Email Marketing

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Learning Outcomes
Use Use email as a communications and marketing platform

Describe best practices for planning, executing and measuring

Describe email marketing campaigns

Identify the tools, technology and data elements used for

Identify successful email marketing efforts

Establish a framework for improving the effectiveness

Establish including permission

• Benefits of Email Marketing
• Useful Email Marketing Statistics
• Email Campaign Planning
• Email Essentials
• Video Email
• Segment, Design, Deliver, Test & Improve

What Are Your Opportunities &
Challenges With Email?

Analyse these Emails.
What do you like? Not like? Why?

Email is Core
to Business
According to MarketingSherpa, a vast
majority of people want to receive
promotional content through email,
compared to 17% who prefer social

* Exact Target, 2015 State of Marketing

Why Email?
1. Minimal distribution costs (no paper, stamps,
2. Immediacy
3. Targeted (segmented) General demographic and
geographic data most
4. Personalization commonly used;
5. Permission & Preference based (hopefully!) Segmentation less used

6. Inherently shareable Segments in email include:

Preference, Persona, Demographic,
7. Automated Geographic, Customer profitability, RFM,
Customer Satisfaction data,
8. Measurable with ROI that can be quantified Customers, Prospects, Click-through,
Purchase, Site behavior, Customer
9. Testable Service, Acquisition source, etc.

E-mail Marketing Techniques
Using Email for Marketing
Email is a medium of communications that has been adopted across
a nearly all areas in marketing disciplines
(Direct, CRM, PR, Advertising etc.) and purposes (acquisition, retention,
loyalty etc.)

Email can be a “push” & “pull” marketing tactic. However, it

performs optimally as a “pull” with expressed permission to USES:
• Sales
• Events
• Engagement
Use cases include (but are not limited to): • Triggered / automated
• Direct promotional emails to acquire new customers or • Customer service
• Transactional
cross-sell, up-sell to existing customers
• Sending emails designed to encourage customer loyalty • Loyalty
• Demand generation
and enhance the customer relationship, or build brand • CRM
awareness • Drip programs
• Sending electronic newsletters, webinars, seminars • Etc..
and events
• Transactions from initiation, confirmation to receipt etc.
Email Impacts on Revenue & ROI

Email Stats

2015 Smart Insights survey N =1,821 email marketers across industries.

Link to Full Smart Insights Infographic

Note: Industry benchmarks are only a
directional indicator for success

Open Rate is the % of emails

opened of the total # sent

Click-through Rate (CTR) is the %

of clicks to the number of
delivered emails (total
clicks/total delivered)
Unsubscribe Rate
How to send emails that convert?
Delivery & Bounces
SOFT Bounce
Your email message reaches the recipient's mail server but is bounced back undelivered before it gets to the
intended recipient.

Possible causes: The recipient's mailbox is full, the server is down, the message is too large or the user has
abandoned the mailbox. Since delivery of your email will be attempted regularly for a few days, it may
take time for it to officially become a hard bounce.

HARD Bounce
Your email message has been returned as permanently undeliverable.

Possible causes: Invalid addresses (domain name doesn't exist, typos, changed address, etc.) or the email
recipient's mail server has blocked your server. Note that servers can interpret bounces differently, so a soft
bounce on one server may be classified as a hard bounce on another.

E-mail Marketing Terms
• Conversion rate is the percentage of
recipients who respond to your call to action.
You can measure in sales, phone calls,
downloads, appointments etc.
• Blacklist is an ISP list from which emails
should be blocked (prevents inbound email)
as known or suspected spammers
• House list is a permission based list that a
company builds itself


Email analysis.
1. What does the email want you to do?
2. What data or segmentation can you tell was
used from the email itself?
3. What elements stand out?

E-mail Campaign Planning

• Find new customers?
• Sell more products to existing customers?
• Sell product upgrades or enhancements?
Develop • Develop greater brand awareness in
Marketing customers?
Objectives • Change the way customers use customer
support services?
• Get customers to sign up for a new
service delivered via the web?
• Get viewers to register for an event?

What can you do with Email ?
• Newsletter (or other content)
• Offers & Purchase
• Events, Appointments
• Transaction Confirmation -
• Customer Service & Support
• Follow on social media
• Reviews or feedback
• Announcements
Please Do Not …

• “Email blast” implies a
“spam” like scenario
• Does not represent
email potential for
data-driven targeting &
• Disregards notion of
testing, learning,

Define Your Audience
• Analyze customer (or prospect) profile
• Segment contacts by…
– Demographics (Location, #Emp,
– Psychographics (married, children,
profession, preferences)
– Industry
– Products purchased
– Profitability
– Product profitability

Define Measurable Goals
• Define metric of campaign success based on campaign
• For example, if the primary objective is to sell more
products, then some of the measurable goals might include:
– Sell through $X in the month of April
– Increase the number of repeat customers by 30%
– Increase the average total annual revenue per customer by
– Increase the number of customers who purchase premium
products by 25%

