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Oromia job creation & Vocational Bureau





Waliso, Oromia

1.1. Introduction/Seensa/

1.2. Objective of the Training/Kaayyoo Leenjii/

1.3. Concepts of Entrepreneurship and Public Entrepreneurship

1.4. The key Characteristics of public entrepreneurship

1.5. Public entrepreneurship Vs Business entrepreneurship

1.6. Basic competency of Public Entrepreneurship

1.7. Design Thinking

1.8. Value Creation Idea

1.9. Lean Canvas Model

Kaayyoo Leenjii:– Public Entrepreneurship

• Yaad-rimeewwan bu’uuraa public Enterprineurship fi public

Enterprineur waliin walqabatan irratti beekumsa gonfachuuf.
• Hubannoo yaada gatii uumuu qabaachuu fi adeemsa yaada furmaataa
maddisiisuu irratti beekumsa argachuu.
• Hoggantoonni ummataa addunyaa saffisaan socho’aa jirtu kana keessatti
adeemsa gara fuula duraa jalqabanii adda baasuu fi meeshaalee
tarsiimoo jijjiirama sochoosuuf itti fayyadaman qopheessuu danda’u.
• Hoggantoonni ummataa fedhii namaa giddu galeessa godhate irratti
hundaa’uun yaada furmaataa maddisiisuu/furmaata kalaqaa irratti
xiyyeeffateen furmaata kennuu dandeessisa.
Target group
• Moojuliin public Entrepreneurship kun beekumsa, dandeettii yaaduu fi
qindeessuun furmaata kennuu Hoggantootaa, Leenjistootaa fi Hojjetaa
Mootummaa akka waliigalaatti fooyyessuu fi miira tajaajiltummaa isaanii
cimsuuf kan qophaa’ee dha.​
Jalqabuu – yaada tokko tokko
/Getting started – some considerations/

 Galmee /jalqaba wal-jijjiirraa/

 Banuu /Nama leenjii banuu qopheessuu/

 Wal baruu /dhugaa xiqqoo baruu, walittii

dhufeenyaa mamiltootaa fi hawaasaa fooyyessuu/

 Eeggannoo fi sodaan /kaayyoo barumsaa wajjin

wal simu/

 Seerota bu’uuraa /waliigalteewwan dirqisiisoo

garee sana walitti qaban/

 Gareewwan guyyaa /Yeroo to’achuu, Baacoo

dhiheessuu & recapping dhiheessan qopheessuu/
Garee Uumuu fi

Forming Groups and
peer introductions/

Peer Introductions Wal barsisuu :
1. Hiriyaa barbaadi: nama kanaan
dura hin beekne.
2. Gaafadhuu : maqaa, iddoo fi
Muuxannoo isaanii
3. Wantoota isaan dinqisiifatanii fi
isaan gammachiisu gaafadhu
4. Hiriyaa kee garee guutuu waliin
wal barsiisi.
Seera Garee Baafachuu/Ground rules/

 Dhaggeeffachuu Irratti?/On Listening?

 To’annoo Yeroo Irratti?/On Time Management?

 Mobaayila irratti?/On cell phones?

 Wantoota biroo irratti?/On other topics?

Training Time Schedule

 2:30-4:00- Training

 4:00-4:30- Tea Break

 4:30-6:00- Training

 6:00 – 8:00- Lunch program

 8:00 – 9:30 – Training

 9:30-10:00 – Tea Break

 10:00-11:00- Training

 11:00 – 11:30-Question Time

Mala Leenjii /Training Methodology/

• Public Entrepreneurship yaada (theory) qofa osoo hin taane

hojiidhaan agarsiisuudhaan, kanaaf leenjichi hanga

danda’ametti wal-qunnamtii fi shaakallii seektara

mootummaa irratti xiyyeeffate gochuun murteessaa ture.

Leenjicha irraa maali eegduu?

Pre-training test
Please Use 30 minutes to individually attempt the
questions given to you. (Daqiiqaa 30’
Fayyadamaa Deebii kennaa)
Questions (40Pts)
1. Write only five Basic competency of public entrepreneurship (5pts).
2. Describe the benefit of public entrepreneurship to the public sector. (3pts)
3. List only five skills needed to Entrepreneurial leaders. (5pts)
4. Write the differences between Social entrepreneurship and Business
entrepreneurship . (4pts)
5. What is Social entrepreneurship? (3pts)
6. What is the major sources of wealth and development for human being. List five
sources, (5pts)
7. Write the only four Reward for being an entrepreneur. (4pts)
8. Describe the importance of College enterprise. (3pts)
9. What is the objective of college enterprise (3pts)
10. Write the role of government in promoting entrepreneurship. ( 5pts)
Self assessment
Sadarkaa Gahumsaa/Golee Afuri
Sadarkaa Gahuumsaa (Ladder of competence)
• Kallattii isaa,

