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“You can be a good mom and a working mom.

are allowed to be both”

Goals ● Ann struggling to match her working
● To have stable income and to hours and take care of her daughter
perform her mother’s duty ● Sometimes she needs to take extra day
● To be able to adjust her working off or couple hours off and it is always
time easy without unnescessary a problem. The process of confirming
burocracy if daughter needs her request with different departments
doctor assigment or something is to slow and to complicated
unexpected happens.

Ann Brown is youn mother of 2 years old daughter Emily. Ann

Name: Ann Brown doesn’t want depend financially completely on her husband so she is
Age :26 working as an accountant in judo school. Often her daughter has
Education: bachelor doctor assigment, or her babysitter cannot come Ann’s husband
Hometown: Chicago working full time and he cannot leave his duty any time he wants, so
Family: married, mother of 2 years old girl Ann have to ask time off her duty common, she doesn’t like to feel
Occupation: Accountant in judo school
guilty because of it
“Family is the most important thing in the world”

● Jackis an ex athlete, he wants to stay Frustrations
in shape, he wants combine his ● It is difficult to combine working hours
workout with his work and spare of Jack’s school and his gym plan
some time to his family ● Jim hates evening calls that says his
● Jack needs to pick up his children tomorrow working time was changed.
from school and plan his week in ● Jim planning how to pick up children
advance with his wife, he wants his with his wife in advance time table
working timesheet to be stable changes forcing him to brake his family
without sudden changes time

In University Jack was in wrestling team he loves judo, after

Name: Jack Smith graduation he became full time judo coach, with time he married and
Age :34 get 2 beautiful children. Now he cannot spend all his time in the judo
Education: bachelor school, he need to help his wife with kids also he doesn’t want to lose
Hometown: Chicago his phisycal conditions, so he wants to find some time for workout as
Family: married, mother of 2 years old girl well. He wants to have stable worrking time that will allow him to
Occupation: Judo trainer
plan his personal and family life

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