Specific Guidelines in Test Item Formulation

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Unit 3- Designing
and Developing
Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:

a. Identify the different types of teacher made test.

b. Value the different type of teacher made test.

c. Differentiate Objective Test and Essay test using Venn

What is a Teacher-made

A teacher-made test is an assessment

instrument typically with a summative
purpose, designed to measure and
promote student achievement of
knowledge/skills specified in the course
learning outcomes.
Reasons for
They are consistent with classroom
Teacher-made goals and objectives
They present questions to all
students under nearly identical

They generate a product that can be

evaluated and stored for later use
Ex a m
Types of Teacher- conten

made tests Forms of Objective

Objective Tests
Alternative Choice
Objective tests require recognition and recall of
subject matter. They tend to cover more Multiple Choice
material than essay tests. They have one, and
only one, correct answer to each question. Matching Type

Completion Test
Alternative-Choice Items are:




Key points about Guidelines for creating
Alternative-choice Alternative-choice
Items: Items:

 Do not give hint (inadvertently) in

• Use simple declarative the body of the question
• Must be stated clearly to avoid The Philippines gained its
ambiguity. independence in 1898 and therefore
celebrated its centennial year in 2000.
Guidelines cont’d.

 Avoid using words – all, none,

 Avoid trick statements with some
sometimes, usually, always, never,
minor misleading word or spelling
often – that can divulge the correct
anomaly, misplaced phrases, etc.
Example: The Raven was written by
Example: Christmas always falls on a
Edgar Allen Poe.
Sunday because it is a Sabbath day.
 Don’t use exact quotes from
 Avoid specific determiners or give
away qualifiers.
 Watch for item response pattern.
 Avoid long sentences as these
 Ask something important and
tends to be “true”. Keep the
worth remembering.
sentences short.
Multiple-choice Items:
● Can cover many objectives.

● Measures different cognitive behaviors—

factual to the analysis of complex data.

● Extremely versatile and easy to score.

● Must be written in a straightforward, clear

and concise way.
Guidelines for creating
Multiple-choice Items:
 Do not use modifiers that are
 Do not use unfamiliar words,
vague and whose meanings differ
terms and phrases.
for one person to the next such as:
much, often, usually and etc.
EXAMPLE: It is a particular vitamin
which is paramount for healthy
EXAMPLE: Much of the foreign
circulatory system and for healthy and
influence/ that contributed in the
esthetic skin
shaping of Filipino culture;
a. Biotin
a) Malays
b. Niacin
b) Chinese
c. Ribofiam
c) Spanish
d. Thiamine
d) Thais
Guidelines cont’d.
 Avoid complex or awkward word
Paul Muldoon uses which poetic genre
in “why brown lee left “?
Paul Muldoon an Irish postmodern
 Do not use negatives or double
poet who use`s experimental and
negatives as such statement tend
playful language, uses which poetic
to be confusing. It is best to use
genre “why brown lee left”
simpler sentences rather than
a) Sonnet
sentences that would require
b) Elegy
expertise in grammatical
c) Narrate poem
d) Dramatic monologue
e) Haiku
Guidelines cont’d.
 Distracters should be equally
plausible and attractive.
Which one of the following is not a
symptom of osteoporosis?
During the PIBA would cup basketball
a) Decreased bone density
2019, which NBA player coon the best
b) Frequent bone fractures
player during the finals.
c) Raised body temperature
a) Ricky Rubio
d) Lower back pain
b) Marc Gasol
c) Luis Scola
Which of the following is a symptom
d) Jappet Aguilar
of osteoporosis?
e) Gabe Norwood
 Each item stem should be as short
 Avoid stems that reveal the answer
as possible.
to another item.
Guidelines cont’d.
 Avoid use of unnecessary words or
 All multiple choice options should
phrases which are not relevant to
be grammatically consistent with
the problem at hand.
the stem.
 Pack the question in the stem.
Stem should contain the central
The human heart is an organ that
pump blood throughout the body and
The Roman Empire __________.
a. Gave carbon dioxide to cells
a. Had no central government
b. Provide removal of red blood cells
b. Had no definite territory
c. Supplies oxygen and nutrients to
c. Had no heroes
d. Had no common religion
d. Sourcing of healthy supplements
Guidelines cont’d.
 The length, explicitness, or degree
of technicality of alternatives
should not be the determinants of
the of the correctness of the
answer:  Use all of the above and none of
the above with care.
EXAMPLE: What led to formation of
states right party?  Avoid pulling statements directly
a) The level of taxation on federal from the textbook.
b) Laws
c) The industrialization south
d) The corruption of federal
legislators on issue of taxation

● Designed to measure students’

ability to recall a large amount
of factual information—verbal,
associative knowledge.
● Two lines of items are presented
and students to select an item
from one list that closely relates
to an item from the second list.
Guidelines for creating EXAMPLE:
Match the items in Column A with the
Matching Types: items in Column B.

