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To analyze the reason of

increasing of the price of rice in

local market in Sta Elena
Camarine Norte
Leader: Jan Jacob M. Juntereal
Member: Mjay Lexus L. Bas
Jing Jing Ortega
Donita Rose Cano
Jackelyn Napay
Mark Renz Nataniel Callongje
Mark Angelo Novelo
Chapter 1


• This chapter covers the introduction, background,
problem, objectives, questions, hypothesis, scope and
limitation, significance of the study, conceptual framework,
and definition of terms. It covers all the process of how
the study will be created and what could be the possible
outcome of this research.
• It focuses more on the purpose of this study and aims
to resolve such problems that would benefit the
• Rice is our most important cultivated plant, feeding more people than any
other crop. It is a n annual or short-lived perennial grass species native to
Asia. Its domestication (i.e. cultivation and modification by humans) started 8
to 13 thousand years ago. Much of the world, especially Asia, has rice as its
primary food source and rice production is critical for feeding the world. Rice
requires warm, moist conditions for growth and is grown world-wide in
tropical and warm temperate habitats. As is the case in all ‘cereal grains’ the
‘cereal’— the portion eaten — is a one-seeded fruit with the cells of a very
thin fruit fused to those of the seed coat.
Background of the Study
• In this research, researcher they have discuss the increase of the price of
rice and consumption situation in the Philippines. Increase of the price of rice
in the Philippines has been increasing since over the past four decades, the
1960s to 1990s. Increasing price of rice is a very critical issue for citizens and
the cosumser, to help them we gonna gather data and conduct a research
how to discrease the price of rice.

• Therefore, studies on the analysis of the local market and the complaints
of consumers on the high price of rice will not help the people. So the
researcher conducted survey, questionnaire,and analytical research in local
Research Problem
The following are the problems if there an increase of the
price of rice in local market.

• There is possibility that the local market will loss

profit,beacause the consumer will not buy rice since the
rice of price are increasing.
• There will be fewer buyers in the local market, due to the
increase in the price of rice.
Research Question
To address the problem,the following question are needed to answered.
1. How do you manage fewer people are complaining about the rise of price?
2. Do you still have enough profit despite the increase of the price of rice?
3. Do you still have enough money to buy your rice products even though it's
price continues to rise?
4. What could be the impact of the increasing price of rice to you,and your
5. How has the increase in the price of rice affected your business?
6. How rice pollution affects your business?
Research Objectives
At the end of this study,the following are needed to

• To find out the possible solution for reducing the price of

rice in local market.
• To know what is the reason why rice is increasing.
• To find out the reasons for the increase in the price of
• CUSTOMER-Since rice is a staple food for many people, an increase in its price will lead to
higher grocery bills. This could put a strain on household budgets, especially for low-income
families who spend a significant portion of their income on food.
• Consumer-Rice is a crucial source of nutrition for many people, particularly in developing
countries. An increase in rice prices can make it more difficult for low-income households to
afford sufficient quantities of rice, which can have negative impacts on food security and
health outcomes.
• Store Owner-When the price of rice goes up, the store owner's cost of purchasing rice from
suppliers also increases. This can lead to a decrease in profit margins, as the store owner
may have to absorb some of the increased costs or pass them on to the consumer in the
form of higher prices.
• Future researcher-They contribute to the continued development and stability of rice prices
by building on previous studies
Hypothesis of the study
Research Situation

• Find out what is the possible solution for increasing the

price of rice
• Null Hypothesis
• The price of rice will increase.
• Alternative Hypothesis
• The price of rice will not increase.
Scope and limitation

• This study will focus on the increasing price of

rice in local market among those costumers
and owner around Purok 10 (Poblacion)
Sta,Elena, Camarines norte.
Theoritical framework

I.Profile of the ACTION PLAN

Assessment of
increase of the price Assessed the
of rice in Rice store status of the price
through of rice
•Monthly income
of the rice store
•Price Increase
• Process of


• This chapter shows the method and the techniques used
by the researcher. It presents the instrument which was
used at the research. It includes the approached being
used in this research. It also shows the results on the
research wherein the result was rated if it is increase or
decrease of rice.
Research Design

• This study used a qualitative research. This method is

used in various fields such as social sciences psychology
and market research to understand and interpret people's
experiencs behaviours and perceptions through method
of survey questionnaires. This study will analyze the
increase of the price of rice on the local market that
primary the desire of the consumer and other citizens to
buy from the local market.

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