4-279-5?74:E-mail: (sidabari, liyli10Hl, tn 0822, foruever, jsoo) Ca'

Abstract: lii this paper, we preseiit a desigur of ati oiiiiii-diiectioiial iiiobile robot with Mecaiiuiii wlieel and siiggest a
control metliod usiiig the fuzzy tecluiique. Our previoiis versioii of the iiiobile robot caii be uiistable diie to the
cliarac- teristic s of the custom-desigiied Mecaiiuiii wlieel or to the uiiexpected effect by siispeiisioii. To remedv
tliese defects, we propose veisioii of the ciistoiii-desigiied hlecaiiuin wlieel and a new stiiictuie desigur
of mobile robot. To iii- prove the peiJonnaiic e of the robot v e iiupleiiieiited a motor control algoritlnii usiiig the
fiizzy gaiii tuiiiiig sclieiiie. The expeiiineiital results iiidicate that the developed lioloiiomic iiiobile robot is
iii perfoiiiiaiice tliaii the previoiis robot.

Kejavords: Mobile robot, mecaiiinn wheel, oiinii-directional robot, dizzy system

1. INTRODUCTION compared with the previoiis control algoritlims
The reiuaiiidei of this is orgaiiized as
The oiinii-directional mobile platforms has the advan- follows.
Sectioii 2 iiitiodiices the new desigiied Mecaiiuiii
tages over the coiweiitioiial iiiobile one iii terns of *'*O* wlieel,
and Section 3 shows the stiiicmie of the iiiobile robot.
biliy particiilarly iii coiigested eiwiicinneiits, for Sectioii 4 describes the PID gaiii sclieduliiig metliod us-
exart1• ple, factories, offices, hospitals and elderly care Fig the fuzzy systems, followed by perfonnaiice
facili- ties. The special wheels and structine are tion iii Section S. Finally, we conclude this
exzlua- iii Sec-
¿O 6
needed for the mobile robot to have the omni-
directional iiiaiieiiver- ability. Three wheel suuctuie
using Omni-wheel’ and four wlieel smictuie usiiig 2. U'HEEL DESIGN
‘Mecaiium wlieel’ are the rep- reseiitative exaiiiples of Oau robot iises the special wlieel, called hlecaiiuiu
the oiuiii-diiectioiial platfoiiiis. Especially, the oiuiii- wlieel, to accoiiiplisli the oiinii-directioiial iiiovemeiit.
directioiial iiiobile platfoiiii with hlecaiiuin wlieels is Swedisli iiweiitor, Beiigr Iloii, caine up with the idea iii
iised iii case of reqiiiiiiig the stabilit of iiiovemeiit like as 1973 umeri lie vzs ati eiigiiieer with the Swedisli cor-
the fork lift, the wlieelcliair and so ori. patty Mecaiium AB. The Mecaiiuiii wlieel lias the free-
Oui oiuiii-directioiial mobile robot is oi igiiially de- iolliiig sub-wlieels positioiied at ati aiigle offset front
veloped as the iiiobile base for Mobile Haptic liiterfac the wlieel rotatioii aroiuid its circuiiifereiice. Tliis
e (MHI) [1] - [3]. hfHI refeis to a desktop liaptic special
cliaiacteristic of the wlieel allows
iiitei- face mouiited ori a iiiobile base. It caii provide by spiiining wlieels ori the front and rear axles iii
ati ini- liiiiited liaptic workspace by aiitoiioiiiously site
oppo- directioiis. Foixvard and backn zid iiioveineiits are
iiioviiig the iiiobile base to a locatioii wliere a user the saiiie as the com eiitioiial wlieels. By
norris to iiiteiact with virtual objects usiiig the force- coiiipoinidiiig tliese inoveiiieiits we caii coiiuol the
feedback Haptic iiiter- face. To cope with the MHI iiiobile robot at amy desired directioii at amy tiiiie [4],
user's arbitiary inotioii, the iiiobile base insist be able to [5].Oau robot lias foiu Mecaiiuiii wlieels and
cliaiige its directioii of tito- fiori as qiiicklv as possible. eacli wlieel coiisists of six sub-wlieels. Because the gap
For this mason, we desigiied the oiinii-directioiial mobile betweeii the adjaceiit sub-wlieels caii cause the
robot with the rectaiigular ar- raiigemeiit of foui iiiistabil- iy of iiiobile robot control, it iieeds to be
ciistoiii-made Mecaiium wlieels. Oui previous iiiobile ieduc ed. So we desigiied a new wlieel that lias bigger
robot acliieved the aim of the coiistiiic- fiori of the diameter and sixteeii sub-wlieels.
iiiobile base with the oiinii-directioiial iiiaiieu- verabiliy
for MHI. However, we fouiid the weak poiiits of the
robot ori user's coiiveiiieiice, the stabilit of the
