Research Reports

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• Using complexity theory, this research analyzes the interplay between new product development and rivalry in
the global branding strategies.
• Over the course of nine months, a questionnaire was used to collect deductive, quantitative data from Indian
resellers of international IT vendors.
• To address the research questions, a total of 649 participants were surveyed using a structural equation
modeling strategy including fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA).
• Brands and their resellers can benefit from working together to strive in a highly economical market.
• As per research, the creativeness of a brand's marketing activities may be linked to the brand's contributions
to its competitiveness.
• However, there are limitations to the findings that suggest where future research should go.
• managers entering internationalization should develop a competitive edge to enable them
to highlight the superior capabilities.
• Worldwide brands must compete fiercely in the areas that resellers service.
• Competitive markets drive businesses to show that they can offer clients in novel ways.
• The research investigates the connection of competitiveness and invention in marketing
• The study seeks to close a gap in the body of marketing literature.
• Resellable brands are those that have the influence to support providing the market a pull that
makes marketing simpler.
• Push and pull growth is advantageous to both brand and reseller businesses, and it necessitates
that they work creatively together.
• Firms agree to an innovative marketing concept after recognizing the benefit it brings to their ability
to compete as a motivation to do so.
• A national innovation system illuminates the formal as well as informal connections among actors.
• The study's backdrop emphasizes the significance of marketing innovation's link with
competitiveness as an indication.
• This study used complexity theory to comprehend the links.
• In a market that is experiencing expansion, a brand's ability to compete depends on how
willing its resellers utilize their.
• A brand's capacity to implement cutting-edge marketing strategies in a competitive market
will increase in direct proportion to its level of competitiveness.
• A brand's capacity to implement cutting-edge marketing strategies will determine how
competitive it is in a given market.
• In a cutthroat market, a brand's resellers will be more competitive the more capable it is to
adapt new marketing strategies.
• Based on complexity theory, this study conducted an empirical inquiry to advance a gage for
assessing marketing improvement suitable for the present setting.
• The factors were then formally assessed utilizing information from 649 participants, using a
mechanical reckoning modeling method and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA).
• This research used electronics as well as industry of IT as its sample framework due to four
• Six hundred and fifty resellers were surveyed over the course of three months.
• The questionnaire used limited processes founded on commonly used measures from preceding
• Both brand strength and reseller competitiveness were evaluated along five dimensions.
• The variables of competitiveness were drawn from preexisting scales and assessed through
• With the use of established metrics for market orientation (MIAM), communication channel
(MICC), product delivery (MIPDV), and service delivery (MISDEV), the authors developed the
marketing innovation measure's constituent parts (MISD).
• The measurement models were utilized to validate the constructs by confirmatory factor
analysis (CFA).
• The investigation employed squared multiple correlation (SMC) in evaluating the concept
• Accuracy of the data was further checked using discriminant validity.
• The study used QCA to compare and contrast the conceptions and evaluate their set-
theoretic and correlative features.
• Contrarian examination was employed to improve considerate of vivacious connection
situations participating marketing creativity with the opposition of reseller productions.
• All independent factors were found to have a positive correlation with the dependent
variables at the 0.01 level.
• New firms the minimal experience in the market and a broad view on the market often have
a fresh and original perspective on the market.
• Companies that resell their brands to foreign marketplaces experience innovation and
competition factor into their marketing strategy.
• Authors have considered how a buyer's assistance affects a supplier's ability to form
partnerships in a given society's governance structure and to take part in the creation of
new products.
• This study demonstrates how company leaders may improve their company's
competitiveness by rethinking their marketing methods.
• This research integrates the buyer-seller collaboration to a concept of comparative gain of international
buyers and sellers working together.
• Managers of foreign-based firms must understand their consumer firms operational throughout the
growing market as incubators of innovative companies.
• This study suggests further investigation into the purchaser firm's ability to construct an assessment
series and increase output forecasts.
• Managers should consider the selling company's reputation in terms of the services' quality, the risks
associated with using those services, and the managers' own reputations.
• The concept of marketing innovation as a result of an integrated brand's and its resellers'
competitiveness is examined in this study.
• Multiple regression analysis, structural equation modeling, and fsQCA were applied.
• A brand's marketing innovation is greatly driven by how competitive its own business is not by the
firm that sells its products.
• The study acknowledged that the provision of brand assistance would increase brand value for
resellers and so foster more competition.
• Shared assistances to competitiveness does not following the reseller's capacity to adapt to
marketing possibilities.
• The findings support the validity of the ideas used to analyze how brand managers adopted novel
marketing strategies.
• The study contributes in a number of ways to the theoretical and practical knowledge of
practitioners and offers suggestions for future research.
• A.G. Woodside. (2014). Embrace perform model: Complexity theory, contrarian case analysis, and
multiple realities Journal of Business Research. pp. 2495-2503
• D.D. Gunawan, K.H. Huarng. (2015). Viral effects of social network and media on consumers'
purchase intention Journal of Business Research. pp. 2237-2241
• Gupta, S., Malhotra, N.K., Czinkota, M.R., & Foroudi, P. (2016). Marketing innovation: A consequence
of competitiveness. Journal of Business Research, 69, 5671-5681.
• I.O. Pappas, P.E. Kourouthanassis, M.N. Giannakos, V. Chrissikopoulos. (2016). Explaining online
shopping behavior with fsQCA: The role of cognitive and affective perceptions Journal of Business
Research. pp. 794-803
• Jr., J.F. H. (2020). Essentials of Marketing Research (5th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).
• P. Mikalef, A. Pateli, R.S. Batenburg, R.V.D. Wetering. (2015). Purchasing alignment under multiple
contingencies: A configuration theory approach Industrial Management & Data Systems. pp. 625-645

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