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Lesson 9

Biodiversity and a Healthy

Opening Prayer
Lord, we thank you for this day and thank you for the many
blessings that we received everyday,thank you for the gift of life,
the gift of family and the gift of people. Lord, as we are going to
take our class today, bless each and everyone of us, give us the
knowledge and wisdom to understand our lesson. In Jesus name
we pray, Amen.
HCDC Vision-Mission and Core
The Holy Cross of Davao College envisions a fully vibrant community of believers and Christ-
centered evangelizers, educated in the faith, animated by the passion for truth, and engaged in
building a more humane world.
As members of this Filipino archdiocesan educational institution, we commit ourselves to cultivate
high quality Catholic education for all, attentive to the needs of the less fortunate; nurture a culture of
excellence and holiness; and provide a human and Christian learning environment for the integral
liberating formation of persons who will become effective agents of social transformation.

From faith to truth, we uphold the values of servant leadership, dialogue, justice, peace and integrity
of creation, with wisdom as the underlying principle.
There are many techniques to examine biodiversity. When evaluating variety, the two most crucial factors to take
into account are richness and evenness. The quantity of various creatures or species found in a certain location is
referred to as its richness; the "richer" a sample is, the more species it contains. However, both richness and
evenness contribute to diversity. The comparability of the population sizes of each species is measured by evenness.
More varied and uniformly distributed ecosystems are more stable. Keep in mind that a diverse, stable, evenly
distributed ecosystem with an equal number of species has a higher chance of surviving.
With an unequal distribution of species, an ecosystem is less diverse, more unstable, and has a lower chance of
surviving. The abundance of sunlight, nutrients, and water in an ecosystem with high biodiversity creates conditions
that are favorable for the evolution of a wide variety of living things. On the other hand, an ecosystem with minimal
biological variety would contain a small number of species—possibly just one or two. Ecosystems with a variety of
species are more resistant to environmental change than those with a small number of species.
● Biodiversity, also known as biological diversity,
● refers to the diversity and variability of life on Earth.
● Biodiversity is a metric for genetic, species, and ecosystem-level variety.
● All the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area
● The systems that sustain all life on Earth, including humans, depend on
biodiversity. We cannot have the healthy ecosystems that we depend on to give
us the air we breathe and the food we consume without a diverse variety of
animals, plants, and microorganisms. People also appreciate nature in and of
What is a SPECIES?
● Is a group of organisms that may interbreed and produce offspring
that is also capable of reproducing the same kind
● In biology, A group of living organisms consisting of similar
individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The
species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a
genus and denied by Latin binomial, e.g. Homo Sapiens
Levels of Biodiversity
● Typological Species Concept
● Biological Species Concept
● Phylogenetic Species Concept
● Species Genetic Concept
● Typological Species Concept
Aristotle and Linnaeus, among other scientists, thought that species of the same kind appeared to be
strikingly similar. Researchers found that this was not always the case. Despite appearing radically different,
certain creatures that are members of the same species can evolve over time and undergo change.
The typological species concept: A species is a set of organisms that resemble one another
and is distinct from other sets (Linnaeus).
● Biological Species Concept
According to the most widely used species definition, the biological species concept, a species is a group of organisms that
can potentially interbreed, or mate, with one another to produce viable, fertile offspring.
In this definition, members of the same species must have the potential to interbreed. However, that doesn't mean they
have to be part of the same interbreeding group in real life.

● Species are groups of interbreeding natural population that are reproductively isolated from other such groups.
● Species are designated on absence of gene flow.
● Phylogenetic Species Concept

This idea defines a species as a collection of organisms descended from a single progenitor. It is built on
evolutionary ties, relies on shared evolutionary history among the species, and draws on common predecessors.
The organisms must be recognizable from other groups and have a common ancestor if they are of the same
● Species Genetic Concept
Most geneticists proposed this view, believing that genetic similarity was the basis
for belonging to the same species. Genetic analysis can reveal species that
morphologically cannot be shown just by examining their physical traits

A group of naturally occurring populations that interbreed and are genetically distinct
from other similar groups is referred to as a genetic species. The Genetic Species
Concept differs from the Biological Species Concept in that it places more emphasis
on genetic isolation than reproductive isolation
Ecosystem Diversity can be defined as the variety of different habitats,
communities and ecological processes. A biological community is defined by the
species that occupy a particular area and the interactions between those species.
Importance of
The variety of life enriches our lives in indefinable ways. Biodiversity has intrinsic value because it is necessary
for our emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Some people believe that caring for the world's other
living beings is an important human responsibility. Variety encourages diversity. A wide range of living organisms
assist other creatures in making use of available resources. Among trees, birds, insects, various plants and
animals, fungi, and bacteria, among others, find food and shelter. Humans have long relied on the biodiversity of
the Earth for food, shelter, and health.

The following biological resources offer commodities on our direct economic value for human utilization.

