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Innate immune system


 Introduction

 Anatomic barriers

 Physiologic barriers

 Inflammatory barriers

 Phagocytic barriers

 Immune system is made up of two parts

 Innate immune system provides first line defense against foreign agents
 Prevent infection
 Eliminate invading pathogens
 Stimulate the adaptive immune system

 Innate immune system includes

 Physical and anatomic barriers
 Cells
 Antimicrobial peptides
 Soluble mediators
 Cell receptors
 Provides the first line of defense.
 Present before the onset of infection.

 Not specific.
 Same molecules / cells respond to a range of pathogens

 Has no memory
 Same response after repeated exposure

 Does not lead to clonal expansion

 Innate immune system comprises four barriers:
 Anatomic barrier
 Physiologic barrier
 Inflammatory barrier
 Phagocytic barrier
Anatomic barrier

 Anatomic barriers includes;

 Skin

 Mucous membranes
Anatomic barrier - Skin
Anatomic barrier - Skin
 Epidermis
 Contains several layers of tightly packed epithelial cells.

 Keratinocytes
Produces keratin
The outer epidermal layer consists of dead cells and is filled with a waterproofing
protein called keratin.

 Melanocytes
Melanin helps prevent skin damage by absorbing UV radiation before
Anatomic barrier - Skin
Anatomic barrier - Skin
 Dermis
 Composed of connective tissue, blood vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands sebaceous

 Sebaceous glands
 Produce sebum which consists of lactic acid and fatty acids

 Help maintain the pH of the skin between 4 and 5.

 This pH inhibits the growth of most microorganisms.

Anatomic barrier - Skin
 Sweat glands
 Produces sweat.

 Sweat dilutes harmful chemicals in contact with skin

 Flushes microorganisms from skin surface

 Sweat also contains molecule with antibiotic properties called dermicidin

Anatomic barrier – Mucous membrane
 Mucous membranes cover the:
 Gastrointestinal tract
 Respiratory tract
 Mammary gland
 Salivary and lacrimal glands
 Genitourinary organs
 Inner ear
Anatomic barrier – Mucous membrane

 Saliva, tears, and mucous secretions act to wash away potential

 Mucus entraps foreign microorganisms.
 Muco-cilliary movement propels mucus-entrapped
Anatomic barrier – Mucous membrane
Physiologic barrier
 Temperature
 Normal body temperature/ Fever response inhibits growth of some pathogens.
Physiologic barrier

 pH
 Acid produce by the stomach kills most ingested microorganisms.
 Gastric juice contain HCL with pH less than 3
Physiologic barrier – Chemical mediators
 Interferon
 Induces antiviral state in uninfected cells,

 Complement system
 Produced by hepatocytes and found in serum
 Lyses microorganisms, facilitates opsonic phagocytosis, etc

 Lysozyme
 Hydrolytic enzyme found in tears, saliva, milk etc
 Cleave the peptidoglycan layer of the bacterial cell wall.
Inflammatory barrier
 Host response to
 Pathogens
 Damaged cells
 Toxic compounds
 Irradiation, etc

 Inflammation serves to
 Eliminate the pathogen
 Sets into motion healing and repair of damages tissue
Inflammatory barrier – Inflammatory mediator
Inflammatory barrier – Types
Acute inflammation Chronic inflammation
 Rapid in onset  Gradual

 Short duration  Longer duration (months to years)

 Fluid and plasma protein exudation  Lymphocytes and macrophages

 Predominant leukocyte present is
 Healing by fibrosis (scarring).
 Eg. Needle prick
Inflammatory barrier – Manifestation/Signs
Local inflammation Systemic inflammation
 Usually associated with sepsis

 Fever

 Hypotenion

 Leukocytosis, etc
Phagocytic barrier
 Involve endocytosis of extracellular material by cells.
 Macrophages
 Neutrophils
 Eosinophils
 Dendritic cells
 Monocytes
Phagocytic barrier
Phagocytic barrier
 Respiratory burst

 Lysozyme (destroys muramic acid in bacterial cell walls)
 Defensins (permeabilize bacterial and fungal membranes)
 Other hydrolytic enzymes
Phagocytic barrier

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