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VRP Discussion of Focused Value of

the Week:

Come to me, all you who are
weary and burdened and I
will give you rest.

Mathew 11:28
A Hebrew word that embodies peace is shalom.
It is used as both a greeting and farewell.

Peace, however, does not only mean the absence

of quarrel and trouble, it also means, “success,
completeness, and welfare”.
The Scripture on Shalom says,
“Peace and Prosperity be with you,
and success to all with you, and
success to all who help you, for your
God is the one who helps you.
Shalom is holistic, it pertains to
economic and societal prosperity
and success, and to an individual’s
welfare and completeness.
Shalom is possible in your life,
family, and workplace as Jesus
Christ becomes the Lord in each of
the said spheres. Shalom!
“Peace is the beauty life. It is
sunshine. It is the smile of a
child, the love of a mother, the
joy of a father, the togetherness
of a family. It is the
advancement of man, the
Menachem Begin victory of a just cause, the
triumph of truth.”
“Without peace, all
other dreams vanish
and are reduced to
Jawaharial Nehru

As channels of peace, we make sure

that we are at peace with our own
selves by making our conscience clear
and trusting the sovereign God who
keeps watch over us.
We resolved to find joy in everything that we
do. From now on, our emotions will not be
dependent on outward circumstances.
We will choose to respond properly to whatever
challenges the world will throw at us. In
fulfilling our duties as public servants,

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