iiiobile robot's iiiovemeiit and so ori. So we desigiied
the new versioii of Mecamun wlieel and the oiinii-
diiectioiial iiiobile robot to adjust tliese defects.
lii venus of the mobile robot's coiiuol. we imple-
iiieiited the iiiotor control algoritlnn iisiiig the com
eii- tioiial PID coiitioller at the pievious robot.
However, the PID gaiii tuiiiiig by tiial and enor caii be Fig 1 New version of hlecaiiiim
linie-coiisuiiiiiig and iiioreover it does not guaraiitee wheel (left CAD design, right :
fiiidiiig the optimal gaiiis. To overcoiiie tliese v pintotvpe)
eahiesses we einbody the PID gaiii scliediiliiig iiietliod Here, we eiiiniieiate the desigur paiameters of the
usiiig the hizzy systein iii the iiiotor contul new klecanum wlieel except the desigur process.
algoritlim. Tlirougli the experiiiieiit of the iiiobile robot
control, the new control algoritlnii was
• The ııuıııber of sub-wlıeels: ıı = lti. the wlıeel diaıııeteı doııbles the moviııg distaııce per sını.
• The aııqle benveeıı the axis of the sub-wlıeel and the So to coııtıol the ıııobile robot with siıııilar resolutioıı,
we alteı the CPT of optical eııcoder hem 512 to 1024.
• The ıadiııs of the wlıole Mecaııuın wlıeel: ü r „„,t
• The radius of the seth-wlıeel: r p„t = 12 nun. Tow'eı e
• The overlap aııgle betn eeıı two ııeiglıbor sub-wlıeels:
P, = 10°.
• The radius of the sub-wlıeel axis: o = S.û ann.
Fırın the above parameters, the radius of sııb-wlıeel from
the axle side r/ and the leııgtlı of sub-wlıeel L
became 1 ti.ûf)24fl?7lî ând 7ü .fl2l4ııı ıu, respectively.
Tlıese valııes satisŞ coııstıaiııts that must be fiılfılled to
coıııplete the desiıed desigıı of Mecaııınn wlıeel. More
details about desigııiııg Mecaııuııı wlıeel are preseııted in
[2] and [6].
The structuıe of our robot with Mecaııuııı wlıeel is
rectaııgular. To coııtıol the robot at our will, fouı coı-
tact poiııts betweeıı wlıeels and the gıouııd ıuust be kept
always. So we iııstall the suspensioıı systeııı ıısiııg the Fig. 2 desigıı of ıııobile robot.
spriııg. Our pıevioııs robot do have the suspeıısioıı sys-
tem, but its strucmre can cause uııeveıı force due to hvo
spriııgs. So the veısioıı of the robot comes with the 4. CONTROL ALGORITHMS
sııspeıısioıı systeııı with oııly one spriııg wlıose structuı e
is desigııed to decrease its iııflueııce on the robot ıııotioıı. We evalııate three algoritlnııs (Algoı itlım 1, 2. 3) for
Becaııse out goal is to develop the appropriate ıııobile motor coııtıol. Algoritlnn 1 and Algoritlnıı 2 in [2] use
base for hIHI, the mobile robot is ııeeded to be ıııore the PID coııtıol with the fixed gaiııs. Algoritluıı 1 is the
com- pact for user's com eııieııce So it is esseııtial in coııveııtioııal PID coııtıol that geııerates the coııuol iııput
desigııiııg the stıııcmı e of robot to develop ıııoı e usiııg the enor betweeıı the desiıed velocity and the cıır-
coıııpact ıııobile robot tlıaıı the previous veısioıı. To do reııt velociy (see Fig. 3). To iıııprove the perfoııııaııce
this, we ıeiııforce the part of fixiııg the wlıeel set and of Algoritluıı 1, Algoritlıııı 2 coıısideıs the positioıı er-
iııstall the suspeıısioıı systeııı coıısistiııg of one sö oııger ror at the previoııs coııtıcl tiıııe step when it pıodııces the
spriııg. Because it is hard to reduce the size of the cunent coııtıcl iııpııt (see Fig. 4). Furtlıer details for Al-
ıııobile robot usiııg the dir ect connectioıı pe beoveeıı goritlnıı 1 and 2 can be found in [2].
the motor and vlıeel, we desigıı the motor part usiııg the
orthogoııal connectioıı type v itti the ıııiteı gear. As a
result, the widtlı, leııgtlı, and lıeiglıt are fi û 2ıu ıu, ti1Û7?
î ? î?, âlld 93fi ıu u., respectively. Tlıese values show that
the new ıııobile robot is more compact chan the
The The weiglıt robot is about 9f)/,
also [2]. of five ıııaiıı
parts: tito- bile base (iııcludiııg the four suspeıısioıı
sets, 4 Mecaııum
wlıeels, 4 geared DC ıuotors, and batteries), driviııg coı-
tıol box (iııc ludiııg a DSP coııtıol board and 5 ıııotor
n sirı z P[ 'tvılı ol 1i›ı tlı ' n ot .
dıiveıs), a laptop, a desktop 3 degrees of heedoııı hap- s

