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Asim Malik
November 10th ,2023
OGL 482 Pro Seminar II
Professor Andi Hess
Thematic analysis is a widely used method to examine
qualitative data. This presentation covers the relevant
themes of my who I am based on data sources that I
have gathered throughout my life and college journey. I
have discovered ten recurring themes that highlight a
pattern of significance of who I am. I was able to
achieve this by following a comprehensive six-step
sequence: initial familiarization, coding, theme
generation, theme review, theme definition, naming,
and final documentation. I am excited for you to
objectively learn more about me.
Research Process
and Methods
My research process consisted of reviewing
assessments from my coursework from this
class, other organizational leadership courses I
have taken thus far along with some of my
personal artifacts. I was able to discover
consistent themes that exist about myself doing
so. The coding method that worked best for me
after gathering my data was to type all the data
points into a Word Document and then sort the
information into categories.
Kuder Assessments:
Kuder Career Interests Assessment (KCIA)- The results of this assessment helped me with identifying a potential career path that aligns with my
skills and passions. My highest scoring areas are Conventional, Enterprising and Social interests.

Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment (KSCA)/ Holland Personality Traits (HPT)- This assessment provided me with in depth insights
about my personality types and skills. My Holland Code is A\E\C which stands for:
Artistic (A), Enterprising (E), Conventional (C).

Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised(SWVIR)- This assessment ranked my top work values that are important to me.
My highest values are life-style, income, co-workers, independence and supervision.

Career Anchors Assessment (CAA)- This assessment focused on identifying key factors that would most likely drive career
fulfillment and satisfaction based on my core values. My primary anchors are autonomy/independence and lifestyle
integration. While my secondary anchors are security, stability and organizational identity.

ATA Martial Arts 3rd Degree Black Belt (ATA)- Achieving this rank in Taekwondo takes an
immense amount of discipline, hard work and focus.
The “Big 5” self-assessment (B5SA)- This assessment is a widely known personality test that is centered around
five broad dimensions: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. The results showed that I have
high levels of conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness.

DISC Personality Test (DISC)- This is assessment helps measure predominant traits or behaviors such as Dominance, Influence,
Steadiness, and Compliance. My predominant traits are centered around influence.

Enneagram Skills Assessment (ESA)- This assessment is a personality test that dives into an individual's core motivations,
fears, and desires. I was placed as Type 3: The Achiever which represents having an energetic and purposeful approach to life.

Inspiration Book Project: Atomic Habits (IBP)- "Atomic Habits" is a great book if you want to learn how small changes in your
daily routine can make a major impact. That is why I decided to read it.

Leadership Identity Narrative (LIN)- This was a reflective narrative that focused on the ups and downs I have experienced in my life
so far. It also required me to analyze the leadership roles and scenarios that I have encountered throughout my journey.

Inspiration: Interviewing project (IP)- This project aimed to gather insights from personal and professional interviews. It gave me
an opportunity to reflect on their experiences, gain valuable feedback, and uncover areas for professional and personal growth.

Eagle Scout Award (BSA)- This award is the highest honor achievable in the Boy Scouts of America.
The journey to reach Eagle Scout requires commitment to leadership, service, and personal development,
My 10
These themes are all common
threads that appear throughout
my data sources.
Personal & Professional Growth
■ Theme Statement: Striving for continuous improvement and learning, both personally and professionally, is
one of the central themes in my life. Embracing the challenges of life, seeking new opportunities, developing
new skills, and expanding my overall knowledge.
■ Supporting Data:
- The path to achieving my third-degree black belt in Taekwondo required both mental and physical
improvement. I could have quit many times but my dedication to becoming a better person kept me motivated.
- Taekwondo instilled valuable life skills in the curriculum which emphasized the significance of
perseverance, resilience, and ongoing self-improvement when navigating various challenges in life to me. (ATA)
- The journey to achieving the rank of Eagle Scout demanded personal growth. Despite facing many
challenges, my commitment to improvement and the desire to make a positive impact on others kept me driven
throughout the process. (BSA)
- Boy Scouts Eagle has helped shape me into the person I am today by equipping me with the tools that I
need in various aspects of life. (BSA)
- My unwavering pursuit of personal and professional growth is showcased by my choice to read 'Atomic
Habits,' a book that has substantially enhanced my ability to create effective habits and make positive changes.
Theme 1: Personal & Professional
■ Contradictory Evidence:
My ongoing pursuit of personal and professional growth, is very evident through the milestones I have
achieved such as earning a third-degree black belt and achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. It has left no room
for any contrary evidence to be provided. These accomplishments have shown my unwavering dedication to
continuous self improvement and the development of valuable life skills.
■ Reflection:
Personal and professional growth is big part of my identity. It has always been a driving force behind my
pursuits in life. I have a sense of deep fulfillment when I am acquiring new skills or bettering myself in any
form. When reflecting on what I have learned about myself I can now clearly see that I am a forward-
thinking individual. This theme has not only shaped my past and present but also is a guiding principle for
my future endeavors.
Teaching & Serving Others
■ Theme Statement: I have a deeply rooted inclination to contribute to the well-being of others by passing
along the skills, values and knowledge that I have.

