Describing People's Feelings

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Student-İslam İsmayılov

Teacher-Sabanova Aysel

Subject-Describing people`s
People`s feelings

About them
Today, people's feelings can
be fickle. A person is
sometimes happy, sometimes
sad, sometimes shy,
sometimes angry, etc. can be.
for example, nervous. If you are angry with
someone, you will feel angry. and inevitably
you can break someone. That's why there is a
saying that loneliness is good when you are

happy is the opposite of nervous. A

person smiles when he is happy. This
indicates that he is happy. It's always
nice. As if everything was going his
way. For me, happiness is the best
Fear. This feeling indicates that you are
afraid of something or someone. For
example, I have an exam tomorrow, so I'm
scared. This feeling is usually considered

Shy. this feeling means to be ashamed of someone. Some

people are very shy. Some people know it well, but it is
actually bad. Because a person is not social when he is shy
Sadness. This feeling happens
when something unfortunate
happens. For example, you
failed an exam, in which your
relative died, sometimes crying
can be a sign of sadness. We can
tell if a person is sad by looking
at their facial expressions. A sad
person gives off a lot of negative
energy. I think that when we see
a sad person, we should cheer
him up. At this time, both
ourselves and the other party
will be happy.
Proud. You feel it when you are proud
of someone or yourself. This feeling is
positive. For example, you prepared
the presentation well. And the teacher
is proud of you. Because you prepared
as he wanted and the teacher sees that
you understood what he said. That's
why he is proud of you.
If you can't put the mirror down and are in love with your
appearance, then you can be called a narcissist. The root of the word
is in Greek mythology: it is connected with the name of a young man
named Narcissus, who was struck by his reflection in the water.

Phlegmatic individuals are not sensitive and are not easily excited. They are able to stay
calm in dangerous and scary situations. This word originates from the theory of the Four
Moods of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. He believed that a person's mood
depends on the balance of four different fluids in the body, and that each of those fluids is
associated with a different temperament. The more phlegm (phlegm), the more calm and
composed a person is!
If you have a nature
that is easily irritated
and irritated by the
slightest sound, you can
call yourself crazy. This
means that you are
sensitive and fragile.
If you don't like other people,
you are misanthropic. You
don't hesitate to show this
attitude. The character of
Scrooge created by Charles
Dickens is a real misanthrope.
In general, however, many people have feelings. Although I could not
say all of them, I tried to give information about their basics.

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