5g Vs 700 MHZ Final

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Presented by: GROUP 5


5G is the 5th generation

mobile network. It is a new global
wireless standard after 1G, 2G,
3G, and 4G networks. 5G enables
a new kind of network that is
designed to connect virtually
everyone and everything together
including machines, objects, and

The 700 MHz Band is an

important swathe of spectrum
available for both commercial
wireless and public safety
The location of the 700 MHz
Band just above the remaining TV
broadcast channels gives it excellent
propagation characteristics. This
allows the 700 MHz signals to
penetrate buildings and walls easily
and to cover larger geographic areas
with less infrastructure (relative to
frequencies in higher bands).
The first nation to adopt on a large scale was South Korea, in April 2019,
at which point there were some 224 operators in 88 countries around the world
investing in the technology.
In South Korea, all the 5G carriers used Samsung, Ericsson and Nokia
base stations and equipment, apart from one who used Huawei equipment. Of these
suppliers, Samsung was the largest, having shipped 53,000 base stations from a total
of 86,000 base stations installed in the country at the time.
There are currently nine companies that sell 5G radio hardware and
systems for carriers. These are Altiostar, Cisco Systems, Datang Telecom, Ericsson,
Huawei, Nokia, Qualcomm, Samsung and ZTE.

5G can provide high speeds, low latency and massive capacity, offering the
potential to change what you experience with your mobile device, and much more.
5G should help revolutionize industries and can provide immediate impact
for customers. 5G could help make businesses more efficient and give consumers
access to more information faster than ever before. It can help enable connected
cars and lead to new fan experiences at stadiums. It could allow for new student
experiences to invigorate education and support artificial intelligence (AI) in public
safety. And it can enable advanced gaming and esports experiences.
On the other hand, Brussels, 14 December 2016, The
European Parliament, the Council and the Commission have agreed
on how to coordinate the use of the 700 MHz band to bring mobile
internet services to all Europeans and new applications across
borders, thus facilitating the introduction of 5G as of 2020.
The spectrum in the 700 MHz band is very highly desired, in
particular because of the electromagnetic properties of its frequencies.
In general, the frequencies in the band, between 698 and 806 MHz,
travel farther and pass through walls and other obstacles much better
than existing cell phone networks do, leading to a lower required
number of cells to provide the same amount of coverage.
In addition, because of the lower frequency, it would require
less power to run a mobile phone/Internet cell on the 700 MHz band
than on the other common bands, which are at higher frequencies.
Since the upper TV channels are moving lower on the spectrum, they
too will use less power than before. The exact details for use of the
spectrum, including range, power, and data speeds, will require more
time to become known because many of the planned new networks on
this band will use technologies that are still in development.

