T TP 5485 Eyfs All About Universal Childrens Day Powerpoint - Ver - 3

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What Is Universal Children’s Day?

Universal Children’s Day is a celebration that takes place around

the world every year on 20th November.

What do you think people might be

celebrating on Universal Children’s
Why Do We Have This Celebration?
Universal Children’s Day has been celebrated for over 60 years. It is a day for the
whole world to think about and help children.

The leaders of lots of countries made rules for the whole world to follow. To help
create a friendly world for all children, no matter where they live or what religion
they have.

Q Do you have rules at school?

Q Why do you need them?
What Are Children’s Rights?
The world leaders thought of 54 rules to follow to make children’s lives better. The
rules are called Children’s Rights.

They are things that every child should have or be able to do. Some of these rules

Children should be able to go to school.

Children should have food, clothes and a safe place to live.

Children should not have to go to work.

Children should be able to play and rest.

Q Do you think that these are good rules?

Is Every Child Living a Good Life?
Sadly, some children in the world never get a chance to go to school.
Some don’t have food, clothing or a safe place to live.

Q Can you think of some ways that we could

help and protect children who are in need?
What Do People Do on Universal
Children’s Day?
On Universal Children’s Day, people learn about children’s rights.

They find out about children from other places in the world who
have very different lives from their own.
They also take part in special events to raise
money for children’s charities. This money
helps children who are not having their
children’s rights met.

Q What might you do to celebrate

Universal Children’s Day?

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