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Steps to follow for

software development
Task Distribution
⇢ We will use growtrail for task distribution
⇢ Each task should have proper description, requirement and
acceptance criteria
⇢ Each task should have due date at least
Coding Standard
⇢ Variable naming convention
⇢ Proper function name & description of the function with return type
⇢ A function can have maximum 35 lines of code
⇢ If not then the function should be refactor
⇢ Code reusability
⇢ Logger implementation is must
⇢ env files implementation is must.
⇢ All global values should be in the env file
⇢ Implement database migration files. Should not manually update the table
⇢ Must use JWT authentication for APIs
Unit Test
⇢ We should write unit test cases for all functions
⇢ Unit test cases for both pass and fail scenario
Code Review
⇢ At-least two reviewer
⇢ One reviewer will be the top reviewer
⇢ Second one can be anyone from the team except the developer
him/her self
⇢ The developer can choose anyone from the team as the reviewer
⇢ Reviewer will not approve the PR till the developer fixed all the review
⇢ Without proper review and QA the code will not merge/deploy on the
production environment
⇢ Proper GIT use.
⇢ Create branch for individual tickets/story
⇢ Reviewer will review the code
⇢ The developer will be responsible for the first level of unit testing
⇢ The developer will provide the screenshots/demo of the
functionalities of what he/she has done
⇢ Production server
⇢ Staging server
⇢ Once the PR approved and code merged then QA will check the
functionality in the staging server
⇢ Once QA realized all the AC has met then the code will deploy to
the production server
⇢ Ticket closed.
⇢ If anyone interested to do any online certificate(s) course then
company should help him/her on that.
⇢ Internal training
MOB Sessions
⇢ Anyone can come up with any challenge and the whole team
can solve it together.

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