What are the similarities between 5g and 700 MHz


What are the differences between 5g and 700 MHz


What network signal (5g and 700MHz) do people

consider more useful?
5G is predicted to be a wireless network that w9ill offer delivery speed of 20
Gbps, provide exceptionally low latency at the same time connect billions of devices. Basing,
on this many experts have asserted that the Internet of Things will have its backbone as the
5G since it will offer the connections between various disparate networks to form a single
amalgamated structure that unites the short Amillimeter wave.
5G has therefore, been set to the question to find out if it will be able to meet all
the demands of the Internet of Things. The advanced 5G infrastructure will offer both
revolutions in the sector of information and communication technology as well as be a total
evolution of the currently in use network generations. 5G network technologies will be set to
adequately enhance new reliable, secure, delay-critical, and dependable services to everything
and everyone like the cyberphysical systems and cognitive objects. The new technology for it
to be adopted globally and embraced by the global market it must show the differences in
services and experiences that are uniquely of significance to the market necessity.
5G has interrelated different things in terms of drivers that will structure up its
system’s uniqueness from the previous generations. The Internet of Things will be made
available with 5G to link billions of devices, the essential things in the human daily life that
will make it more enhanced than 4G in terms of economy and technicalities. 5G is targeted to
change the appearance of IoT that will then influence on how humans have the view on the
internet from human-to-human interface towards machine-to-machine platform.
The interconnection between devices will make it easy in the processes of
securing, monitoring, controlling, and assisting in various industrious sectors like smart
homes, telemedicine, smart factory and other technological sectors, therefore, bringing the
world under device control (machine-to-machine) control rather than the human control.
The new paradigm was developed to approach the 5G research challenges and this
has to be enhanced by various enabling concepts, that is: fast and scalable random access,
Densification of cells, 5G source coding concepts, and security. Fast and scalable random
access is one of the key 5G’s models that are configured to manage the enormous numbers of
the sporadic traffic causing devices for instance the smartphones’ a-applications, and the IoT
that in most cases are inactive but due to the need of frequent update they access the network
without human involvement.
The new 5G mobile technology is of great significance in the business sector too.
In the US most business sectors may resolve to this kind of networking so as to see the
operational cost reduce, at the same time increase employee connectedness and can respond
to their work duties remotely. The invention of 5G networking technology will make it easy
for services like video streaming and downloading because of the high-bandwidth.
However, the cost of this technology has not yet taken care of hence, it will
undoubtedly be expensive and make many people prefer and resolve to use the 3G and 4G
mobile technologies.
700MHz is a good option for mobile operators to provide a coverage
layer albeit with smaller capacity compared to the mid-band layer. With the
completion of migration of terrestrial broadcasting to digital, the 700MHz is
becoming available in some markets for mobile services.This gives mobile
operators the opportunity to tap into the band for building a 5G coverage layer.
In some countries, the 700MHz will also be crucial in extending 5G
coverage to rural areas for bridging the digital divide. In the urban areas, this can
help to overcome blackspots. Moreover, the 700MHz is a globally harmonized
band, and it is already used for mobile 4G/LTE in many markets. This ensures
equipment availability and economies of scale. It is worth noting that the
European Commission has identified 700MHz alongside 3.5GHz and 26GHz as
pioneer bands for 5G.
The initial phase of 5G rollout has been focusing on major cities to
meet population coverage targets. Some operators are now also looking at
improving coverage in rural areas and to boost indoor coverage; and they are
turning to the 700MHz spectrum.
The lower band, especially the 700MHz band will be crucial to fill the
coverage gaps in urban areas and improve indoor coverage. It also reduces the
number of base stations required for rural areas.
However, this band remains encumbered in some countries as the
transition from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting has not yet
completed.Where possible, regulators should look to expedite the migration, and
provide an indication of when the spectrum can be reallocated for mobile
services. This will enable mobile operators to plan their network investment more
effectively and potentially conduct live trials with their vendors before full-scale
With Reliance Jio taking the premium 700MHz in all 22 telecom circles
or zones, the company is set to provide its consumers much faster and efficient
indoor 5G coverage in highly populated citiesAccording to chip-maker
Qualcomm, the 700MHz spectrum can achieve more than 300Mbps of download
speed in trial conditions.
700 MHz is among the lowest-frequency 5G bands, while
4G frequencies are typically between 700 and 2,500 Mega Hertz
(MHz). High-frequency bands offer higher speeds but are constrained
by a smaller coverage area. Conversely, low-frequency bands offer
comparatively slower speeds but a wider coverage area — ideal for a
country like India.
And for this reason, 700 MHz is considered a premium
band.The location of the 700 MHz Band -- just above the remaining
TV broadcast channels -- gives it excellent propagation characteristics.
This allows the 700 MHz signals to penetrate buildings and walls
easily and to cover larger geographic areas with less infrastructure
(relative to frequencies in higher bands). 5G can provide high speeds,
low latency and massive capacity, offering the potential to change what
you experience with your mobile device, and much more.
5G should help revolutionize industries and can provide
immediate impact for customers. 5G could help make businesses more
efficient and give consumers access to more information faster than
ever before. It can help enable connected cars and lead to new fan
experiences at stadiums. It could allow for new student experiences to
invigorate education and support artificial intelligence (AI) in public
safety. And it can enable advanced gaming and esports experiences.
Is 700 MHz primarily a 5G coverage band? The 700 MHz
band auctions are happening in several European markets and the band
is increasingly becoming available to mobile network operators. Now
operators need to decide if the band is used for 4G LTE or to provide a
coverage layer for 5G. 700 MHz spectrum is ideal for building cost-
efficient 5G coverage for the long term, and maybe the only low band

Taking into account the 5G ecosystem development, the

impact of 5G will not realize immediately. The benefits of deploying
LTE on this band are immediate, as it can already provide additional
capacity to areas with low-band LTE. Additional spectrum capacity
may be desperately needed to provide good quality of service to current
LTE customers. Reserving the spectrum for 5G coverage will limit the
available LTE expansion options in the coming years, when LTE is still
the primary mobile broadband technology
Many consider the 700 MHz band to be highly
valuable "beachfront" property. One of the major reasons the band
is so valuable is that the received power from a 700 MHz signal is
considerably higher than from signals operating in commonly used
bands such as 1900 MHz. The 700 MHz band will enable service
providers to deploy higher-performance mobile broadband
services over greater distances than the services they offer today. It
is valued by service providers because it carries signals well over
long distances and penetrates structures better than higher
frequency bands, making it well-suited to delivering next-
generation wireless services.
While the future is becoming more difficult to predict
with each passing year, we should expect an accelerating pace of
technological change. We conclude that nanotechnology, Cloud
computing, All IP are the next great technology. The development
of the mobile and wireless networks is going towards higher data
rates and all-IP principle.

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