1 Market Research

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MIP - Session #2

Thursday January 19
• Data collection • Stereotype • Needs of TG
• Diverse personae
• Fear of change

BOP BM Promotion
• Budgets • Market entry • On the bandwagon
• Unrelated theme
• Lack of Creativity
• non cultural/ non religious
• One for all doesn’t work
• Media Accessibility

Retailing Distribution PESTLE

• Penetration • Political
• Economic
• Social – values & beliefs
• Tech advancements


Public Company
Do marketers Create Needs?
Needs… not created

• Function of Senses
Needs • Inborn; inherent; Instinctive; natural

Wants… can be created

• Known option; Choice; Preference

Demand Demand…influenced

• Desired; Backed With Purchase Power

Use market research
--information used to
identify and define marketing
Marketing research is the opportunities and problems;
function that links the consumer, generate, refine, and evaluate marketing
customer, and public to the actions;
marketer through information monitor marketing performance; and
improve understanding of marketing as
a process.

Marketing research specifies the information required to address these

issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and
implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, and
communicates the findings and their implications
It includes the collection and analysis of
information regarding consumers
Market research is an important action
(potential customers), competitors
before leaping into a business, and an
(same business type), and the
educated move that determines the
effectiveness of marketing programs
feasibility of a new business.
(i.e., direct mail marketing, newsletters,
signage, etcetera).
Linked information
• Inform
Role • Provide
• Examine

• Analyse
Function • Explain
• Discover

• Generate
Utility • Ascertain
• Unearth

• Market Space
Influence • Customer insights
Strategic •
Plans Solutions
A research agency
connect the marketer with the consumer
(in terms of information.)

MR provides decision makers with an image of

the actual and potential market, CB, market trend &
Culture influences the scope and nature of research

The relationship between client, company and the research agency has evolved
MIP - Session #3
Saturday 25 November 2023
Qualitative (14%)
• IDI 14%
• GD 72%
• Other 14%

Quantitative (84%)
• Other 38&
• Online 25%
• Postal 6%
• F2F 12%
• Telephone 19%
Collectivistic societies:

ASIA Greater reliance on reference groups and group


PACIFIC Image of managers:

Asians see managers as experts; Westerners see them as
problem solvers.
REGION Temporal orientation:

BEHAVIOR Asians are typically past oriented.

TRUTHS Different symbolism:

In different Asian cultures, things, numbers, color, etc.
mean different things.
Differences exist in verbal and non-verbal communication
MR style and procedure &
type of data sought…
2021 Is different from region to
Pakistan - $118,798 M
$19 M • The Japanese research information
(AP 15%) from actual buyers (vs. potential)
• National income estimates of India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh do not reflect
under-reported or unreported
India - $2623 M • Traditional values prompt
respondents to provide socially
desirable responses (vs. true
Top 10 Net growth rates in 2021 (%)
Fastest Philippines 15.4%
growing Indonesia 14.8%
India 13.1%
Kazakhstan 12.8%
in Asia Australia 11.4%
Pacific Singapore 11.3%
Thailand 8.8%
Hong Kong 8.8%
Japan 7.3%
South Korea 6.1%
(Pakistan -9.1%)
Market Research in Pakistan Current Trends: Pakistani Research Industry
• Is fastest growing in emerging • Shift to automated data collection methods
markets category (hand-held terminals) e.g., Scanning product
• Growth in clients and codes making store audits accurate & robust!
industries use and value of Improved reliability and efficiency
MR data • Revamp preparations and systems teams are
• Increased awareness and data scientists with expertise in data
appreciation collection and interpretation allows them to
recommend changes in a client’s business

Information to selected Solution Trusted
Data Provider
Provider business Provider advisor
Research New Product Development:
assessing new products through
Brand Health Tracking
understanding the performance of Profiling:
Objectives understanding various stages such
as concept testing, product testing
the brand
MDS Framework
understanding the target audience
through psychographic and
and copy testing. demographic profiling.
Meaningful, Different, Salient

Impact Evaluation:
Performance Management:
Pre and post-test evaluation where
small-scale research where
the organization needs to gauge
Market Sizing: performance evaluated where
the effect of the intervention. E.g.,
when need to understand market objective is to check that the
TVC campaign aimed at
potential and forecast sales. employees are following SOPs or
increasing brand recall… to
not. Mystery shopping falls in this
assess whether brand recall has
category as well.
increased or not.