1. Gahuumsa hin qabu gahuumsa dhabuus hin beeku

(Unconscious Incompetence)

2. Gahuumsa hin qabuu gahuumsa dhabuus kan beeku

(conscious Incompetence)

3. Gahuumsa kan qabuu fi qabaachuu kan beeku,

(conscious competence)

4. Bilchina irraan kan ka’e beekumsa kan madakfate,

(Unconscious competence)
Kutaa-I:- 1.1. SEENSA
• Ajandaan haaromsa dinagdee biyya keessaa Itoophiyaan bara
2030tti Itoophiyaa biyya galii gadi aanaa qonnaa baay’inaan
qabdu irraa gara biyya galii giddu galeessaa industirii qabdutti

• Jijjiiramni ijoon karaa mootummaa mul’achaa jiru guddina

dinagdee eegamu fiduun irra tarsiimoo fi poolisiiwwan hojii
daldaalaa karaa hundaa fooyyessu danda’u ta’ee argameera.

• Kanaaf, kalaqaa fi abbootii qabeenyaa akka motora/dandeessisaa

guddina dinagdee dameewwan ijoo hunda keessatti cimsuun
barbaachisaa dha.

• Haaromsi diinagdee imaammata gama dinagdee guddisuun hojiitti

jijjiiramaa jira. Biyyattiin damiilee adda addaa keessatti fooyya’iinsa

imaammataa barbaachisaa fi qabatamaa ta’e raawwachuudhaan

maddoota guddina dinagdee fi carraa hojii uumuu adda addaa

hedduu hojjachaa jirti.

• Kaayyoon isaas, hundeedhaan ykn bu’uuraan bu’aa argamu irratti

xiyyeeffachuun ilaalcha mootummaa intarppirinaraa kalaqa bu’a

qabeessummaa irratti hundaa’e hojiirra oolchuun ummataaf ykn

lammiif amala dhuunfaa fi dhaabbilee caalaatti kan ijaarame, bu’a

qabeessa kan ta’e, wal tumsaa fi walta’iinsaa bocuu danda’uu dha.


• Kanaaf, leenjii kun gurmaa’insa mootummaa, kaka’umsa hojii fi ijaarsa

jaarmiyaa fiduuf kalaqaan guddina mirkaneessuuf kan dhiyaatee dha.
1.2. Concepts of Entrepreneurship and public Entrepreneurship

1. Yaada rimee ogummaa Entrepreneurship

• Jechi “Entrepreneurship” jedhu jecha Faransaayii
entreprendre jedhu irraa kan argame yoo ta’u hiikni isaas
“fudhachuu” jechuudha.
• Yaad-rimeen “Entrepreneurship” jedhu “Adeemsa
carraawwan gabaa keessatti argaman adda baasuu, qabeenya
carraawwan kana hordofuuf barbaachisu qindeessuun fi
qabeenya gara hojiitti jijjiiruun carraa jirutti fayyadamuun
bu’aa yeroo dheeraa argachuuf kan gargaarudha.
• Entrepreneurshipin jechuun adeemsa hojii kalaqaatiin guddinaa
dhaabbilee fiduudha.
• Innis dandeettii namni dhuunfaa tokko yaada gara hojiitti
jijjiiruun qabeenya hawaasaaf faayidaa qabu uumuu irratti
bobba’uu, fedhii fayyadamtootaa guutuuf yaada kalaqaa hojii irra
oolchuudhaan, humna namaa, yeroo fi yaada ofii fayyadamuu
• Hojii dhaabbilee jijjiiruu, kenniinsa tajaajilaa gahumsa qabuuf
kalaqa fayyadamuu fi tajaajila mootummaa keessatti bu’aa
hawaasaa dabaluun galmoota ijoo abbootiin qabeenyaa gara damee
mootummaatti galmaan ga’uu qabanii dha.
• Dhaabbileen damee mootummaa dhiibbaan mootummoota bu’a
qabeessummaa fooyya’aa karaa gahumsa qabuu fi fedhii lammiilee haala
deebii kennuu danda’uun guutuuf hanqinni cimaan addunyaa guutuutti

• Tajaajila mootummaa, waajjiraalee fi dhaabbilee bulchuuf hoggantoota

damee mootummaa irratti xiyyeeffachuun gaggeessaa gahumsaa fi bu’a
qabeessummaa dhaabbilee mootummaa fooyyessuu fi guddisuuf fedhii
lammiilee guutuuf meeshaa murteessaa ta’ee fudhatama.
• Hojiirra oolmaa imaammataa fi tajaajila mootummaaf hojii dinagdee
cimaa fi gabaa irratti hundaa’e mirkaneessuuf misoomni entrepreneurship
murteessaa guddaa ta’eera.
1.2.1. Galmoota hojii entrepreneurship damee mootummaa keessatti

• Entrepreneurs are recognized as change agents, innovators, creative and

opportunity seeker. Hence, new values could be created into public
sector organization for various stakeholders by applying entrepreneurial
approach into public sector.
 Goals which could be achieved by entrepreneurship in public sector are;

(Galmoonni seektara keessatti ogummaa hojii uumuun galma gahuu


 Change institutionalized practices and routines.(Hojiiwwanii fi

hojiimaata bartee dhaabbilee ta’an jijjiiruu.)