vic iııteıface (P NTokI Remiıım 1.5A: SeıısAble iııc., T ! s :u c

USA : not in the pic kne), and a liııear uııit that has
about 4()Ü71'› n› sö oke (see Fig. 2 This new robot Fig. 3 Block diaeraııı for Algoritlnıı 1.
has sev- eral improveıueııts: the iııstallatioıı positioıı
lii tliis paper, we apply the PID control algorithm
of the hap- tic device for the user to feel comfortable
whose paraiiieters are tuned by a dizzy systems (Algo-
and the ınıifıed structuıe betweeıı the dıiviııg coııtıol
i ithin 3) [7], [8]. The general equation of the disci
box and the liııear ümit to iıııprove the stability.
ete- time PID controller is iiaitteii as
kloreover, the ııser can eas- ilv loıow the state of the
mobile robot tluouglı the tower LED. The motor torque
and the eııcodeı’s CPT (couııt per mm) have been
clıaııged because wlıeel diaıııeters are en- larged to
ıeınedy the previous robot's defects. To iııcrease the
torqııe we clıaııged the gear ratio of the gearlıead from The ac kıally iıııplemeııted fonu, the iııcreıııeııtal
fi.3 : 1 to 11.3 : 1 at the saıııe ıııotor The double leııqtlı PID
After all, otu goal is the detenniııatioıı of the parameters
Iî'„ I‹“' , and o . To do this, we use a set of fuzzy rules
of the fonu

.û.„ D,, 6'„ and D., are fuzzy sets on the

conespoııdiııg supportiııg sets and o is a coııstaııt.
TI?û 101 2 Oh’WbYI1|
Fig. 4 Block diagıam for Algoritlnn 2.

coııtıol hnıction, is giyen as

x = eik or
Fig. 6 Memberslıip fuııctioıı for ‹ (t ) or A‹ (t ).

Here. «(/, ) is the coııö ol iııpııt sigııal, ‹ (t ) is the eı-
ror betn eeıı the desiıed and cıırıeııt proc ess ouyut at
the coııtıol time step /„ T. is the sampliııg period for
the coııtıoller, and A‹ (t ) = r (t ) — (/, — U.
The pat ameters of the PID coııtıolleı IN ,, I‹,“, and I‹“.,
are adjusted to geııerate the varioııs respoııse cınw'e at
the giyen system. However, it is difficult to fiııd the Fig. 7 Membeıslıip fuııctioıı for I‹“', oy
val- of paraıııeters wlıiclı ıııake the giyen systeıu show
ates I‹“' .
the best perfoııııaııc e. So we applv and test the on-
litre gaiıı sclıedııliııg sclıeıııe of the PID coııö olleı S MS M
based on lizzy miles. Algoritlnn 3, to out ney robot. B
Fig. 5 slıows

