How I Spend My Money Tania

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I am Tania Agustina Suherman. I am a student from
the faculty of economics and business majoring in
Accounting 2022, at Mercu Buana University.
I'll give you a little "How I
spend my money" overview.
M y mother always gives pocket money once a month.
Then what do I do with the pocket money?
I definitely set aside my pocket money maybe every month
2 0 % of the allowance given. I would withdraw cash from the
bank and put 2 0 % into the piggy bank.
why do I choose to save in a piggy bank? Because, for
example, if I leave my pocket money in the bank, I will definitely
use it without realizing it. Because nowadays, there is already
such a thing as M banking. so it's easier to spend without us having
to leave the house.
What do I usually do If I
don''t save my money?
1.I will use my money to order a meal or
something like street food. whether when
hanging out with friends or my own desires at
home and others.

2.I can also use my money to buy clothes, shoes,

or other things if they are interesting in my eyes.
What do I usually do If I
don''t save my money?

3. And sometimes I don't remember how much

money I have, but I continue to use my money
without realizing that I have spent a lot and
that's why i became extravag ant.
Becaus e know s aving money is als o very
I So I always try to always put 2 0 % of
my money into a piggy bank.
Because in my mind, if in the future we need
the money for urgent or important things.
I don't have to worry, becaus e I have s aving s
that I keep.
I once read a quote, the
sentence is :
"The function of saving is not to get
rich but for urgent needs" and "Do not
save what is left, but spend what is
left after saving"
—Warrant Buffet
I always do my best to save 20% of
my pocket money once a month.
No matter how extravagantly I spend my pocket
money, before I use it, I always save that 20%
in a piggy bank
Thank You

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