 Introduce innovation for efficiency and better services delivery.

(Gahumsaa fi kenniinsa tajaajila fooyya’aa ta’eef kalaqa ni beeksisa)

 Orientation of risk in public services. (Tajaajila kennamu keessatti
gaaga’ama hirdhisuu).
 Partnership to add value into public services. (Tajaajila kennamu
keessatti gatii dabaluu)
 Leveraging of public Resources. (Qabeenyatti fayyadamuu)

 Solving problems and satisfying public needs.(Rakkoo hiikuu fi fedhii

hawaasaa guutu)
 Discover and exploit opportunities.(Carraa jiru adda baasuu fi itti

 Conception and implementation of public policies for greater value

to citizens. (Imaammatni mootummaa lammiileef gatii guddaa akka
kennu yaaduu fi hojiirra oolchuu.)
 Support for economic development at local, regional, and national
level. (Misooma Dinagdee sadarkaa naannoo fi akka biyyaa
 Foster entrepreneurial mindset for entrepreneurial culture. (Yaada
abbootii qabeenyaa guddisuu)
 Create new values in public sector organizations by adopting an
entrepreneurial approach. (Waajjiraalee mootummaa keessatti
mala abbootii qabeenyaa fudhachuun gatiiwwan haaraa uumuu.)

“Hojiin kee jireenya kee keessaa kutaa guddaa guutuuf yoo ta’u,
karaan dhugaadhaan itti quufuu dandeessu hojii guddaa ta’uu
isaa amantaan hojjechuu qofa. Hojii guddaa hojjechuuf karaan
jirus wanta hojjattu jaallachuu qofa.” Steve Jobs,
Factors Influencing
in Public Sector.
Individual Legal
(Hojiirra olmaa Factors Factors
irratti waantota
dhiibbaa Uuman) Social and
Institutional Political
Factors Factors

Individual Factors/Sababa Dhuunfaa/

 Respect for creativity (Kabaja kalaqaaf)

 Enjoyment of challenge (Qormaatatti gammaduu)

 Self-confidence (Ofii amanamummaa)

 High tolerance (Wal danda’uu olaanaa)

 Personal autonomy (Ofiin of bulchuu)

 Vision for opportunity (Mul'ata )

 Capacity to innovate(Dandeettii kalaqa uumuu)

 Technical expertise (Ogummaa )

b. Institutional Factors
 External environment

 Structure of the organization

 Size of the organization

 Culture of the organization

 Degree of specialization

 Centralization of decision-making

 Clarity of performance objectives

 System of rewards and sanctions

 Degree of autonomy

 Institutional venturing, renewal and frame-breaking change

C. Social and Political Factors

 Transparency

 Stakeholders participation in decision-making

 Respect for the others

 Pertinence and fairness of decisions

 Protection of human rights

 Harmony with national objectives

 Social justice

 Equal access to service

d. Legal Factors

 Policies and Rules regarding economic development,

 monetary policy,
 Taxation, health, education, legislation, industry,
 employment and technology.
• Entrepreneurship jechuun adeemsa kalaqaa hawaasaaf
wantoota haaraa dhiyeessuuf hojiiwwan kallattii hedduu fi
adda addaa of keessaa qabuudha.

“Gama hojiitiin waamichi olaanaan tajaajila

hawaasaa caalu hin jiru jedheen yaada, kunis
carraa jireenya namootaa irratti jijjiirama fiduu fi
addunyaa fooyyessuudha.”
Jacob Lew
1.2.2. Concept of Public Entrepreneurship

• Yaad-rimeen public Enterpreneurship hojiiwwan guyyaa

guyyaa damee mootummaa keessatti baay’ee barbaachisaa
• Hojiirra oolmaan public Enterpreneurship dhaabbilee keessatti
raawwii hojii jaarmiyaa olaanaa damee mootummaa
keessatti ni argamsiisa.
• Hojiirra Olmaan public Entrepreneurship karaa naannoo hojii fi
caaseemma mootummaaatiin dhiibbaan gara garaa ni qunnama.
• Naannoowwan jaarmiyaa guddina public Enterpreneurship
irratti dhiibbaa geessisan gama biraatiin bal’inaan akka waan
keessoo fi alaatti ramadamu.
• Naannoo keessoo jechuun dhimmoota naannoo jaarmiyaa
to’annoo jaarmiyaa tokkoo jala jiranii fi ciminaa fi hanqina
kan of keessatti hammatan jechuudha.
• Haalli alaa gama biraatiin, dhimmoota naannoo jaarmiyaa
to’annoo jaarmiyaa tokkoo oli ta’an kan agarsiisu yoo ta’u,
carraa fi sodaa kan hammatudha.