672 934 1195 14 S7

PID Coıltıolleı Process Fig. 8 Meıııberslıip fuııctioıı for n.

or Figs.
Ar (I ),6 I‹“',8ovshow
I‹“' , the
andmeiiibeisliip ñ iiictioiis
o, respectively. of ‹
To calculate
Fig. 5 PID coııtıoller with fuzzy systeıu. (ñ )It,' and ‹i, we use the dizzy rule as Table 1
t3hat is extracted from a apical cure e of the desired
the block diagıaııı of the PID coııtıoller usiııg the itiiiie
espouse Consequently, we can determine values of I‹“'„
fuzzy sistemi. The ıııaiıı coııcept of Algoritlnıı 3 is to
flnd the optiıııal valııe of coııtıolleı’s paraıııeter ıısiııg Table I Fuzzy ıııle for I‹“'
lizzy sys- ten. The followiııg describes the procedıne
of Algo- bitirin 3. First of all, we assuıııe that I‹“
„ I‹“, , and I‹“., have the raııges I‹“, . ıııiıı./ ’, . ıı ıx , |I
“,1ı.ııir .I “(1ı.ı ıx , and : B B B B B B B
.Iki. ,..!, respectively. Tlıese valııes can be de- NM S B B B B B S
tenniiied experimentally. For the corn eiiieiice of the fur- MS S S B B B S S
ther calculations, we also iioiiiialize IN and I‹“, into (?) ZO S S S B S S S
the ranges it). 1 by the following linear traits PS S S B B B S S
fonnatioii: PM S B B B B B S
The iııtegral gaiıı, I .,, is obtaiııed by the followiııg PB B B B B B B B
fİOll [/ ].
Table 2 Fuzzy rule for /?'

as s s s s s s
‹(F) ZO B B B B B B B

be(F be
Table 3 Fuzzy mile for o
Fig. 9 R odiict inference engine of dizzy mile.

the results of expeiiiiieiits when the mobile robot is coi-

ANB II NS ZO PS PM PB uolled to iiiove aloiig the A . 1’, and P directioiis.
m s s s s s s s The blue-daslied line represeiits the desiied velocip
II MS MS S S S MS MS profile. and the ted-solid line the real velociy profile
NS M MS MS S MS MS M calciilated from the iiieasined eiicoder data. lii the
‹ (I ) ZO B M MS MS MS kI B aspect of the ZIS velocity enor, Algoritlnn 3 has
PS M MS MS S MS MS II better perfoiiiiaiic e tliaii Algoritliiu 1 and 2.
The parameter's valiies of Algoritlim 3, I , . mii
PB S S S S S S S • Iî . i -ix, ,f. iiiiii, I “,1.max, I i. mi • aÎÎd Iî i. r. ,..,
are 5000, 6J00, 100, 120, 290, and 310, respectively.
lii this case, the values of S’, :1 IS, .'!1, and D iii the
temi- beis1iip fuiictioii for ‹i are 672, 934, 1195, and
I‹“' , and ‹i by the following 1457. The iiiiiiiiiiuiii and iiiaxiiiiinii of the center values
defuzzificatioii. iii the
meiiibersliip hnictioiis for Ar (t ) and ‹ (k) are -
0.00798, 0.00798, -0.00498, and 0.00498, respectively.
The gaps betweeii the center valiies of eacli
iiiembersliip fuiictioii are 0.00266 and 0.00166. Fig.
13, 17, and 2.1 show that Algoritlnii 3 cliaiiges the
to find the optiiual coiiuol impuls of the
iiiobile robot.