● Direct Economic Value

● Indirect Economic Value
● Aesthetic Value
● Direct Economic Value
Our lives are enriched by life's diversity in a variety of hard-to-define ways.
Biodiversity has intrinsic value and is necessary for our mental, spiritual, and
emotional health. Some people think it's crucial for humans to take care of the rest of
the living things in the world. Diversity is promoted by variety. Numerous living
things assist other animals in making use of the resources that are accessible. Among
other things, trees provide food and a haven for a variety of creatures, including
bacteria, fungi, and birds. For food, shelter, and health, humans have long depended
on the biodiversity of the planet. The biological resources listed below provide goods
that people can use:
Direct Economic Value - if the environment’s goods or services
give food, medicine, clothes, shelter, or energy. Plant-based
medicines are one example.
a. food
b. shelter
c. warmth
d. Medicines
● Indirect Economic Value
-advantages generated by the organism that is not used
- Biodiversity also offers us indirect services that are often
- Biodiversity provides medical models for research into human
health issues.
● Aesthetic Value
● Many species, such as a forested scenic landscape and the calming beauty of a
natural park, bring visual or aesthetic satisfaction.
Threats To Biodiversity
Biodiversity, or the diversity of life, is crucial for any environment. It guarantees the natural sustainability of life on
Earth for both current and future generations. A diverse ecosystem will include a variety of life forms and species,
such as plants, animals, insects, fungi, and other organisms. They all work together to produce ecosystems that
support life and keep the environment in balance. The rising human population has placed enormous strain on
the planet. More people necessitate more resources, such as water, land, and food, which can disrupt an
ecosystem's equilibrium and result in biodiversity loss.

Since the 1970s, global wildlife populations have declined by roughly 70%. If biodiversity loss continues to rise, it
has the potential to extinguish human life. Ecosystems require diverse species to thrive, and humans require
biodiversity for food security and water. There would be nothing without nature. The most significant risks to
biodiversity are listed below.
● Habitat Loss or Degradation
● Introduction of Invasive Species
● Pollution
● Population of Human
● Overharvesting or Overexploitation
● Habitat Loss or Degradation
What does Habitat Loss Degradation means?
Degrade means to make something worse. Habitats are
degraded when their condition declines due to manmade
factors. The examples of manmade factors are
deforestation, mining, agriculture, global warming,
desertification, pollution, ocean acidification, and many
● Introduction of Invasive Species
The introduction of invasive species is a further cause of biodiversity loss.
Animals or plants that are invasive species are non-native to a certain
ecosystem. There may be a variety of effects on the local species when
an animal, plant, or microbe moves. New species can parasitize or prey
on existing species, hybridize with them, compete with them for food,
spread new illnesses, alter ecosystems, or sabotage important
connections. These invaders pose a threat to local wildlife and plants and
frequently outcompete them.
● Pollution
● Population of Human
● Overharvesting or Overexploitation
The End!
Thank You for listening
It is the range of variation found among microorganisms, plants, fungi, and animals. Also, the richness of species of living
1. Biodiversity
2. Community
3. Ecosystem
4. Species

Any geographic area with all of the living organisms present and the nonliving parts of their physical environment. Involves the
movement and storage of energy and matter through living things and activities.
5. Biodiversity
6. Community
7. Ecosystem
8. Species
If you were to take a count of the diversity of individual Bubalus bubalis carabanesis in your town, what would you be
1. Species diversity
2. Genetic diversity
3. Habitat diversity
4. Biodiversity
According to an evaluation by an interstate regulatory organization, the American lobster population is in good form off
the coasts of Maine and Canada but continues to drop in southern New England. Select which of the following is the
most likely cause of a decline in the lobster population.
1. Chemical pollutants
2. Malnourishment
3. Overharvesting
4. Disease
The following scenarios, EXCEPT one, promote positive movement regarding Earth’s biodiversity.
Which is the exemption?
1. Conservation of forests.
2. Introducing new species of plants and animals in a geographical area.
3. Considering the environment while doing societal structural progress and development.
4. Promotion to society and people on condominium building and living rather than large area housing

What is the main cause of the extinction of many living species?

1. Changes in climate – e.g. temperature rises
2. Natural catastrophes – e.g. floods, fires, earthquakes
3. Ecological systems – e.g. hydrological cycle and carbon-oxygen cycle
4. Human activities – e.g. poaching, environmental pollution, disafforestation, clearance of tropical forests

The Amazon River Basin, which spans South America and is home to 390 billion trees, is an
unequaled biodiversity hotspot. Every other day, experts discover a new species, from blue morpho
butterflies to emperor tamarins to pink river dolphins. Identify which of the different types of
biodiversity is related to the Amazon River.
1. Biodiversity
2. Habitat diversity

3. Genetic diversity
4. Species richness
Species are becoming extinct at the fastest rate known in geological history and most of these extinctions have been tied to human activity. Which of the following is
the worst culprit when it comes to activities threatening species with extinction?
1. Chemical pollutants
2. Habitat destruction
3. Overharvesting
4. Disease
There are two statements for this item. Carefully analyze each statement to distinguish whether the statement is factual or erroneous.
5. Biodiversity serves as a paradigm for medical study into human health issues. Researchers are studying how seals, whales, and penguins utilize oxygen during
deep-water dives to see if they can learn how to treat strokes, shock, and lung illness in humans.
6. The biodiversity of the Earth adds to the natural and agricultural systems' production. Pollinators include insects, bats, birds, and other creatures. Natural pest
management can be provided by parasites and predators. Various organisms are in charge of recycling organic materials and keeping soil productive.
7. Statement A is only the factual statement.
8. Statement B is only the factual statement.
9. Statements A and B are both factual statements.
10. Statements A and B are both erroneous statements.

The land, air, and seas of our planet are home to the tiniest insects and the largest animals, which make up a rich tapestry of interconnecting and interdependent
forces. This is a community, this is biodiversity.
11. The word “biodiversity” should be replaced with “biological diversity.”
12. The word “interconnecting” should be replaced with “interlinking.”
13. The word “community” should be replaced with “life.”
14. The word “planet” should be replaced with “Earth.”

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