• Naannoowwan jaarmiyaa /Organizational environments/ humnoota alaa

raawwii hojii fi hojii dhaabbata tokkoo irratti dhiibbaa geessisan irraa


• Qaamolee daangaa dhaabbatichaa keessaa fi ala jiranii fi dhiibbaa irratti

dhiibbaa uumuu danda’an hunda of keessatti qabata.

• FKN Dambiiwwan mootummaa, dorgomtoota, maamiltootaa fi

dhiyeessitoota ni dabalata.

• Hoggantoonni dhaabbaticha bu’a qabeessa karaa ta’een bulchuuf

naannoo hubachuu qabu.


• Xiinxalli SWOT (cimina, dadhabina, carraa, fi sodaa (balaa)

meeshaa karooraa galmoota jaarmiyaa ibsuu fi galma
ga’iinsa galmoota sanaaf faayidaa qaban ykn miidhaa
geessisan adda baasuu kan of keessaa qabu dha.
Exercise of SWOT analysis

• Cimina Haala Mijuu/Carraa/

• Dadhabina Sodaa

Kolleejjiin keenya hawaasa karaa guutuu

ta’een tajaajilu irratti CDHS karaa gabaabaa
ta’een barreessi.
SWOT analysis of TVET College.(individual)
Group Presentation

1. Identify the factors affecting Public Entrepreneurship in the public sector.

2. Write the difference and similarities b/n Business Entrepreneurship & Public

3. What is the importance of Public Entrepreneurship in Economic

development of the society.

4. Write and elaborate the goal of Entrepreneurship in the public sector.

5. Describe the factors affecting entrepreneurship in the public organization.

6. What is the difference and similarities b/n Public Sector & Public enterprises.
Elaborate it,
Definition of public Entrepreneurship

 Public entrepreneurship is defined as the generation of a novel

or innovative idea and the design and implementation of the
innovative idea into public sector practice.
 Individuals who generate, design, and implement innovative ideas
in the public domain are called public entrepreneurs.
• "father of modem entrepreneurial thought,“ Schumpeter defined,
 Innovation as the novel recombination of preexisting factors of
production (land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship) or a
change in the production function.
• Innovation is simply defined as the "setting up of a new
production function" .

• The innovative idea can be anything from a new

technological idea (new technologies, products and services)
or a new administrative idea (new procedures, policies and
organizational forms)(Daft and Becket; 1978).
• The new idea also can be categorized in terms of its
originality, or the level of uniqueness of the idea.
Can I Develop my Entrepreneurial behaviors as a leader
in my organization?

1. Self initiative: Can I act with courage and dedication?

(Hamilee fi of kennuudhaan sochoʼuu nan dandaʼaa?)

2. How to work with novelty, envision, claim and organize the

new? (Akkamitti haaromsa waliin hojjachuu, tilmaamuun,
yaada ofii ibsachuu fi haaraa qindeessuu?)

3. How to create new value for others? (Akkamittan gatii haaraa

namoota biroof uumuu danda’aa?)
Hojii Garee
1. Akka dandeetti interprinerummaa kiyya kolleejjii
kiyya keessatti hojii irra hin olchineef
rakkoo/guufuu kan ta’e tarreessi.
 Hamilee fi of kennuudhaan akkan hin sochoone maaltu na

2. Kallattii furmaata isaa kaa’i.

Planting Seeds Today



iv e

Nadhii Dammaa
“Namni nadhii harkasaarra jiru
hin beekne, boru harka namaaf
(Beekaan Gulummaa (PHD))
Innovative idea

Change From
time to time,
Le a

C h
Benefits of Public Entrepreneurship/Faayidaa/

 Innovation/Argannoo/
• Public entrepreneurship kalaqaa fi misooma guddisa,
tajaajila mootummaa fi qulqullina jireenyaa fooyyessa.
 Efficiency/Qisaasama malee hojjechuu
• Public entrepreneurship baasii fi qisaasama
xiqqeessuudhaan gatii guddisuu barbaada.
 Creativity/Kalaqa/
• Qormaata ummataaf furmaata yaadaafi adda ta’e akka
uumamu ni jajjabeessa.
 Engagement/hirmaachisuu
• Lammiileen adeemsa hawaasa isaanii fooyyessuu,
mootummaa irratti amantaa guddaa fi miira itti
gaafatamummaa lammummaa guddaa guddisuu keessatti
Building a Culture of Public entrepreneurship