■ Supporting Data:
- As a martial arts instructor I found great joy in teaching the youth. (LIN)
- As the patrol and troop leader I thrived upon providing support and direction to scouts in need.(LIN)
- I can empathize with people who are struggling that is one of the main reasons why I will
always be willing to help or teach others in need. (HPT)
- Being a mentor is a role that I do not take for granted. (HPT)
- Becoming a teacher was recommended to me. (CAA)
Theme 2: Teaching & Serving Others
■ Contradictory Evidence: While independence is a significant aspect of my personality, I have always recognized
the benefits to sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences. That is exactly why I put myself in positions that require
serving others and teaching. (HPT)

■ Reflection: Reflecting on my journey of teaching/serving others in Boy Scouts, martial arts, and helping those
struggling around me, I recognized a consistent theme of empowerment and shared growth. It has become an
instinctual part of who I am.
Leadership & Decision Making
■ Theme Statement: I have found myself in leadership positions and making key decisions my entire life.
It is a commonly reoccurring theme that I have grown to appreciate. Being the person that my peers or
team looks to for guidance when a pivotal decision needs to be made.

■ Supporting Data:
- I am naturally inclined to be in a supervisor role. (SWVIR)
- My communication skills are above average. (SWVIR)
- My peers usually prefer to have me as in a leadership position and the primary decision maker. (LPN)
- The confidence that I project is why others have faith in my leadership and decision-making abilities. (HPT)
- I take accountability if I end up making a mistake. This is huge reason why others feel comfortable with
me in positions of power. (LPN)
Theme 3:Leadership & Decision
■ Contradictory Evidence: My consistent involvement in leadership roles, whether in Boy Scouts, martial arts, or
professional settings, showcases a pattern of my affinity for decision making. The absence of any instances where
my leadership was questioned indicates a reliable pattern in this aspect of my life.

■ Reflection: Through self-reflection and feedback, it has become very clear that my personality traits align
perfectly with the characteristics required for effective leadership and decision-making. As I continue to navigate
the leadership roles in my life this theme will be a guiding force during tough times.
Work-Life Balance
■ Theme Statement: Achieving a harmonious work-life balance is a fundamental theme in my life. It is
one of the biggest factors in my ability to sustain personal and professional success.
■ Supporting Data:
- As someone who highly values interpersonal relationships, maintaining a healthy work-life balance
allows me to maintain connections with my family and friends. Which greatly contributes to my overall
happiness and success at work. (SWVIR)
- I recognize the importance of stepping away from work to recharge, enhancing my productivity
and creativity when I return. (SWVIR)
- I understand that a well-balanced lifestyle positively influences my performance and contributions
in my professional life (CAA).
- I am aware that the career path I set out on will need to allow for positive work-life balance
- The feedback I have received from others suggests that I need a good level of work-life balance to
function. (IP)
Theme 4: Work-Life Balance
■ Contradictory Evidence: The pursuit of a healthy work-life balance is a consistent theme of my life
without any contradictory evidence. This can be proven by examining my habits and attitudes. (IP)

■ Reflection: I have a strong understanding of the importance of balancing professional responsibilities

with my personal well-being. Setting appropriate boundaries and taking breaks when needed helps me
maintain meaningful relationships, enhances my overall happiness, and increases my productivity.
Teamwork & Collaboration
■ Theme Statement: Utilizing teamwork and collaboration to get things done is a consistent theme in my
life. It is a big part of how I approach completing tasks in my life.