Here, ¿r, is the iiieinbeisliip valiie of the /"' rule iii (1).
I‹“' is the value of I‹ ', conespoiidiiig to the grade t ,
for the /"' mile (see Fig. 9). Iî' is also obtaiiied iii RMS error of velocity X = 0.0022752
the same way. lii brief, the hizzy ouyut is obtaiiied by RMS error of velocity Y = 0.0011632
RMS error of vel‹›city Thef0 = 0.0025438
iisiiig a siiigletoii hizzifier, a prodiict iiifereiice eiigiiie, 0.05
and a center-average dehizzifier. Fiirtlier details for tliis
metliod 1 3 4 5 G
t (seconrJ)
caii be fouiid iii [7].
The parameters iiiserted iiito the actual Algorithm 3 Fig 10 Result of Algoritlun I (A -direction).
are calciilated horn the followiiig equatioiis. Table 4 describes the average values of RMS veloc-
ip encr after ten tiiiies experiments along each direction.
This also says Algorithm 3 canies out finer control of
the mobile robot than Algoi itlnii I and 2

We compare three control algoritlnns (Algorithm 1. 2, In this we introduced the new design of
and 3) using the new iiiobile robot. Figs. 10 the oiinii-dñ ectioiial iiiobile robot with klecaiiinn
2.1 show wheel to
0.25 025


O 0. \ RMS error of velocity X = 0.0012827 a OU RMS error of velocity X = 0.00090021

RMS error of velocity Y = 0.0007921 RMS error of velocity Y = 0.0014T6
RMS error of velocity Theda = 0.0017791 RMS error of velocity T h e f t = 0.0023756
005 0.05

1 3 5 6 3 6
tsecon0) lsecon0)
Fig. 1.1 Result of Algorithm 2 (A - Fig. 15 Result of Algorithm 2 (1 -
direction). direction).
0.25 O.25


RMS error of velocity X = 0.0010632

RMS error of velocity Y = 0.00066905 a OH RMS error of velocity X = 0.00083041
RMS error of velocity Thef0 = 0.0015169 RMS error of velocity Y = 0.001 4T9
RMS error of velocity Thef0 = 0.0020676

1 2
3 I tsecon0) 1 3 5
t (seconrJ)
Fig. 12 Result of Algorithm 3 (A -
direction). Fig. 16 Result of Algorithm 3 (1’-direction).


0 1

1 ; sec or id
t c..
ri 1 i J 4 G i.•
Fig. 13 Paraiiieters of Algorithm 3 (A - i sccoricl 1

Fig. 17 Parameters of Algorithm 3 (1'’-direction).



0 . 0. i
RMS error of velocity X = 0.0014517
> RMS error of velocity Y = 0.0024468
RMS error of velocity Thela = 0.0038858
o 0.1 RMS error of velocity X = 0.00 \ 9301
RMS error of velocity Y = 0.0017923
4 5
6 0.05
tlsecong) RMS error of veJocity Thela = 0.005/298
Fig. 14 Result of Algorithm I (i^-direction).
1 2 3 5 6
t fsecond)

Fig. 18 Result of Algorithm I (P-direction).

overc oiiie the weak points of the previous robot. We
im- pleiiieiited and tested the PID gain scheduling
ritual values of the parameters, Iî „, Iî, , and Iî.„ iii goritlnii (Algorithm 3) shows better peifonnaiices for
the coiweiitioiial PID coiiticller with the fixed gaiiis. the mobile robot's movement.
Tliis al-
Table 4 Average RMS velocity enois of 3
algoritluns along 3 directions
ALI 0.002145 0.001111 0.002676
0.15 X AL2 0.001269 0.000757 0.001831
AL3 0.001034 0.000751 0.001744
,’ RMS error of velocity X = 0.00096833
' > RMS error of velocity Y = 0.00103 '' ALI 0.001504 0.002694 0.003749
0.05 ; RMX error of velocity Theta = 0.0032491 ’ Y AL2 0.000916 0.001514 0.002737
1 2 3 4 AL3 0.000902 0.001221 0.002609
t( 6
second) AU 0.001607 0.001659 0.005783
Fig. 19 Result of Algorithm 2 (8-direction). 0.001002 0.001037 0.003388
AL3 0.000903 0.000975 0.002509

