Developing Content

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For Your Future

Dream Group
Pre-Course Assignment
Based on the Training Need Analysis and the Guidelines
from the Department Head or the Corporate Training department of the

• How many different methods of delivering content

were used?
• What were they?
• How was the content structured to gain and keep
the interest of the delegates?

Dream Group
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, we will be able to:

• Describe and follow the training content development

flow chart
• Use different methods of developing specific content
• Structure an effective group training session

Dream Group
Developing Content
Training Content Development Flowchart

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives
Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

Define Training Objectives
• Resolve a training and/or business need
• S-M-A-R-T
• State:
• The goal to be achieved
• The standard to be achieved
• What the delegates will know or be able to do

Dream Group
For Example
• Goal: To improve consumer audit results in a
specific area
• Standard: That every call will be answered
within three rings
• Know or be able to do: Successfully use the
new mobile phones to update guestroom

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives
Resolve a training and/or business need
• The goal to be achieved
• The standard to be achieved
• What the delegates will know or be able to do
• Ideally:
• Use an “action” word
• Make the statement positive and proactive

Dream Group
Example Training Objective
By the end of this course, Guest Service
Agents will be able to:
• Use the new wireless telephones to place,
receive and transfer calls
• Confirm completion of delivery of orders via the
• Input and receive other text messages as

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success

Dream Group
Outline Content
• Start with the delegates:
• What do they already know?
• What else do they need to know?
• Why do they need to know it?
• Research the training content
• Outline the content to achieve the training

Dream Group
Research Content
• Brainstorm
• Read manuals
• Interview guests, subject matter experts and other managers and
• Research financial or other reports
• Review log books
• Observe
• Utilize other training materials
• Mind mapping

Dream Group
Mind Mapping

Dream Group
Basic Structure
Tell them what
= you are going
to tell them

Training the
Task = Tell them

Checking the Tell them what
Standard you told them

Dream Group
• or knowledge

Training the Task
“One of the secrets of life is to make stepping
stones out of stumbling blocks.”
• Step by small step
• Logical sequence
• Key learning points
• Vary delivery methods
• Involvement

Dream Group
Training the Task

Subject Content Delivery Method

Dream Group
Training the Task

Subject Content Delivery Method

Ordertaking Phone system controls Lecture/PPT and

Phone display Demonstration

Standard greeting Role play

Taking the order Role play and


Recording the request in PMS Lecture/PPT

Relay to GSA Relaying order to GSA Lecture/PPT

Dream Group
Checking the Standard
• Summary statement
• “Any questions?”
• Check understanding

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success

Prepare Visuals
• Create a framework around which you
can build your script and structure the
delivery of your content

Dream Group
Prepare Visuals
• PowerPoint
• Flipcharts
• Example products
• Video/DVD
• Other
• Internet materials
• E-learning materials
• Posters/mini-posters

Dream Group
PowerPoint Slides

Dream Group
PowerPoint Slides
• Avoid multiple types of transition
• The simpler the better
• Or none at all!
• Minimize builds
• Use only when extensive discussion around each point
• Avoid using
• Sound and visual effects
• Custom entrances, exits and animation

Dream Group
The Number “Six”
• No more than six text bullets
• Use six words (40 characters) per line
• If you cannot read the information in six
seconds – too much information

Dream Group
Other PowerPoint Guidelines
• Use phrases – not complete sentences
• Use upper- and lower-case letters
• Avoid reading from the slide
• Know your content
• Maintain eye contact with the delegates
• Let the audience read the slide for themselves
• Use occasionally to break up the routine

Dream Group
Clipart, Graphics and Photographs
• Can become tedious when over-used
• Should enhance and complement the text
• Not detract from or overwhelm the message
• Use judiciously to:
• Increase recall (visually)
• Highlight a point (emphasis)
• Illustrate a point (diagram, chart)
• Change the energy (humor)

Dream Group
• Use instead of PowerPoint presentations
• Easy to use in many locations
• Integrate with PowerPoint presentations
• Use to:
• Emphasize information
• Focus delegate attention
• Record information from the delegates
• Summarize information

Dream Group
• Use top three quarters of the flipchart
• Use every other page
• Use color
• Avoid yellow, pink or orange
• Use an OHP projector to project graphics, then trace
the image
• Use flipchart paper with faintly pre-printed lines
• Use upper- and lower-case lettering

Dream Group
• Cue up to the right place
• Check volume
• Play only the segment you need
• Use to support, not substitute

Dream Group
Prepare Visuals
• PowerPoint
• Flipcharts
• Example products
• Video/DVD
• Other
• Internet materials
• E-learning materials
• Posters/mini-posters

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

Develop Script
• What are you going to say
• How you are going to deliver it:
• Lecture
• Discussion
• Question and answer
• Exercise

Dream Group
General Guidelines
• The best way to keep the delegates’ attention, is to keep them
• Delegates should be “involved” every 5 to 7 minutes
• Question
• Alternative content delivery method
• Other change (e.g. standing up)
• Break at least every 90 minutes
• Provide a mental roadmap
• Use transitional phrases or segues

Confusion is a close relation to boredom. Both can

lead to a poor training experience for the delegates.

Dream Group
Writing Your Script
• Key words
• Bullet points
• Full script
• Combination

Dream Group
Describe each word
Say why important
Give good example

ASK for examples

ASK what are advantages

Segue to this next step

Dream Group
Dream Group
Content Delivery Methods
• Lecture with PowerPoint
• Questions and answers
• Exercises
• Demonstration with flipchart
• Discussion in pairs

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

Delegate Materials
• Pre-course invitation letters and assignments
• Handouts (or workbooks)
• Memory aid cards
• Tent cards
• Flippers (Reservations Sales)
• Screen savers
• Posters and mini-posters

Dream Group
Delegate Materials – General Guidelines
• Practical for the delegate
• Relevant content
• Need to know
• Nice to know
• Easy and cost-effective
• Easy to reproduce (ongoing)

Dream Group
• Permanent reminder to delegates
• “Brand contact”
• Make sure it looks good
• Key points (need to know)
• Short
• Summarize
• Quick reference
• Background reading (nice to know)
• May never be read!

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

Practice Training
• Read to yourself
• Read out loud
• “Dry” run, on your own
• Read to a colleague, friend or spouse
• Record: audio or video

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

Pilot Training
• Essential if course is complex and to be repeated by you
or others
• Use a representative group of people as delegates
• Invite key stakeholders to observe or participate as
• Run according to the “script”
• Do not “ad lib”
• Follow instructions as written

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

Implement Training
• It’s always different when you “go live”
• Expect to make changes if you run the course again
• Every group of delegates is different
• You are also different every day
• Training is hard work

Congratulate yourself and celebrate!!!

Dream Group
Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

Define Training Objectives

Outline Content

Prepare Visuals

Develop Script

Develop Delegate Materials

Practice Training

Pilot Training

Implement Training

Evaluate Training Success Dream Group

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