■ Supporting Data:
- My high levels of conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness make collaborating or working
as a team very easy for everyone. (B5SA)
- Utilizing my co-worker's strengths to get things done is one of my greatest abilities. (SWVIR)
- I see the immense value in diverse contributions and perspectives of team members. (SWVIR)
- I thrive in environments that promote shared goals. (KCIA)
- My strong communication skills create an environment where team members feel comfortable with
sharing and contributing. (LIN)
Theme 5: Teamwork & Collaboration
■ Contradictory Evidence: I do crave independence in the workplace. However, it is not that I wish to
avoid teamwork. I truly believe in the power of collaboration. My focus on independence stems from a
desire to take charge and drive projects forward, not from a reluctance to work collaboratively.

■ Reflection: When looking back on this theme it is obvious to me that collaboration and teamwork has
been a fundamental aspect of the successes I have had in life. I preform at my best in environments that
prioritize shared goals and emphasize the importance of working together towards a common objective.
Emotional Intelligence
■ Theme Statement: Emotional intelligence is a defining theme in my life. It has shaped the way I navigate
situations and understand the emotions of everyone involved.

■ Supporting Data:
- Based on others feedback, I am adept to tuning into the emotions of others around. Enabling me to build
positive relationships which contributing to the existence of harmonious and supportive social environment. (IP)
- My emotionally intelligent approach extends to leadership roles, where I prioritize creating an inclusive
and emotionally healthy work environment. (IP)
- As an emotionally intelligent individual, I am more aware of non-verbal cues. This helps me discern
underlying emotions and respond appropriately. (B5SA)
- My capacity to offer constructive feedback with sensitivity and tact reflects my high level of emotional
intelligence. (B5SA)
- I always exhibit a positive outlook in life, inspiring people around me to navigate difficulties with
optimism and determination. (DISC)
Theme 6: Emotional Intelligence
■ Contradictory Evidence: While navigating emotionally stressful situations hasn't always been my forte,
I acknowledge that and am working on improvement in that specific area of emotional intelligence.
Based on the feedback I received from people in my personal and professional life. Recognizing the
importance of continuous improvement, I am dedicated to becoming more well rounded. On the other
hand, there are still many aspects of emotional intelligence that come naturally to me. (IP)

■ Reflection: My emotional intelligence influences how I approach relationships and interpret emotions; in
various scenarios I face in my life. Through heightened awareness and empathy, I prioritize active
listening, communication and interpersonal bonds. This theme reflects my dedication to cultivating
positive emotional spaces, shaping my character in both personal and professional atmospheres.
Organizational Culture
■ Theme Statement: Having a positive organizational culture holds a significant place in my life. It is one
of the guiding forces of my professional choices and greatly influences my overall fulfillment in life.
■ Supporting Data:
- I have the desire to work within an organizational culture that aligns closely with my values.
- I am drawn to organizational cultures that foster a sense of autonomy and trust in employees.
- Having a supportive and inclusive work atmosphere where everyone feels valued and empowered
is important. (SWVIR)
- Based on my work experiences and personal affiliations it is very transparent that I hold very high
standards when it comes to organizational culture. (LPN)
- I actively seek workplaces or organizations like ATA or BSA that promote inclusivity, open
communication, and a collaborative spirit, as these elements contribute to what a positive and conducive
organizational culture. (BSA)(ATA)
Theme 7: Organizational Culture

■ Contradictory Evidence: This has always been a consistent thread throughout my journey. I believe that
shows my commitment to seeking organizational cultures aligned with positive values. From my past
roles to future aspirations, the absence of contradictory evidence underscores the importance of
organizational culture in shaping my professional and personal journey.

■ Reflection: Being part of a positive and collaborative workplace has always been important to me.
Looking back at my experiences, I realize that organizational culture plays a major role in my job
satisfaction. This is something I consistently seek in my career choices or in organizations that I spend
my free time in. Reflecting on this helped me see that I heavily prioritize the type of work environment
that aligns with my values.
Creativity & Innovation
■ Theme Statement: In my life, innovation and creativity serve as foundational themes. A significant aspect
of my mindset involves a continual pursuit of new ideas and potential solutions to problems I face.
■ Supporting Data:
- In many different settings, I have demonstrated the ability to introduce creative ideas that not only
stand out but also contribute significantly to the project's success. (LPN)
- My past experiences in rigid work environments have shown that I thrive when given the freedom
to explore creative solutions to challenges. (LPN)
- I am more likely to be productive and satisfied in an environment where innovation and creativity
are not limited. (KSCA)
- I greatly prefer to work with other creative and innovative thinking individuals in a professional
- Feedback from my colleagues highlight my ability generate innovative solutions. (IP)
Theme 8: Creativity & Innovation
■ Contradictory Evidence: There is no evidence that contradicts that creativity and innovation are not key
themes of my life. Embracing the mindset of continuous learning, collaborating with other creative minds,
and being given the freedom to innovate from my organization are all essential to me.

