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Selecting and Purchasing Poultry and Game

• Poultry consumption in the • Poultry refers to several kins of fowl

Philippines has increased that are used as food and the them
remarkably in the last decade. includes chicken , turkey , duck ,
This is evident in the popularity of pigeon , and quail. These are usually
chicken dishes in restaurants all domesticated raised mainly for meat
and or eggs. Birds Such as smites
over the country.
that are hunted for are games.
Classification of Poultry and game
Poultry Uses

• Chicken Meat , eggs

• Duck Meat, eggs feathers
• Turkey Meat
• Goose Meat, feather , eggs
• Quail Meat , eggs
• Pigeon Meat
• Guinea Fowl Meat
• Wild duck Meat , feather
• Pheasant Meat
Classification of poultry and Games
1. Boiler or fryer - A broiler or fryer is young , chicken usually 9 to 12
weeks of age , of either sex , tender- meat with soft , pliable , smooth –
textured skin.
2. Roaster - A roaster is usually 5 to 6 months of age.
3. Capon - A Capon is surgically sex male chicken usually under 8
months of age .
Boiler or fryer

A broiler fryer is young , chicken usually 9 to

12 weeks of age , of either sex , tender- meat
with soft , pliable , smooth – textured skin.
A roaster is usually 5 to 6 months of age
A capon is a surgically unsexed male
chicken usually under 8 months of age
Larger than a chicken, a bit smaller than a
turkey, but more flavorful than either,
capons are full breasted with tender, juicy,
flavorful meat that is well suited to
A stag is male chicken , usually under
10 months of age with coarse skin ,
with somewhat toughened and darkened
Hen or stewing Chicken

It is a mature female chicken which

usually more than 10 months of age.
It can also be a culled layer
Cock or Roaster

It is a mature male chicken with

coarse skin , toughened and
darkened meat and hardened
breastbone tip.
Jumbo Broiler
Meat broilers are usually
slaughtered at approximately 35 to
49 days of age and this is large
chicken about 4 kg which are on sale
especially during Christmas holiday.
Peking duck
Other Poultry

1. This is a breed of duck that originated

from China and is noted for its tender
and flavor meat
Duck or Itik

Is available and popular in many

towns of Rizal as fried itik.

This is young immature pigeon

of either sex and has extra tender
Selecting Good Quality Poultry and
Live Poultry a. It has clear eyes
b. A young chicken has fine and
soft feet. If old, the feet are thick
and scaly

c. The bone at the tip of the breast

is soft in younger chicken and
thick in older one
Whole Poultry
a) Their head, feet and viscera are
still intact
b) They are clean , well fleshed
c) They have moderate fat coverings
d) They are free from pin feathers
and show no cuts ,scars or missing
a. The skin is smooth and yellow
in color.
b. The breast is plump
c. The thighs are well – develop
d. It has no objectionable odor
e. It is heavy and the skin is not
Ready to cook

The dressed birds may

be cut up and
marinated or seasoned
Poultry Parts

Several pieces of a single

poultry part are usually a. Dark meat – Drumstick , thighs ,
wings , neck , backs , and rib
packed in one carton , cage
wrapped and chilled or
b. White meat - Breast
frozen . The various
c. Giblets – Gizzard and heart
poultry are devided an any
of the following .
Nutritional Value/Components
of poultry and game
Like meat , poultry contains high quality
proteins , Chicken , the most consumed among
the fowls , has 22.6 % Protein , 76.3 % water
and traces of fat , vitamins and minerals
Different cuts of poultry
Nutritional value/ Components of poultry
and Game
• Poultry meat consists of dark and white muscles . Dark muscles are
those found in parts of fowls body which are always used. These are
the legs , thigh , wings , neck , and rib cage .
• These are richer in fat , have more connective tissues , and have meat
From the breast ) because of its juiciness and flavor . Variety meats
refer to the meat of such organs as the gizzard , heart , kidneys and
Preparation of poultry for

• Slaughter and bleeding

• Scalding
• Defeathering
• Evisceration
• Deboning
Preparation of poultry for cooking

Slaughter and bleeding

Scalding is done to loosen the feathers prior
to plucking, and this process is performed by
immersing the birds in warm water or through
the use of a newly developed process that
involves exposure to steam. In a small plant,
manual scalding is done by placing the
carcasses in a hot water tank.
The process of
removing the
feather of poultry.

The process of removing the viscera

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Step 1: Remove the Legs. First, remove the legs. ...