____1. First President a. Magellan
 Indicate basis for matching the of the Republic
premises w/the responses. ____2. National Hero b. Emilio Jacinto
 Matching columns should be
contained on one page. ____3. Discovered c. Jose Rizal
 Put premises and responses in the Philippines
logical order. ____4. Brain of d. Lapu-Lapu
 Premises and responses should fall Katipunan
in the same general topic/category. ____5. The Great e. Emilio Aguinaldo
____6. Defended f. Juan Luna
Limasawa Island
g. Antonio Luna
Guidelines cont’d.
 The stem (longer in construction
 Imperfect matching type test:
than the options) must be in the
Imperfect because an answer may
first column while the options
be repeated.
(usually shorter) must be in the
second column.
 If you intend to make use of this
 The option must be more in
imperfect type of matching type
number than the stem to prevent
test, make sure you indicate so in
the students from arriving at the
the ‘Direction’ to caution the
answer by mere process of
students who usually think that an
answer may not be repeated.
 Use complete names if names are
to be matched.

● Require that students write

responses in their own
handwriting supplying a recalled
Guidelines for creating
• The following suggestions may
Completions: help prevent common errors in
 Give the student a reasonable basis constructing completion test.
for the responses desired. Avoid
indefinite statements. a. Avoid lifting statements directly
EXAMPLE: Jose Rizal was born in from the book.
b. Omit only key words or phrases
 Avoid over mutilated statements. rather than trivial details.
EXAMPLE: The ________ is obtained by
dividing the ________ by the ________. c. Whenever possible avoid “a” and
“an” immediately before the blank.
 Avoid giving the students These give a clue of whether a
unwarranted clues to the desired response start with a consonant or a
response. vowel.
Guidelines cont’d. b. Select the items to which only one
correct response is possible
d. Do not indicate of the expected
answer by varying the length of c. Arrange the items as far as possible
blanks. so that the student’s responses are in a
column at the right of the sentences.
e. Guard against the possibility that
one item or part of the test may d. Scoring is more rapid if the blanks
suggest the correct response to are numbered and the student is
another item. directed to write his response in the
appropriate numbered blanks.
 Arrange the test so as to facilitate
scoring e. Prepare a key for scoring by writing
on copy of the test all acceptable
a. Allow one point for each blank answer.
correctly filled avoid fractional credits
or unequal weighing of items in a test.  Give clear directions.
Sample test items of completion test
Direction: Fill in the blank the correct word or phrase.

1. Phycology is the study of ______.

2. The utilization of the biological organisms, systems and processes to convert

materials into variety of the products is called_______.

3. ______ discovered penicillin by accident.

4. _______ and_________ said that the structure of DNA is double helix.

Ex a m
Types of Teacher- conten

made tests
Essay Tests
 Permits students to formulate answers to
questions in their own words. Essays, classified as non objective test,
 Measure what students know because
allow for the assessment of higher order
they utilize their own storehouse of thinking skills. In essay tests, students are
knowledge to answer a question. required to write one or more paragraphs
 Determines students’ ability to: analyze,
on a specific topic.
synthesize, evaluate and solve problems.
-Describe the similarities and differences
between. Summarizing
-State the points included in.
Relating cause and effect -Briefly summarize the contents of.
-What are the major causes of
-what would be the most likely effects of Generalizing
-Formulate several valid generalizations
Justifying from the following data.
-which of the following alternatives would -State a set of principles that can explain
you favor and why and explain why you the following events.
agree or disagree with the ff. statement.
-In the light of facts presented, what is most Evaluating
likely to happen when. -Describe the strengths and weaknesses of
the following.
-Group the Following items according to. Creating
-Make up a story describing what would
Analyzing happen if.
-Describe the reasoning errors in the -Design a plan to prove that.
following paragraphs.
-List and describe the main characteristics of.
Types of Essay:
Restricted Essay Extended Essay
It is also referred to Requires several
a s short focused
response. paragraphs of
Guidelines for the formulation
and scoring of essay tests
 Evaluate all of the student’s
answers to one question before
proceeding to the next question.
 Phrase the direction in such a way  Evaluate answers to essay
that students are guided on the key questions without knowing the
concepts to be included. Specify identity of the writer.
how the students should respond.  Whenever possible, have two or
 Inform the students on the criteria more persons grade each answer.
to be used for the grading their  Do not provide optional questions
essays.  Provide information about the
 Put a time limit on the essay test. value/weight of the question and
 Decide on your essay grading how it will be scored.
system prior to getting the essays  Emphasize higher level thinking
of your students. skills.
Difference between Objective and Essay Test

• supply a specific • focused on • requiring a lengthy

and brief answer assessing the answer
• require only one cognitive aspects of• have several correct
possible correct student learning responses.
answer • measure • consists of a few
• consists of many achievement questions

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