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Multi Terminal DC (MTDC) System

• This type of HVDC configuration uses multiple transmission lines to

connect more than two points.
• There are multiple terminal stations each with their own converter
connected by the HVDC transmission line network.
• Some of these converters operate as rectifiers while others act as
• The power supplied by the rectifier’s combination is equal to the
combined power received by the inverter (load) stations.
• This type of DC network is equivalent to the AC grid that is flexible but
it has the capability to control the power flow in the DC distributed
• Such type of network is much more complex than a two terminal
HVDC configuration.
• In MTDC System, we cannot use the AC circuit breaker on the AC side
because it will de-energize the whole DC network instead of isolating
the specific line having fault or scheduled maintenance.
• Therefore MTDC system requires multiple
DC switchgear (circuit breaker) that can safely de energize the circuits
or isolate it in case of maintenance work or fault clearance.
• It is required to balance the system in such a way that the amount of
current supplied by the rectifier stations is equal to the amount of
current in the inverter station.
• In case of the high demand of power from any inverter station, the DC
power is ramped up to meet the requirement.
• In doing so, it is necessary to monitor and control the voltage supplied
as well as the inverters in case of overloading.
• The MTDC systems are reliable in case of forced outage i.e.
unexpected power failure from one of the many generation stations,
the power supply is relocated through another converter station.
Applications of MTDC:
1. Connects multiple DC renewable energy farms to multiple power grids
2. Connecting multiple offshore wind farms to the power grid
3. Transfer of bulk power from multiple remote AC generating stations to
multiple load centres.
4. Allow interconnection between two asynchronous AC power systems
5. Power supply reallocation in case of power failures in one of the
generating stations.
6. It can be used to offer more power to a heavily loaded AC network by
using one rectifier & multiple inverters that injects power into the said
AC network.
7. Offers flexibility for power tapping at multiple points
• The MTDC systems are classified into two main types;
1. Series MTDC System
• In such configuration, multiple converter stations are connected in
series with each other.
• Just like in a series circuit, the current flowing through each of the
converter stations remains the same which is set by one station while
the voltage drop may divide among the converter stations.
• It is an extension of a two-terminal HVDC system with multiple
converter stations in series as shown in the figure above.
• The converter stations are usually of lower capacity than the ones
used in parallel MTDC systems.
• This system usually uses monopolar DC links where the line is
grounded at only one point.
• However, a grounding capacitor can be used at any other line for
protection against transients.
• The insulation coordination for the series MTDC system is quite
complex due to the varying DC voltages at each station.
• The power flow in parallel MTDC system is a little complex as
compared to the parallel MTDC system because a parallel MTDC
system can control its power flow by injecting current in a specific line
while in series MTDC system, the power flow control is done by
voltage control at each terminal station.
• In a series MTDC system, the power flow reversal can be easily
implemented using both VSC (Voltage Source Converter) & CSC
(Current Source Converter).
• In case of fault or scheduled maintenance in a specific line, the whole
DC network will face a blackout.
• Therefore, just like a two-terminal system, the circuit breaker on the
AC sides is used to de-energize the DC networks.
• The same is the case with the expansion of the series MTDC system.
It is also quite difficult & requires the whole network to face blackout
during the installation of new terminal stations.
• In order to install new terminal stations, the DC network (ring-shaped)
must be split up at the point of installation which will break the
supply to every other station in the path.
Parallel MTDC System

• In the Parallel MTDC system, there are multiple converter stations

(inverters) or load stations that are connected to a single converter
station (rectifier) that supply power to the whole DC network.
• Just like a parallel circuit, the voltage remains constant or the same at
all the inverter or load station that is set by one of the converter
• While the current supply may change depending on the power
• According to the power demand at each load station, the current is
adjusted to balance the current supply.
• These terminal stations are generally of higher capacity than in series
• The power reversal can be done with either voltage reversal or
current reversal.
• In parallel MTDC system, the Voltage reversal (using CSC based
terminal stations) affects all converter stations thus we need to
implement a sophisticated control & communication system between
these converters.
• However, if the power reversal is done using the current reversal
technique (using VSC based terminal station) it will be much easier to
• It is the reason, VSC (Voltage Source Converters) are preferred in
parallel MTDC system instead of CSC.
• Since the voltage remains constant in the VSC MTDC system, the
current ratings of the valve converter decide the power rating of the
terminal station.
• It offers a wide range of power flow control in the DC network by
injecting current in the specific line.
• This is more convenient than the power control in series systems
using voltage control at each station.
• The best feature of the Parallel MTDC system is that it if there is a
fault in any terminal stations, the remaining DC network does not get
• However, to isolate these specific DC lines, it does need a separate
DC circuit breaker.
• Also in case of expansion of the DC network, the power supply does
not need to be interrupted because the new terminal is installed in
parallel from these existing lines.

• The insulation coordination in such a system is far more simple than

in a series system because the voltage remains constant.
• The parallel MTDC System is further divided into two categories;
• Radial MTDC System
• The radial MTDC system is a type of parallel MTDC configuration
where a break in a transmission line or removal of one link will cause
interruption of power supply to one or more than one converter
• This figure shows inverter stations connected with a single rectifier
station. A break in one of the lines will surely interrupt the power
supply to a minimum of one terminal station.
• Because of such interruption in power supply, they are unreliable as
compared to Mesh or Ring type MTDC system.
• Mesh (Ring) MTDC System
• In Mesh or Ring MTDC system, the inverter (load) stations are
connected with a single rectifier station in mesh or ring formation
where a break in one transmission line or removal of one link does
not interrupt the power supply to any inverter stations.
• The following figure shows a mesh or ring MTDC system.
• The removal of any link will not interrupt the power supply to any
• In fact, the power will be routed through the other links. However,
the other links must be designed to withstand the power transmission
with power losses.
• There is no power interruption in mesh type MTDC system. Therefore,
parallel-connected mesh type MTDC system is more reliable than a
parallel-connected radial type MTDC system.

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