Step 2: Cut to the Bone. Cut down to the bone.
Step 3: Pop Out the Thigh. ...
Step 4: Cut Off the Oyster. ...
Step 5: Cut Off the Wings. ...
Step 6: Break Down the Body. ...
Step 7: Remove the Rib Cage. ...
Principles of poultry Cookery

1. The fat distribution and maturity of the fowl affect the quality of the product.
2. The best cooking temperature for poultry is at low to moderate heat. This temperature range produces a
more flavorful and tender product. This also minimizes nutrient loss.
3. To prevent the risk of microbial contamination, stuffing of turkey and chickens should be done
immediately before roasting . It is the best not to fill the cavity complety as this will prevent the
poultry form being thoroughly cooked.
4. Because of its susceptability to microbial growth , cooked poultry should be eaten immediately or
refrigerated if not consumed. To prevent contamination.
5. When roasting chicken cuts should be placed with the breast side down to produce a tender and juicer
6. To improve the palatability of lean poultry meat, basting can be done
• Store fresh, uncooked chicken on a low shelf of the refrigerator so it does
not drip onto other items. For convenience and to prevent freezer burn,
wrap separate pieces in foil or plastic bags
• Raw chicken lasts in the fridge for 1–2 days, while cooked chicken lasts
3–4 days. To detect if chicken has gone bad, check the “best if used by”
date and look for signs of spoilage like changes in smell, texture, and
color. Avoid eating spoiled chicken, as it can cause food poisoning —
even if you cook it thoroughly.
Common causes of food
contamination and spoilage
1. Failure to properly to refrigerate food.
2. Failure to thoroughly heat or cook food.
3. Infected employes from outside of the house and poor of personal hygiene
4. Foods prepared ahead of time used .
5. Cross contamination of cooked foods though inproper cleaning of the
6. Food that are not reheat proper to kill the bacterias 100 %.
7. Prolonged exposure to temperatures that flavorable to bacterial growth.
• Techniques in storing Poultry
Poultry may be frozen whole. In halves, cut into species after they are dressed and done by
cutting different parts can be separately packed.

Handling and storage of poultry -Poultry spoils very quickly unless it is properly handled
and stored .After being brought home from market .it should be unwrapped as quickly as
Freezing and thawing poultry - To prepare poultry properly for freezing , it should be
wrapped tightly in a moisture –vapor proof film
Storage time for poultry and game
Refrigerator(35-40°F) Freezer
Product (0°F)
• Chicken and turkey 9 (whole) 1-2 days 12 months
• Chicken ( pieces ) • 1-2 days 9 months
• Turkey (pieces) • 1-2 days 6 months
• Duck and goose (whole) • 1-2 days 6 months
• Giblets • 1-2 days 3-4 months

• Wild duck ,pheasant • 1-2 days 6 months

• Cooked poultry dishes • 2-4 days 3-4 months

Safety practices in Handling and storing
Poultry and game Products
• Raw chicken and poultry can carry the salmonella bacteria , Which is
responsible for more cases of food poisoning. Follow safe food handling
• Safe Shopping for chicken and poultry
• Safe handling of chicken and poultry
• Chicken and Poultry Product Dating
Basic for handling Food
• Shopping - Ensure the packaging
• Storage – Check the temperature of your refrigerator and
freezer with an appliance thermometer . The refrigerator should
be at 40 °F or below and the freezer at 0 °F .
• Preparation – always wash hands with warm water and soap
for couple of seconds before and after handling food.

• Refrigerator – Make sure thawing meat and poultry juices dot not drip onto other
• Warm Water for faster thawing – Submerge in a bowl with the running water .
Change the water every 15-30 minutes
• Microwave – Cook meat poultry immediately after microwave thawing
• Cooking - For safety and quality cooked the food In a approximately time and
temperature .
Serving – Keep food cold by nesting dishes in bowls of ice or use
small serving trays and replace them often

Refreezing - Meat and poultry defrosted in the

refrigerator may be refrozen before or after cooking.
Poultry Cookery
• Poultry like meat may be cooked by either dry or moist heat method. The choice of method
depends mainly upon the age of the bird/poultry instead of location part in the carcass as in the
case of meats . Fat content should also be taken into consideration.

1. Moist heat Method - As discussed earlier in this lesson, Chickens are categorized into classes
of chicken and other poultry for that matter may be cooked by moist – heat cookery. Common
Filipino dishes are tinola , sinampalukang manok, manok na pinaupo and relleno
2. Dry heat method - The dry method is usually reserved for young tender poultry . The poultry
class of these chickens is specially termed “broilers and fryers” somewhat older but still
immature birds such as capons and roaster are suitable for roasting. They are not still tender but
have more fat than the boilers or fryers older birds need to tenderized by moist cooking prior to
dry heat cooking .
One point to remember in poultry cookery moist heat cookery may be applied to all classes and
kinds of poultry but dry heat cookery is reserved for tender birds.
Steps in cutting Chicken 1/2

1. Cut along center of breast bone

2. Using the knife , scimitar may be reffered but a fillet knife would
work well too. Cut along one side of the breast bone to the base of the
3. Separate skin that attached to breast for leg quarter.
4. With your thumb under the wing joint press upward and out to separate
5..With knife , cut between joint to remove and cut any skin not separated
from carcass yet.
6. Cut around wing joint to remove wing
1. A small thin piece of meat located on underside of breast than can be removed by pulling the
tenderloin good for chicken tenders. Repeat steps 3-9for the other side of breast
2. Cut around leg quarter going up high towards backbone then circling down toward other side
3. Halfway through you will hit the joint
4. Using your thumb push up and out to snap apart joint
5. Finish cut through joint to remove leg quarter. Repeat steps 10-13 for ther leg quarter
6. Place the chicken, breast side up,on a clean cutting surface. stretch out each wing flat against
the board by pulling the tip. with a bonding knife ,cut off the wing tip and next joint ,leaving
the largest wing bone still attached

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