1. Leadership Support/Deeggarsa Hooggansaa/

• Gubbaa irraa jalqabee, hoggantoonni qabeenyaa/resource/ fi
xiyyeeffannoo gara tattaaffii public entrepreneurship tti
taasisuu qabu.
2. Training and Development/Leenjii fi Misooma/
• Hojjettoonni mootummaa qormaata mootummaaf/public
Challenge/ furmaata kalaqaa adda baasuu fi hordofuuf leenjii
fi kaka’umsa argachuu ni danda’u.
3. Celebration of Success/Kabaja Milkaa'ina/
• Humna kalaqa mootummaaf sochii fi hubannoo uumuuf
jalqabbii public entrepreneur milkaa’an kabajamuu fi
ummataaf hubannoo Uumuu qabu.
1.2.3 The key characteristics of a public entrepreneur
1. Collaborating and networking/Waltumsuu fi Mantaggoo/
 Collaboration is fundamental to the public entrepreneur, who seeks to
build coalitions for change across government, business and civil
society, often knowing when to ‘let go' in order for others to lead.
2. Working across systems
 Public entrepreneurs see themselves as part of a system rather than
just an organization or department.
3. Building narratives for change
 Entrepreneurs persuade, influence and “sell”. They influence behavior,
showcase social innovation and persuade colleagues (administrators,
politicians and citizens) that even in our increasingly blame-driven
culture, where civil servants are understandably risk averse, there
remains an upside of doing something differently.
4. Leveraging new resources. (Qabeenya gara hojiitti jijjiiruu/

 A critical function of the public entrepreneur is to find new ways of

financing public service and development interventions. This could
mean pooling budgets, looking to public-private partnerships, utilizing
digital technology, or experimenting with new models of social finance
and impact investment.
5. Focusing on outcomes. (Bu’aa argamu irratti xiyyeeffachuu/

 Public entrepreneurship is about doing what it takes to get the right

outcome, even if that means abandoning traditional career paths and
confounding performance expectations.
6. Adapting and learning. (Madaqsuu fi barachuu)

 An appetite for risk is woven deeply into the DNA of entrepreneurs,

who are minded to “fail quickly, fail fast and fail cheaply” (dafee

kufaa, saffisaan kufaa fi gatii salphaadhaan kufaa)- an attitude that

can feel antithetical to that of the archetypal civil servant.

 Public entrepreneurs must take this attitude into environments with

a human as well as a financial cost, so learning and adapting quickly

is vital.

“Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of

government, must ask themselves two questions: ‘Do I love my
people in order to serve them better? Am I humble and do I
listen to everybody, to diverse opinions in order to choose the
best path?’ If you don’t ask those questions, your governance

will not be good.” – Pope Francis


“Dhiirri fi dubartoonni hundi tajaajila mootummaa kennan

hundi gaaffii lama of gaafachuu qabu: ‘Ani saba koo caalaatti

tajaajiluuf nan jaalladha? Gadi ofi qabuu fi karaa hundarra

gaarii ta’e filachuuf jecha nama hunda, yaada adda addaa

dhaggeeffadha?’ Gaaffiiwwan kana yoo hin gaafanne

bulchiinsi kee gaarii hin ta’u.” - Pope Francis

3. entrepreneurship

Public Entrepreneurship:

Public entrepreneurship is
the process of introducing
innovation, the generation
and implementation of
new ideas, in the public
3. T½Ps entrepreneurship

• Business Entrepreneurship:-
that is, as a self-employed personal
or groups, you can easily engage in
small-scale business activities
mainly based on your own work
input. Business entrepreneurship is
the lightest and simplest company
form. It is also easy, fast and
inexpensive to set up.
Difference between Public entrepreneurship and Business entrepreneurship

S/N Public Entrepreneurship Business Entrepreneurship

1 No profit motive but only societal Profit is usually the primary motive
2 Strive towards multiple and often Fewer and well-structured measurable objectives
selective objectives
3 Less exposed to market forces Full exposure to market-related factors like a high incentive
for cost reduction and efficient resource allocation

4 Political and equity considerations Resource deployment is primarily based on profit

guide resource allocation maximization
5 Multiple and hard to identify customer Well define and identifiable customer base
6 The source of the income is mobilized Revenue only accrue from satisfied and happy customers
from tax payers
7 Subject to public scrutiny and need to Only accountable to stakeholders with commercial interests
consider the interest of diverse in the business
8 Has no motivation to take risks or is Always make risk /profit trade-offs
9 The managers act more as Managers are empowered and have the flexibility to
implementers of policies with the make decisions they deem best for the interest of the
intention of new ideas entity
Part II: Public Entrepreneurial Competencies
1. Spotting Opportunities and initiative.
2. Ethical and sustainable thinking
3. Self awareness and Self efficacy
4. Motivation and Perseverance
5. Mobilizing others
6. Planning and Management
7. Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk
8. Working with others
9. Learning through Experience
1. Carraa fi kaka’umsa Argachuu.
2. Yaada naamusaa fi itti fufiinsa qabu
3. Of beekuu fi Of gahoomsuu
4. Kaka’umsaa fi Cimina
5. Namoota biroo sochoosuu
6. Karooraa fi Bulchiinsa
7. Mirkanaa’uu dhabuu, wal-xaxaa fi balaa dandamachuu
8. Namoota biroo wajjin hojjechuu
9. Muuxannoodhaan barachuu
Marii Garee fi Muuxannoo Waljijjiirraa
• Gahuumsaalee armaan olitti ibsaman akka kolleejjii
keessanitti gonfachuun hojiirra olchuu irratti Ciminaa
fi Haala mijuu/Carraa kolleejjiin keessan qabuu
kolleejjii biraaf muuxannoo waljijjiirraa. (Leenjii fi
TEI walqabatee) fi Dadhabina jiru tarreessaa furmaata
• Maddi Cimina keessanii maal akka ta’e walii ibsaa.
1. Spotting Opportunities and Taking initiative.