Email marketing is more than the email itself:
Landing Page, Form, Closing the loop, Data Analytics
1. Starts here with email communication (targeted, list

Email Platform
Campaign &

Email Database
(List, Segment,
Campaigns, Measurement
& Analytics)

2. Landing Page – Auto fill form (LinkedIn

3. Confirmation – Closing of CX loop

Workflow of a Message or Campaign

Test both
versions of the Post-campaign
Design HTML emails in analysis
Create Relevant and txt different formats;
Message Segment list of Send the Clean the List
email emails revise as email(s)
(CONTENT) necessary Determine A/B
recipients Set-up any Results &
A/B Tests Analyze A/B Next steps

Be Creative:
Let Personality Shine in Email

Individual Exercise: Best Practices

What type or category do

these fall under?

1.Identify best practices:

List at least 4-5 elements
that you can find and
speak to

2.Any suggestions re:

changes, additions etc.?

Individual Exercise: Best
What type or category do
these fall under?

1.Identify best practices:

List at least 4-5 elements
that you can find and
speak to

2.Any suggestions re:

changes, additions etc.?

Video Email
Video Email
Email Essentials

Email Marketing Essentials
1. Avoid Spamming (and avoid looking like it!)
2. Get Permission
3. Build and manage clean lists
4. Get the right tools & vendors
5. Test & Measure
– Delivery
– Open rate, Click-through rate
– Conversion

Permission is mandatory
Seth Godin is a best selling
author, speaker and entrepreneur

“ Marketing is a contest for people's

Permission marketing is the privilege (not the
right) of delivering anticipated, personal and
relevant messages to people who actually want
to get them.

It recognizes the new power of the best

consumers to ignore marketing. It realizes
that treating people with respect is the best
way to earn their attention.

Permission marketing is marketing
without interruptions.

Email analysis.
1. What does the email want
you to do?
2. What data or segmentation
can you tell was used
from the email itself?
3. What elements stand out?

Guide to creating
email newsletters (via

How to curate
content for email
(via Start A Fire)

What is Spam? Consequences
of Spamming
Unsolicited commercial Email Brand implications
(UCE) sent to people who
generally have no relationship
with the sender
Social Media exposure

Electronic junk mail or junk

newsgroup postings
Blacklisted (SpamCop, etc.)

Typical spam has a bogus sender

address, bogus unsubscribe You may even have your Internet
instructions and bogus offers privileges revoked by your ISP
Ensure recipients don’t
misconstrue your message as Differences for CASL & PIPEDA

The use of email requires Opt-in marketing methods so that customers

choose to receive email and newsletters…

When people don't opt-in, then email becomes spam

• Opt-in email is when a customer
• Opt-out (unsubscribe) is to choose
actively gives "permission" to a
NOT to receive email or to request
company to send email to them removal from a list
• Preferred Double Opt-In: Because • Provide an Opt-out : All recipients of
anyone can subscribe another to your email should be able to easily
receive email from a site, it is discontinue receiving future messages
important to confirm registration by by opting-out of your list.
sending an email requesting • Make opting-out easy to do and ensure
confirmation from the subscriber. This that the recipient is removed
is the standard practice for all immediately when they opt-out.
Internet mailing lists, it ensures
• Place opt-out or unsubscribe link at the
users are properly subscribed from a
end of the email.
working address and with the address
owner's consent.
Privacy Policy

Address what you’ll be

doing with the user’s
Post it in an obvious
Builds trust information, both now
place on your site
and potentially in the

Don’t revoke or
Link to it from your Abide by it, no
weaken it once you’ve
email campaigns exceptions
published it

Exact Target, 2014

Buy or Rent Email Lists?
• Do not use purchased lists
• Many have actually been “harvested” from web pages,
newsgroup discussion posts or domain contact
information (from the “who is” database) – without the
knowledge or permission of the affected individuals
• Rented lists from reputable list brokers are an option, but not
• Typically have incomplete customer data, numerous
incorrect email addresses as people change email fairly
frequently, and do not incorporate quality profile data
• Is it double opt-in, clean of unsubscribes and
• Creative is critical to differentiate and/or integrate
• Publisher / Advertiser lists access
• Typically through display advertising placement
• Creative is critical to differentiate and/or integrate 48
Best Practice: Build your own list

• Collect email at ALL customer touchpoints

• Offer content - free download or incentives in exchange for a web site visitor
providing their email address
• Obtain registration for webinars, membership, newsletters
• Require an email address when purchasing a product online or from an offline
location such as a retail outlet
• Customer service, call center to request email address
• Collect email address with new customer account onboarding, warranty
• Empower customer facing personnel to collect (point of sale, in store)

Email Deliverability Testing
Use an email service provider that can help
you test your emails before they are sent.
Services enable senders to see what their email
design will look like in many email clients at
They provide controls to see the preview pane
or full window and turn images on and off
Armed with that kind of information, you can go
back and adjust your design for optimal

Get The Right Tools

• Tools and resources to make your Email and newsletter efforts

manageable and effective.
• The right email vendor can improve your delivery rates and overall

Segment, Design, Deliver,
Test & Improve

Design Smart Email Drip

Don’t Forget

• No “Call to action” versus too many? Too much text, not enough?
• Design; stark? Homepage.
• No apparent links versus overloading links
• Sense of urgency? Copy writing?
• Personalization , offer, privacy , user controls ..