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0.05 Choi, Seunginoon Choi and Jin S. Lee,
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Fig. 20 Result of Algorithm
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1 tsecond]
4 5 6
Electmnics 3ocieiy, ñ003. IECON 03. The ñ9tli
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of Mecanuin Wheel for Omni-directional Motion”,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS KSME, 99. 661—667, 1997.
This research was financially supported by the Min- 7 Zheii-Yu Zliao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, and Satoru
isny of Education, Science Technology (MEST) and Isaka, “Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of PID Controllers”,
Ko- rea Industrial Technology Foundation (KOTEF) IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, and
thiough the Hmnan Resource Training Roject for C'yberiiet- ice, X'ol. 23, No. 5, pp. 1392—1398, 1993.
Regional Inno- vation. 8 Jingwei Xu, Xin Feng, “Dedign of Adaptive Fuzzy
PID Tuner Using Optimization Method”, Proceed-
REFERENCES rigs oftlie 5th World Compress on Intelligent Coiitml
arid Automation, pp. 2454—2458, 2004.
1 Cliaehyurr Lee and Min Sik Hong and lii Lee
and Oh Kyu Choi and Kyung-Lyong Han and Yoo
Yeon Kim and Seunginoon Choi and Jin S. Lee,
“Mobile Haptic Interface for Large linmersive
X'iitual Environments: PoMHI v0.5”, Ubiquitous
Robors arid Ambient Intel- ligence, ?007.
Pmceediiigs. 4th International Con- ference on,
9p. I I I—I 60, 2007.
2 Kyung-Lyong Han, Oh Kyu Choi, In Lee,
Inwook Hwang, Jin S. Lee, and Seunginoon
Choi, “Design

See disc ussio ns, stats, and autho r p rofiles fa r this p ub licat ion at: http s://www. researc hgate. net/p ub lica rio n/5596

Design and implementation of Arduino based robotic

Article in International Journa I of Electrical and Computer Engirieering (I JECE) - April 2022


9 3,629

3 authors, including.

Yasir Hashim Ghadah Alaa ldeen At sakkat

Tishk International University

73 PU B LICATION s 303 cIT@TIO N s



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International Journal of Electi*cal and Computer Engineei3ng (IJECE)
\ ol. 12, No. 2, April 2022, pp. 1411 1418
ISSN: 2088-8708, 10.11591 ijece.vl 2i2.pp1411-1418 O
Design and implementation of Arduino based robotic arm

Hussein ñlohamined BE, Yasir Hashim, Ghadah ARadden Al-SakkaI

Depmtinañ of Computer Enguieu4iig. Tishk International L:iiii’azity. Kurdstaii Region EibiL haq

Arficle Info
Article history: This s0idy presents the model, design, and construction of the Arduino
based robotic aim, which fiiiictions acrOGS a distaiice aS it iS controlled
Received May 17, 2021 thiough a mobile application A six degree of freedom robotic arm has
Revised Jul 14, 2021 been designed and implemented for the purpose of this research. The
Accepted Aug 12, 2021 design controlled by the Arduino platform receives orders from the
user's mobile application tlii oiigh useless controlling signals, that is
Bluetooth. The aim is lnade rip of five rotary joints and an end effector,
Keyu'orks: «'here rotary motion is provided by the servomotoi. Each link has been
lust desiglled rising SOlid works and then primed by 3D printer. The
Arduino assembly of the parts of the robot and the motor's mechanical shapes
Autonomous system produce the final prototype
been programmed to provideofrotation
the as toThe Ar diiino has
each servo motor to
Distance conbol the sliders in the designed mobile application for usage fioin distance.
Mobile application This is an open access ai hcle under the CC B1 -II
Robotic aim firerse.

Corresponding Author:
Yasir Hasliiin
Department Computer Faculty of Engineering, Tislik International
Eibil-Kurdistan, Lag University