Knowledge, Attitudes &

Usage & Attitudes: Perception:
Specific to product categories, Customer Satisfaction: Mainly carried out by public
U&A studies help understand To gauge customer satisfaction agencies such as UNICEF to
consumer usage patterns and with respect to brand shares/sales. understand the perceptions
attitude towards the category. regarding social phenomenon
such as education and health.
Brand health tracking
Engaging consumers in quantitative researches to understand perceptions
MDS , in varying combinations, are what make a brand sell the most, command
the highest price, and generate the greatest value share growth

Mystery shopping
Commonly used by banks and restaurants, to check the quality of customer
service provided by their staff. This research may be carried out immediately
VS after or before staff training.
Research Activities
A shopper is accompanied by a moderator during a shopping trip. The
moderator observes the shopping behavior and may ask probing questions
before, during, or after the trip. (Similar to ethnography only in a shopping
The central aim of ethnography is to provide rich, holistic insights into people’s
views and actions, as well as the nature (that is, sights, sounds) of the location
they inhabit, through the collection of detailed observations and interviews.
MIP - Session #4
Saturday 25 November 2023
Changes in client

Key developments
Values ​& opinion
in MR

Noting the real problems Holistic research approaches

Achieving effective decision- Faster Responses
making at the global level Different levels of maturity
The Result Is A To With
Of Market Business More Customers Increased
Research That Is ` Needs Profits
New Product Development
is a major MR activity
• Idea Generation:
• FGDs/In-depth interviews employees,
customers, competition, suppliers, consumers
• Idea screening
• willingness, availability, affordability
• Concept development and testing: FGDs
• Marketing strategy & business analysis
• Product development
• Test Marketing
• Commercialization
Achievement of
Marketing Activities
Research & Satisfactory
Performance of
products & solutions.

Meaningful Different
Delivers against Offers something
Comes to mind
functional & unique and is a
easily and quickly
emotional needs trend setter

Affinity Unique Intensity

Meet Needs Dynamic Purchase

What can be/ would be /
are issues, challenges,
problems in conducting
research activities and
achieving research
New Product Brand Health Impact
Objectives Development Tracking

Performance Usage & Customer
Market Sizing Attitudes &
Management: Attitudes Satisfaction:

Brand health
Activities tracking
Mystery shopping SHOPNOGRAPHIES
Data Collection Data Analysis Privacy, Piracy;
use of

• Recency • Validity • Ethics /

• Scarcity Of • Quality Of Credibility
Published Research • Lack Of
Data • Training Government
• Sampling Support
Frames • Lack Of
• Heterogeneity Research
Of Universe Culture
• Low Literacy • Mechanical
Rate Tools
• Scarcity of
Skilled Human
Issues Can Be Handled
Through Case Studies
• Increase penetration
• Generate trial

• Change perception of chocolates as gift giving option on traditional
• Increase market share
• Equity association with mothers

• Make Dettol part of mother's repertoire of everyday
hygiene solutions.
• Launch products in local consumer market.
• Generate awareness
• Inculcate trial

• 40% rice production consumed domestically
• Branded/ packaged rice had 2% share of the domestic market.
Surf Excel
• Motivate trial
• Increase purchase intent
• Increase Brand love/ relevance/ equity

• Educate children that the true spirit of Ramadan is all about good
intentions; Prayer, abstinence, charity & fasting,
• Extend usage Increase penetration
• Generate trial Establish credibility
• Make brand exciting

• Increase consumption throughout the year
• Build stronger relationships
• Make eating frozen dessert a daily habit

• Increase consumption
• Inculcate habit of frequent consumption of in-home frozen desserts.

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