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S/N Name ID Intake

01 Tasnim Ebna Mahbob Pulok 063 56

02 Shekh Sabia Hannan Labonno 060 56

03 Saba Akthar 052 56

04 Saima Zaman 065 56

05 Zerin sultana sathi 088 56

06 Nabila Anwar 180 56


Unilever Is A Multinational Consumer Goods Company With
Headquarters In London, United Kingdom, And Rotterdam,
Netherlands. It Was Founded In 1929 And Is One Of The Largest
Fast-moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Companies In The World.

Since Its Establishment, Unilever Has Grown To Become One Of

The Largest Multinational Companies In The World, With A Wide
Range Of Consumer Products And A Significant Global Presence.
It operates in various sectors including
food and beverages, home care,
personal care, and refreshments.
Unilever's portfolio includes numerous
well-known brands, such as Dove,
Knorr, Sunsilk, Lux, AXE and many
They operates in over 190 countries
and has a dual-headed structure with
separate legal entities in the United
Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Products & Functions

Unilever is a multinational consumer goods company that offers a wide range of
products across various categories. Some of their main product categories and
their main functions are:

1. Personal Care Products: Unilever produces a range of personal care products,

including skincare, haircare, and oral care items. These products are designed to
enhance personal hygiene, maintain skin health, and improve overall appearance.

2. Food and Beverages: Unilever offers various food and beverage products,
such as spreads, soups, sauces, ice cream, tea, and coffee. These products are
designed to provide convenience, taste, and nutrition to consumers.
3. Home Care Products: Unilever manufactures home care
products, including laundry detergents, household cleaners, and air
fresheners. These products aim to assist in maintaining cleanliness
and freshness in homes.

4. Refreshments: Unilever has a range of refreshment products,

including ice creams and beverages. They offer a variety of frozen
treats and drinks to provide consumers with enjoyable and
refreshing experiences.

The main function of Unilever's products is to meet the everyday

needs and preferences of consumers, providing them with quality,
convenience, and value. They aim to enhance personal care routines,
offer delicious and nutritious food options, promote cleanliness and
hygiene in homes, and cater to various aspects of well-being.
HR Practices in Unilever

1. Child labor: Their recruitment policy doesn't permit
engagement of child labor directly or indirectly. Regular
audits ensure compliance at their own sites and at third
party locations/sites.

2. Forced or compulsory labor: The Employee Relations

Policy and business principles adopted by the company
prohibit such practices and this is upheld in letter and

3. Rights of indigenous people: They haven't witnessed any
violations of the rights of indigenous people and none of their
sites are at risk of violating such rights.

4. Diversity: They are committed to maintaining diversity in

our working environment. We aggressively pursue the target of
increasing the proportion of women in management cadres.
Their have a number of gender-friendly policies such as
Maternity Benefit, Career Break, Flexi-working.
Unilever's success can be attributed to several factors:

1. Strong Brand Portfolio: Unilever owns a wide range of
popular and trusted brands such as Dove, Lipton, Axe and many
more. These brands have a global presence and enjoy high
consumer recognition and loyalty.

2. Global Reach: Unilever operates in over 190 countries its

distribution network and supply chain capabilities enable it to
reach consumers across the world.
3.Marketing and Advertising: Unilever invests
heavily in advertising and brand building to create
strong brand awareness and connect with its target

4. Strong Management and Leadership: Unilever's

management team has made effective leadership and
strategic decision-making, guiding the company's
growth and success over the years.
Some challenges Unilever face all over the world. Here
some challenges note down briefly:

Competition: Competition is one of the main threats that

Unilever has to face and its competitor is very strong. The
only direct competitor for Unilever Procter and gamble
since both are giant companies.

Competition among company brands:

Unilever comprises of several brands which consist of
contradictory brands resulting duplication of effort and
money. This is become the problem of the company.
Challenges facing leaders:
In some country Unilever facing Challenges call "Unilever
capability" this involve making sure that companies have
the right capabilities to act successfully in the market.

Excellent Execution :
Once Unilever has the strategy right, which is probably 5%
of the job , the other 95% is actually Execution, and given
the vast geography and complexity, this is a difficult task
and It's one of the main challenges Unilever has in the
overall sector and as a business in general.
Here are the recommendations for HR in the Unilever Company in more detail:

1. Diversity and Inclusion:

 Implement fair and unbiased hiring practices to ensure diversity in the workforce.
 Create an inclusive work environment that values and respects employees of all
 Foster diversity through initiatives like diversity training, diversity councils, and
employee resource groups.

2. Employee Development:
 Provide training programs and workshops to enhance employees' skills and
 Offer opportunities for career growth and advancement through mentorship programs
and job rotations.
 Encourage employees to pursue professional development and support them in acquiring
new knowledge and skills.
3. Performance Management:
 Set clear performance expectations and goals for employees.
 Conduct regular performance evaluations and provide constructive
 Recognize and reward employees for their achievements and contributions.
 Provide opportunities for continuous learning and improvement.

4. Work-Life Balance:
 Promote work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements such as
remote work options, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks.
 Encourage employees to take regular breaks and vacations to avoid burnout.
 Provide resources and support for employees' well-being, including mental
health initiatives and wellness programs.
 Foster a culture that values work-life balance and discourages excessive

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