Design Considerations
• Brand alignment
• Clear WIIFM
• Clear call-to-action
• Personalization elements
• Testable elements
• Some users don’t display HTML;
offer text (txt) version


Design Considerations
Design for the preview pane and the fold
Email clients usually provide a snippet, preview or
window to display your email. The content at the top Tips:
of your design/message should entice the viewer. Preview pane is about
160 pixels.
What to do?
Subject lines should
Break out those tables… currently, good email design
be limited to no more
for deliverability is actually heavily dependent on
than 50 characters.
tables to maintain structure across clients.
Tables can often help
maintain the intended
What if images are turned off? layout/design across
Many clients have images turned off by default, multiple clients.
and some don’t support background images at
Using alt and title tags can help get your intended
message across even if your images
aren't’displayed. Also take into consideration
whether your design/layout will be compromised
without images.
Increase Open Rates: The Subject Line
• Shorter subject lines perform better
• Consider order, choice, brand and action words SUBJECT is the most
• Be direct, clear and avoid ambiguous phrases important factor in
• DON’T USE ALL CAPS or exclamation points!!! open rates: 35%
• Avoid “Free”, “Limited time offer” or gimmicks re: decide to open while
spam 69% decide to report
• Ensure relevance to audience spam based on
subject line
• Focus on benefits, answer “So What?
• Create a sense of urgency

Which ones would get you to


Increase Open Rates: To and From; Snippets
• Use your BRAND, company name or well-
know name of indv from organization
• 70% make their decision to open an email
Source: Campaign Monitor

based on the From and Subject line

• 73% make the decision to click the “Report
as Spam” button based on the from line
• 56% cite knowing the sender as the
primary reason for opening an email
•Snippets give a preview of content before opening email

Increase Click-through: Message Body

• You want the copy to SELL • Place most important copy at

the call to action the top
• – Support mobile device
Focus on one (1) offer and
one (1) topic/theme preview pane
– Establish credibility and
• Make your call-to-action context upfront
• Copy should be web-like
• Motivate the action by – Short, crisp, scannable
differentiating – Bullet lists, numbered lists,
yourself Links
• Don’t bury your links • WIIFM - lead with benefits
(remember the preview pane) (“why should I care?”)
• Direct to an effective landing
Increase Click-through: Message Body Links
• Present call to action EARLY and often • Links
– After first offer give readers more reasons
• Usetothem and test before sending
respond then tell them again how
• 28% of messages have relevant
• Sell the offer (call to action) not the content, but no working links
• Use well placed and obvious links
• Every word counts to drive traffic to the web or to
• Pass the skimmer test
other online offers
• Use logo as link to home page
– Headlines, subheads, bold and underlined
copy should tell the story (expected)

• Include company boilerplate (bio) and contact 6-10
us links in an email will generate
information the greatest number of clicks
• Copyrights and disclaimers
• Unsubscribe option
Best Practices - Summary
• Design does matter
• Valuable content
• Call to action front and
• Get personal
• Optimize for mobile*
• Automate your
• Highlight your brand with
proper logo placement Exact Target, 2015

Right target, right time, right message, right frequency

When to Send? Day and Time

It depends on your audience,

message and industry

Best advice is to
test and measure, trend what
works for your business
Source: MailChimp, 2015

The Key to Great Email Performance

Test – Measure – Improve

• Test salient variables
• Test one thing at a time (A/B testing)
• Champion vs. Challenger scenarios
• Measure and iterate
• Test constantly

What variables can you test in email?

Measure Your Success

Exact Target, 2015

Email Measurement & Analytics

This is an actual sample report from a large scale

organization that conducts numerous email campaigns daily
& weekly
to drive engagement, acquisition & e-Commerce
In General, for every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average
return on email marketing investment

Questions for Discussion
These are some questions you can use as
preparation for an online discussion in our
next webinar:
• Describe at least three different methods you can
use to build your own email list?
• Outline some of the data elements that you can
use personalize an email message?
• Discuss the value in terms of gaining opt-in
permission and implications for not adhering
to CASL?

Reading & Resources
Convince and Convert

ClickZ - Insight and analysis on the latest trends, tools and technology in digital
marketing and advertising

Email Marketing Benchmarks

33 New Email Marketing Resources You Shouldn’t Miss

Email Insider Blog – Media Post

Constant Contact

Marketing Resources


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