UNIDAD IV Sintagma Verbal I Ejercicios

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Sintagma verbal

Inglés Ejercicios MARIA ELENA BERMUDE V-6853362

Clase 07/11/23
A. Ejercicios
Indique si el verbo do, have o be cumple función de auxiliar o principal

1er V. 2do V. Traducción

aux ppal Tienes esta clases?
1.- Do you have this class?
2.- They had also developed and tested diverse theoretical models También habían desarrollado y probado diversos modelos teóricos.
aux ppal Los empleados estan siendo evaluados
3.- The employees are being tested
4.- The staff had difficulties with the assignment
ppal Freud propuso que gran parte de lo que los humanos sienten,
5. – Freud proposed that much of what humans feel, think, and do is
outside awareness piensan y hacen está fuera de la conciencia.
aux ¿Trabaja todos los días?
6.- Does he work every day?
aux aux La construcción ha sido cancelada. – LA obra ha sido cancelada
7.- The construction have been cancelled
aux La comision no quiere negociar
8.- The commission doesn’t want to negotiate
ppal Los psicólogos demostraron que los organismos tienen
9.- Psychological scientists demonstrated that organisms have innate
dispositions disposiciones innatas.
aux ppal Tuvistes varias oportunidades
10.- You had had several opportunities
aux La empresa fue adquirida por una corporación multinacional.
11.- The firm was taken over by a multinational corporation
aux ppal Qué hiciste? Qué hizo usted?
12.- What did you do?
Actividad 1
Identifica el sintagma verbal y su núcleo
1. The scientific method has characterized 6. The process in the scientific method involves
natural science since the 17th century. making conjectures.
2. A construction budget is used to 7. Today, the majority of psychologists do not
anticipate the total cost of any given identify themselves with a single school of
project. thought.
8. Can you imagine doing research without a
3. Pro cognitive behavior therapy,
behavioral stress management, or
9. Construction projects will never get off the
explanatory therapy can be effective in
ground without financing
treating hypochondria.
10. A researcher must clearly understand the
4. All these variables must be considered various types of models
and calculated. 11. This discipline has seen dramatic growth.
5. Many psychologists team up with other 12. You may have to make assumptions about the
professionals data.
Lectura 4
One way for organizations to gain a competitive advantage is to maximize human capital through performance management (PM). However,
research from the Corporate Leadership Council reveals that managers, human resources (HR) departments, and employees are often
frustrated by their PM system1:
Of the managers surveyed, 95% reported dissatisfaction with their PM system.
Of the employees surveyed, 59% felt PM reviews were not worth the time invested, and 56% reported they do not receive feedback on what to
Of the HR department heads surveyed, almost 90% reported their PM systems do not produce accurate information.
As a result, companies and organizations are reviewing their PM systems and practices, and experimenting with new approaches. The purpose of
this article is to review the past, take stock of the present, and outline future best practices in PM.
A 2017 review summarized the key trends in performance management (PM) research over the last 100 years 2. PM research is a relatively new
addition to studies investigating Performance Appraisal (PA). “”Whereas in PA the research focus is on understanding how ratings work best,
in PM the research agenda is to help employees improve performance””. (Mientras que en PA la investigación se centra en comprender cómo
funcionan mejor las calificaciones, en PM la agenda de investigación es ayudar a los empleados a mejorar el desempeño.)
Historically, there have been three major themes in PM research:(Ha habido tres temas principales en la investigación de PM)
Overview of the PM process and how to improve it;
Detailing specific aspects of the PM process, such as interventions designed to improve individual employee performance; and
Suggestions on how to improve organization-level performance through HR practices.
We will now take a deeper look at these three themes by considering the past, present and future of each
A bright future awaits organizations that are able to learn from the past and correctly identify how best to move their current PM practices
forward. Over 100 years of PM research suggests that, although we have yet to find the perfect recipe to amplify individual and
organizational performance, we do know that the most effective PM systems aunque todavía no hemos encontrado la receta perfecta para
amplificar el rendimiento individual y organizativo, sí sabemos que los sistemas de gestión del rendimiento PM son más eficaces.
will (a) set clear expectations and goals, and enable revisions as the circumstances shift, (b) provide frequent opportunities for informal and
Identifica los verbos modales del texto
Identifica 5 Sintagmas verbales con su núcleo y • Suba el trabajo en
3. Contestar Word, PDF o
a. ¿De qué trata el texto? Nos habla de la insatisfacción que hay
en el personal base y directivo por que los resultados de los
sistemas o procesos usados no son fiables para medir el
Powerpoint a este link:
rendimiento o desempeño del personal en general. Están en la
búsqueda de mejorar basados en las experiencias pasadas para • Sección A
mejorar las futuras.
b. ¿Qué palabras conocías del texto?
Organizations, human capital , system, department , process
• https://
4. Extraiga las palabras relacionadas con tu área profesional y su classroom.google.com
función y traduzca.
Process, organizational performance, department, systems, /w/NTkwNDUxMzAwO
Proceso, rendimiento organizativo, departamento, sistemas,
información 1ODQ3
Estas palabras cumplen la función de indicar que hacemos
procesos departamentales, buscamos rendimiento, utilizamos • Sección B
sitemas para incluir información y generar información.
• https://

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