• Haala mijuu adda baasuu jechuun yaadaa fi dandeettii

ofii fayyadamuun carraa bu’aa qabeessa ta’e/gatii
uumuu danda’u/ adda baasuu jechuudha.
• Entrepreneur milkaa'aa ta'uuf carraa tokko yeroo
argitu adda baasuu danda'uu qabda.
• Addatti ammoo rakkoo ykn qaawwa adda baasuu
danda’uu fi furmaata kalaqaa fiduu qabda.
• Haala hawaasummaa, aadaa fi dinagdee qorachuun
carraa gatii uumuuf jiru adda baasuu fi itti
• Fedhii fi qormaata guutamuu qaban adda baasuu.
• Walitti dhufeenya haaraa uumuu fi qaamolee adda
addaa faffaca’an walitti fiduun carraa gatii uumuu
danda’u uumuu.

“Expect change. Analyze the landscape.
Take the opportunities. Stop being the
chess piece; become the player. It's your
move.” Tony Robbins.
''Jijjiirama eegi, Haala naannoo xiinxali,

Carraa jirutti fayyadami, Cheezii ta'uu dhiisi;

taphataa ta‘i, Kun tarkaanfii kee tii.“

Tony Robbins.
2. Yaada naamusaa fi itti fufiinsa qabu
/Ethical and sustainable thinking/

• Yaadni naamusaa fi itti fufiinsa qabu dhimma

ilaalcha, amala, gatii fi yaada intarpiriinarri tokko
murtoo naamusaa fudhachuu fi itti fufiinsaan
socho’uuf qabaachuu qabuudha.
Amaloota /Behaviors/
 Bu’aa yaadota gatii fidanii fi dhiibbaa tarkaanfiin
intarppirinaraa xiyyeeffannoo, hojii, hawaasaa fi
naannoo irratti qabu madaaluu.
 Galmoonni hawaasummaa, aadaa fi dinagdee yeroo
dheeraa hangam itti fufiinsa akka qaban fi adeemsa
hojii filatame irratti xiinxaluu.
 Itti gaafatamummaadhaan hojjedhu.
3. Of beekuu fi Of-gahoomsuu /Self awareness and Self efficacy/

• Of-gahoomsuu fi of-beekuun dirqama naamusaa eenyummaa

geggeessitootaa wajjin walqabatee fi dandeettii fi eenyummaa
mataa isaanii hubachuu keessatti hoggantootaaf barbaachisoo dha.

• Beekumsi guddaan of-gahoomsuu fi of-beekuu, hoggantoonni

naamusa caalaatti bu’a qabeessa akka ta’anii fi gatii akka uumuu
danda’an dandeessisuu dha.

• Yaadni intarppirinaraa ofitti amanuu fi fooyya’iinsa itti


• Of beekuun dogoggoraa fi kufaatii ofii xiinxaluu fi humna ofii


• Yeroo gabaabaa, giddu galeessaa fi dheeraa keessatti

fedhii fi hawwii kee irratti xiinxali.
• Ciminaa fi hanqina dhuunfaa fi garee kee adda
baasuu fi madaaluu.
• Mirkanaa’uu dhabuu, duubatti deebi’uun yeroodhaaf
kufaatii ta’us, adeemsa taateewwanii irratti dhiibbaa
uumuuf dandeettii qabdutti amani.
4. Kaka’umsaa fi Cimina / Motivation and Perseverance/

• Cimina jechuun kaka’umsa keenyatti fayyadamnee gocha

sana xumuruuf kutannoo qabnu agarsiisa.
• Kaayyoo tokko galmaan ga’uuf kaka’umsa qabaachuu qabna.