Autonomous systems and robots can contribute iii plenty of functional operations over the world.
The robotic arm can solve many liinimtioiis of humans in industrial fields especially with the aid of the
distance controlled feamre. Robotic anus functions and their operations are extensively used iii research
laboratories and industries to automate processes and reduce human errors. Some of the tasks by
robotic anns include assembly lines and motions that demand the force control with feedback to its controller
[1], [2] .
Robotic systems have grown broadly due to their increasing applications in all fields of indusuy
and their ability to decrease enois and wastage of material. Many different robotic systems have been
developed for invasive proposes [3], [4]. The robotic anns could initially be used to move objects horn
one place to another [5], [6] in any industrial area [7], [8] that needs to achieve tasks repetitively for
manufacturing products. Some industrial environments are not suitable for humans, thus robotic arms may be
used. For instance, cases iii wliicli human workers caimot easily or safely gain access are handling radio-
active materials or dealing with work in the deep sea and space [9], [10]. Generally, the two main purposes
of the robotic aim systems are to iuiiiiiiiize the risk of life by ensuring human safety, and to speed up
indusuial proc esses. Tliis is where an automated, simple, and effective Arduino controlled robotic aim
comes into play [11], [12]. The aim could be used for numerous tasks such as painting cars, soldering
cars access unevenly placed parts for scanning, selecting. Most of the food industry companies use pick
and place robots, which is useful in many criteria. In a human-designed eiiviroimient, the robotic aim
can also operate on a mobile base to be sent in a dainageAiadioactive building and used to open the
doors and manipulate the tools either by itself or thiough remote conuol [13], [14]. Table I illusuates a
technical review on features of some robotic aims designed by

Journal homepage. http.//ijece.


1. Cost Constraint:

- Due to increased costs or budget constraints, the planned Mecanum wheels need to

be replaced with conventional wheels, impacting the robot's omnidirectional mobility.

2. Code Unavailability:

- The unavailability of operational codes or algorithms specific to regular wheels poses

a challenge in programming the robot's movements, affecting its intended functionalities.

3. Lack of Voltage Control PCB:

- The absence of a dedicated PCB (Printed Circuit Board) for voltage control or

regulation further complicates the adaptation process, hindering precise motor control and

performance optimization.

4. Impact on Functionality:

- These combined limitations may compromise the robot's maneuverability and

operational scope, necessitating a reevaluation of mobility capabilities and potential

adjustments in the project's scope or objectives.


1.Versatile Mobility: Enable precise and omnidirectional movement using

mecanum wheels.

2. Manipulation Precision: Develop an Arduino-controlled robotic arm for intricate tasks.

3.Integrated Control: Synchronize robotic arm and wheel functions seamlessly.

4.Prototype Demonstration: Showcase combined capabilities in real-world



Omnidirectional Movement

Robotic Arm Manipulation

Arduino Integration




d Control


Cost Factors


Hardware Availability


Prioritize Core Functionalities

Develop Contingency Plans

* I selected the design with the help of the website How To

* HERE is the link for the website where we picked our project design

Arduino Robot Arm and Mecanum Wheels Platform Automatic Operation


Phase – 4

1. CAD & Simulation Tools:

Employ modern CAD and simulation software for precise design and

behavior analysis.

2. Arduino IDE Integration:

Utilize Arduino IDE for streamlined programming and control.

3. Optimization Analytics:

Apply data analysis for continuous system enhancement.

4. Simulation-driven Design:

Use simulations to refine and optimize robotic functionalities.


1. Performance Evaluation:

Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the robotic arm and Mecanum wheel

system's performance, considering mobility, precision, and task execution.

2. Efficiency Metrics:

Assess operational efficiency by analyzing power consumption and

execution speed in various tasks.

3. Functional Reliability:

Evaluate the system's reliability by examining its consistency and accuracy in

executing designated tasks over prolonged periods.



2. (PDF) Intelligent Handling Robot Based on Mecanum Wheel (





4. Arduino Robot Arm and Mecanum Wheels Platform Automatic Operation




Cost table of all project components :

Item Quantity Cost per Unit Total Cost

MG996R Servo Motor 3 Rs. 370 Rs. 1110
MG S90 Servo Motor 3 Rs. 160 Rs. 480
Nema 17 Stepper Motor 4 Rs. 550 Rs. 2200
Arduino Mega Board 1 Rs. 1400 Rs. 1400
HC05 Bluetooth 1 Rs. 375 Rs. 375
DRV8825 Driver 4 Rs. 190 Rs. 760
LiPo Battery 1 Rs. 1350 Rs. 1350
LiPo Battery Charger 1 Rs. 470 Rs. 470
3D Printed Parts - Rs. 2240 Rs. 2240
Total - - Rs. 10325


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