■ Reflection: Creativity and innovation have helped me get through many challenges. It has also provided
me with many opportunities. As I look back on different moments in my life, I can see that the theme of
innovation and creativity has consistently emerged. Due to me being able to embrace the unconventional,
in collaborative efforts or individual projects.
Social Impact
■ Theme Statement: A central aspect of my life revolves around the commitment I have made to making a
positive social impact. I was raised to dedicate a significant amount of my time to comprehending,
addressing, and elevating the needs and aspirations of the communities I am apart of and those who are
underserved. I do my best to make meaningful contributions to positively effect their well-being.

■ Supporting Data:
- My commitment to social impact is evident in the time and effort I have invested in community
service projects. (BSA)
- Contributing to community well-being is not just a goal for me but a deeply ingrained part of who I
am. (KCIA)
- I view social impact as a shared responsibility and actively try to inspire others. (KCIA)
- My approach to social impact is centered around sustainable and lasting improvements rather than
short term solutions. (IBP)
- It is important to me that I do my best to meet the evolving needs of the communities in need,
ensuring relevance and effectiveness. (LPN)
Theme 9: Social Impact
■ Contradictory Evidence: The theme of social impact has been seamlessly woven through the fabric of
my life, leaving no room for contradictions. From the tangible actions I take such as community service
projects to the personal connections I make at community service events, each is a testament to my
commitment to making a positive social impact.

■ Reflection: Upon reflection it is obvious that the theme of social impact holds a profound place in my
life, steering me toward purposeful actions and making meaningful connections. In my experiences, I
have witnessed the transformative power of collective effort, reinforcing the importance of working
together for the betterment of society.
Economic Stability
■ Theme Statement: Economic stability has become a central theme in my life, influencing my goals,
choices, and sense of fulfillment. It shapes how I plan for the future and approach opportunities offered to
me. The pursuit of economic stability is not just about accumulating wealth but building a foundation for
my children and the freedom to see the world before my time on earth comes to an end.

■ Supporting Data:
- I prioritize saving and investing because I understand the importance of building a financial cushion for
unforeseen circumstances. (SWVIR)
- Growing up and coming from an economically modest background, I learned the value of financial
stability early on, that is why I aspire for a secure future. (SWVIR)
- Aligning my career choices with both passion and economic potential is something that I find very
appealing. (CAA)
- I actively seek out opportunities for professional growth, because I recognize the direct impact it can
have on my earning potential and overall well-being. (CAA)
- Driven by my innate achiever mentality, I am motivated to pursue economic stability. (ESA)
Theme 10:Economic Stability
■ Contradictory Evidence: Although it is a common perception that individuals seeking financial stability
are often characterized as selfish or materialistic, my pursuit of economic stability is driven by a desire to
make a positive impact in my community. I see financial success as a route that will allow me to
contribute to the well-being of others.

■ Reflection: Economic stability is not merely a goal for me to reach. It functions as a guiding principle in
my life. It also serves a broader purpose. Due to my sense of responsibility to impact not just my own
life, but the lives of my family members and community.
My Personal Vision Statement

I promise to navigate my journey in life with resilience, wisdom, and commitment to continuous
learning. Striving to create a harmonious balance between personal fulfillment and making a positive
impact on the world. Embracing the challenges, I face as opportunities.

Reflection: The process of developing my personal vision statement was a reflective journey that dove into the
core aspects of my identity and aspirations. Initially, I took inventory of the recurring themes in my life,
identified through this analysis. They served as the foundation for crafting a vision that encapsulates my
values and the impact I intend to make.
My Personal Mission Statement

I am dedicated to living my life authentically, optimistically and courageously. By embracing new

experiences, building genuine relationships, and inspiring others to do the same.

Reflection: Creating my mission statement took a lot of self reflection. I had to deeply think about what I stand
for and the image I not only want to portray but actively live as well.
The thematic analysis process has provided me with the opportunity to explore the
most prevalent themes in my life. I feel that I have learned a lot more about myself
through reflection. Which has helped me grow and improve in many ways. The
identification and articulation of these themes has given me a comprehensive
understanding of who I am at my core.

Disc personality assessment. Truity. (n.d.).

Complete enneagram test result – type-3 - enneagram universe. Enneagram Universe - Understand Yourself and
Others. (2023, July 12).

Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder journey. Kuder Journey®. (n.d.).

Big Five personality test report. Free tests that take you further!

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