• Gahee hojiiwwan keenya galma kaa’uu keessatti qabnu adda

baasuun gufuuwwan nu mudatan irra aanuuf ciminaan
hojjachuu fi galma keenya galmaan ga’uuf kutannoo
qabaachuu qabna.
5. Namoota biroo sochoosuu /Mobilizing others/
5. Karooraa fi Bulchiinsa/ Planning and Management/

• Karoorri hojii bulchiinsaa kan kaayyoo fi

kaayyoowwan sana galmaan ga’uuf tarkaanfii
fudhachuu kan of keessaa qabudha.
• Karoorri galmoota jaarmiyaa hiikoo itti kennuu,
tarsiimoo waliigalaa diriirsuu fi karoora bal’aa hojii
dhaabbata tokko keessatti walitti makamuu fi
qindeessuuf qopheessuu kan of keessatti
6. Mirkanaa’uu dhabuu, wal-xaxaa fi balaa dandamachuu / Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk

• Namni wal-xaxaa ta’e tokko “jijjiirama bu’a

qabeessa ta’een dandamachuu, mijataa ta’ee
dabareetti jijjiiruu, fakkii waliigalaa osoo hin
qabaatin murteessuu fi socho’uu, balaa fi
mirkanaa’uu dhabuu danda’a.”
8. Namoota biroo wajjin hojjechuu Working with others

• Namoota biroo wajjin hojjachuun hojiiwwan xumuruu fi

galma waliinii galmaan ga’uuf namoota biroo wajjin
walitti dhufeenya, tumsuu, fi waldhabdee karaa bu’a
qabeessa ta’een hiikuu dha.
• Kunis aadaa, seeraa fi bu’aa garee ykn dhaabbata tokkoo
hubachuu fi hojjachuu kan dabalatuu dha.
9. Muuxannoodhaan barachuu /Learning through Experience

• Barnoonni muuxannoo (Experiential Learning)

adeemsa hojiidhaan barachuudha.
• Leenjifamtoota muuxannoo harkaan hojjatamuu fi
qabatamaa irratti bobbaasuun beekumsa daree keessatti
baratan haalawwan addunyaa dhugaa wajjin
walqabsiisuu dha.
3.1. How the public entrepreneurship develop
1. Building government capacity for public innovation.
• Public entrepreneurs will need to play a particularly
important role in the developing world, where the capacity
of states to act has been missing, underdeveloped or
undermined by corruption.
2. Building readiness for collaboration.
• Working across siloes and sectors is not a natural function
of government or civil servants because infrastructure and
incentives tend to constrain it. Public entrepreneurs can, as
Helen Bevan argues, “rock the boat without tipping it over”,
but if they don't prepare their teams and organisations for
collaborating at scale, they will struggle to bring innovation
into the mainstream.
3. Leading across the sectors.
• We have arguably only scratched the surface in terms of
the potential of public-private-social sector collaboration
(and certainly have many examples of where it has not
worked!). Supporting sustainable change in society
requires a coalition of actors, and this is where the public
entrepreneur can play a convening and mobilizing role.
Part-III:- Karaa Gadi faggeenya qabuun Yaaduu /Design

• Yaadni dizaayinii shaakala dizaayinarota ciccimoo irraa kan

argame yoo ta’u, mala furmaata kalaqaa fedhii fi muuxannoo
fayyadamtootaa irratti xiyyeeffate dizaayinii gochuudhaan
rakkoo kalaqaan furuudha.
• Yaadni dizaayinii mala hojii irra deddeebi’amee, sararaan
ala ta’ee/non-linear/ fi fayyadamtoota hubachuu fi rakkoo
furuu barbaaduu dha.
The Stages of Design Thinking
• Innis Sadarkaa shan of keessaa qaba-empathize (namaaf yaadu) ,
define(hiikuu), ideate(Yaada kennuu), prototype(Fakkaatto
Uumuu) fi test (yaalii gochuu).
1. Empathize – Understanding people

• Adeemsa yaada dizaayinii keessatti namaaf yaadu baay’ee

• Dizaayinaroonni maal akka barbaadan sirriitti adda baasuuf
fedhii mataa isaaniitiin ala akka tarkaanfatan taasisa.
• Qormaata hojii kee hubachuun furmaata adda baasuu fi
uumuuf si gargaara, sadarkaan hubannoos kan tilmaama
ykn seenaa kee duraanii qormaata uumaman walfakkaataa
qabuun baay’ee ol ta’a.
2. Define – Figuring out the problem

• Yeroo marsaa hiikoo itti kennuu odeeffannoo yeroo

marsaa namaaf yaaduu walitti qabde hikoo itti kennita.
• Qormaata sadarkaan jiran erga bal’inaan hubattee sana
furuuf yeroo osoo hin fudhatin wantoota xixiqqoo silaa
darbuu hin qabne mul’isuudhaan erga hubattee booda,
qormaanni sun maal akka ta’ee fi maaliif akka furmaata
argachuu qabu jechoota adda ta’aniin ifatti ibsuu qabda.
3. Ideate – Generating your ideas

