Exposición Ingles

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José Ignacio Vicente Soni
Azael Jiménez Juárez
¿Qué es?/What is it?

Se usa para oraciones en las que la idea o el acto pudo haber finalizado hace 5
minutos o hace 5 siglos, el tiempo de determinación no importa, lo único
importante es que se habla de algo que ya no sucede o existe en el presente.

¿Cómo se usa?/How is it used?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I I was I wasn´t Was i?

HE/SHE/IT He was He wasn´t Was he?

YOU/WE/THEY You were You waren´t Were You?

¿Qué es DID?/What is DID?
Es un auxiliar que se usa en inglés en el tiempo verbal llamado pasado simple y
no tiene un significado solo ser usado como un auxiliar.

¿Cómo se acopla?/How does it fit?

Es un auxiliar que se usa en inglés en el tiempo verbal llamado pasado simple y
no tiene un significado solo ser usado como un auxiliar.

Verb Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I Play I played I did not play Did i play?

HE/SHE/IT Play She played She did not play Did she play?

YOU/WE/THEY Play They played They did not Did they play?
Win Wish
-Last night, she won the chess tournament, and -I wished I could speak French
everyone congratulated her on her victory
-I did not wish I could speak French
-Last night, she did not win the chess
tournament -Did you wish you could speak French?

-Did she win the chess tournament last

night, and did everyone congratulate her
on her victory?
Withdraw Wondered

-She withdrew $100 from the ATM -I wondered what would happen next

-She did not withdraw $100 from the -I did not wonder what would happen next
-Did you wonder what would happen
-Did she withdraw $100 from the ATM? next?
Work Worry
-She worked at the company for five -She worried about the test, but she passed
years it with flying colors

-She did not work at the company for -She did not worry about the test, but she
five years passed it with flying colors

-Did she work at the company for five -Did she worry about the test, but did she
years? pass it with flying colors?
Wrap Wring
-I wrapped the gift in colorful -He wrung out the wet towel
-He did not wring out the wet towel
-I did not wrap the gift in colorful
paper -Did he wring out the wet towel?

-Did you wrap the gift in colorful

Write Yawned
-She wrote a beautiful poem last night -He yawned during the boring lecture

-She did not write a beautiful poem last night -He did not yawn during the boring lecture

-Did she write a beautiful poem last night? -Did he yawn during the boring lecture?
Muchas gracias por su

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