• Atii fi gareen kee amma fedhii fayyadamtoota keetii

hubachuu qabdu, argannoowwan kee marsaa
mararfannaa keessatti argaman irraa fudhatamee dha.
• Akkasumas rakkoo sana haala nama giddu galeessa
godhateen adda baastee ibsa rakkoo maddisiisuu
• Amma, marsaa imala yaada dizaayinii kana irratti, atii
fi gareen kee yaada maddisiisuu jalqabuu dandeessu.
4. Prototype – Creation and experimentation

• Yeroo marsaa fakkaattoo, lakkoofsi gosoota oomishaa

xiqqeesse ni uuma. Fakkaattoon kunniin amala addaa
oomishaa irratti xiyyeeffachuu danda’u isaanin
rakkoolee marsaa empathize, define fi ideate keessatti
adda baafaman furuuf yaalan.
• Fakkaattoo Uumuun gadi fageenyaan fedhii fayyadamaa
fi rakkoolee adda baafaman haala gaariin furuuf
gargaaruu danda'a.
5. Test – Refining the product

• Marsaa kana keessatti gareen keessan

argannoowwanii fi furmaata marsaa piroototaayippii
keessatti argaman fayyadamuun oomisha sana cimsee
ni qorata.
• Kun sadarkaa dhumaa yaada dizaayinii ta’us, kun
bakka itti xumuramu akka hin taane hubachuun
Value Creation Idea
• Is it Desirable - Do enough users want it.

(Fedhiin Namaa Jiraachuu Qaba).

• Is it Feasible-Can we do it.

( Hojii isaa danda’uu)

• Is it Viable - Should we do it. (Bu’a
Exercise-Value Creation Idea

1. Identify the Problem and prioritize the

problem and select one.
2. Suggest different types of solution and
select one.
Lean Canvas Model

• The lean canvas allows a problem-solution strategy to be easily

described on paper.
• Lean Canvas is a 1-page business plan template created by Ash
Maurya that helps you deconstruct your idea into its key
• The Lean Canvas replaces long and boring business plans with a 1-
page business model that takes 20 minutes to create and gets read.
• It replaces elaborate business plans with a single page business
• The Lean Canvas is composed of nine building blocks,
Lean Canvas Model

1. Problem
• Understanding the key problems of your customers is
• You use this section to list the top problems that your
different customer segments experience that you’re
aiming to solve.
2. Customer Segments
• Understanding who your customers are is a vital step.
• You can’t know what their main problems are if you
don’t know who they are. In the customer segments
section, you need to write down who your target audience
is, which might include several customer segments.
3. Unique Value Proposition

• This section sits in the middle of the canvas because it’s

what you are proposing to offer to your customers.

• It sets out the unique value that your business will


• You need to think about what makes your brand, product

or service different from others who are trying to solve

the same problems as you.

4. Solution

• What’s the answer to your customers’ problems that you’re

going to offer them?

• You won’t always have the perfect solution right away, but the

purpose of creating a business plan is to help you get started.

• If you want to find the solution to your problem, don’t assume

it will just come to you. Talk to your customer segments to

find out what they want and need.

5. Channels

• What channels are you going to use to reach your customers?

• These are the marketing and advertising methods that you’re

going to use, from digital marketing such as, like radio, print and


6. Revenue Streams

• Where is your money going to come from?

• How are you going to price your products or services?

• How much are people willing to pay, and what’s the minimum

you can charge to meet your goals?

7. Cost Structure
• These are the costs that your business will have in order
to run and market your product.

• It could include market research, technology, staff costs,

and more. With an idea of your one-off and recurring
costs, you can try to work out a rough estimate of how
many customers you will need to break even.
8. Key Metrics
• Your key metrics are what you will use to monitor how your
business is performing. You can identify some key activities
that you want to watch closely to see how people are
interacting with and using your business and its

9. Unfair Advantage

• Your unfair advantage is what you have that no other

business has.
Maqaa Dhaabbataa Guyyaa:____________________
Lean Canvas format Guyya/ Ji’a / bara:__________

Rakkoo ijoo FURMAATAA/Solution JIJJIIRAMNI INNI MAAMILAA (Namoota dhuunfaa፣

s/ DHAABBATAAF • Haala kenniinsa Dhaabbata)
ta’an sadi (3) FIDU.
barreessi. • Karaa Furmaata tajaajila kan • Eenyu isaan haa
argatu 3 barreessi. • Omishti fi biraarraa adda ibsaman ijoo kan
1.________________ tajaajilli maalii? kan godhu, ta’an.
2.________________ • Rakkoon fi
WAANTOTA AKKA fedhiin maamila
3.________________ GALTEETTI
furamu maalii?
 Galtee fi
hojicha /MALA/ Channel
hojjachuuf itti • Haalli rabsaa bu’a
fayyadamu. qabeessa ta’e


• Gosoonni Baasii haa barraa’an. • Gosoonni galii haa tarraa’an.

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