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GEC 9:



Kayvett Azryll D. Andres,LPT

10 reasons why we should study Rizal (Hugot Version).
1. You’ll wonder about the past.
The reason why we can’t move on is we keep on dwelling on the
things and events that already happened just like studying Rizal, but in a
positive way. Exploring the life and works of Rizal would give you a better
vision of what is it like during the Spanish era and how Filipino’s deal with
2. You’ll realize how important communication is.
There have been a lot of miscommunication issues with Rizal. In life,
it is very important to have a clear delivery of what you want to say to avoid
misunderstandings. Imagine if Rizal had actually put things in the proper
process, imagine what could have happened if he achieved what he really
3. You’ll Prove that too much love will kill you.
Jose Rizal’s love for the country led him to his execution. It was such
a heroic act of sacrificing his own life for an accusation and being a role
model in the rebellion of the Filipinos.
10 reasons why we should study Rizal (Hugot Version).

4. You’ll think of what if’s.

One of the most painful things in life is to continually wonder what
if’s. Studying Rizal could give you a lot more what if’s in life. What if he got a
wife? What if he did not study abroad? What if he just told the Spaniards his
real intentions? Things like that.
5. It will inspire you to think differently.
We’ve always been thought that Rizal is an iconic hero because he
fought with his writings instead of violence like using the mind over
strength. When we think about it, we could really do things our way. It
depends on us on how we will act in certain situations we are in.
6. It will give you a different view of Rizal.
Just like when someone is courting you or when you are courting
someone, former learning’s about Rizal was all rainbows and butterflies.
10 reasons why we should study Rizal (Hugot Version).

7. You’ll get to know Rizal better.

There are times when you thought you knew it all but soon you’ll realize
how dumb you are to believe such things. (I’m gonna stop it right there because
it would probably turn out a cringe-worthy hugot line and you’ll start rolling
your eyes on this part. So, yeah.) The truth is, everything we’ve learned from
Rizal was just a mere sentence of his whole life.
8. You’ll understand the relationship of the other Filipino heroes with
We all know who are they individually but we are not given the whole
context of how they are connected with each other. Studying Rizal will give you
part of the whole context on how they are related to each other.
9. It would build the inner revolutionary in you.
Not like you’ll have to fight like Rizal or KKK’s but it could get you
interested in the current national issues since you’ll know how our heroes
fought for our freedom. Just like Rizal, You could do it in your own unique way.
10 reasons why we should study Rizal (Hugot Version).

10. It is stated in our laws.

The Making of Rizal Law
In 1956, Senator Claro M.
Recto proposed Senate Bill 448 or the
Rizal Bill. This bill became the RA 1425
or Rizal Law.
RA 1425 is an act to include in the
curricula of all public and private
schools,colleges and universities courses
on the life,works, and writings of Jose
Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo,
authorizing the printing and distribution
thereof, and for other purposes.
Salient Points of Rizal Law
WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of our history, there is a need for a re-
dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died;
WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them, particularly the national hero and patriot, Jose
Rizal, we remember with special fondness and devotion their lives and works that have
shaped the national character;
WHEREAS, the life, works and writing of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo, are a constant and inspiring source of patriotism with which the
minds of the youth, especially during their formative and decisive years in school, should be
WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under the supervision of, and subject to
regulation by the State, and all schools are enjoined to develop moral character, personal
discipline, civic conscience and to teach the duties of citizenship;

Official Gazette of the Philippines

Salient Points of Rizal Law
 Courses on the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal,
particularly the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo,
shall be included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and
universities, public and private. (Section 1)
 It obliged all schools, colleges and universities to keep in their
libraries adequate number of copies of the original or
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo as well as Rizal's other works and biography.
(Section 2)
 It authorized and directed the Board of National Education to
work for the translation of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
as well as other writings of Dr. Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog
and other principal dialects and their printing in cheap or
popular editions and their circulation. (Section 3)
Historical Contex of Rizal Law
Congress passed the
RizalBill (Senate Bill
448) and was signed into
Rizal Law (Republic Act
1425) by President
Ramon Magsaysay on
June 12, 1956.
According to the main author, the sole object of the bill
is to foster better appreciation of Rizal's tie and combating
of him on the Spanish Tyranny in the country.
Jose P. Laurel, then senator who co-wrote the law,
explained that since Jose Rizal was the founder of the
country’s nationalism and had significantly contributed to
the current condition of the nation, it is only right that
Filipinos, especially the youth, know about and learn to
imbibe the great ideals for which the hero died.
The life, works and writings of Dr.Jose Rizal
particularly, his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo are constant and inspiring
source of patriotism with which the minds of
the youth, especially during their formative and
decisive years in school, should besuffused.
Notable Persons Who Tried To Block Its Approval:
Sen. Decoroso Rosales – brother of Archbishop (Cardinal) Rosales
Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo – President of Catholic Action of the Philippines
Sen. Mariano Cuenco – brother of Archbishop Cuenco
Fr. Jesus Cavana – member of the Paulist Order who wrote a pastoral letter
The Friars
Jesus Paredes – radio commentator
Reasons of Persons Who Blocked the Approval of Rizal Bill
The Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are very damaging to
the clerics.
The novels were written when Dr. Jose Rizal, estranged from
Catholic faith and religion and contradict many of the Christian
To compel Catholic students to read a book which contains passages
contradicting their faith constitutes a violation of a Philippine
constitutional provision (Art. 3, Sec. 1, Par. 7).
The novels do contain teachings contrary to Catholic faith and so,
the Church is opposed to the proposed compulsory reading in their
entirety of such books in any school in the Philippines where
Catholic students may be affected.
Important Issuances Relative to the Implementation of Rizal Law
Presidential Memorandum Order
247 dated Dec. 26, 1994 –
President Ramos directed the
DECS and CHED to immediately
and fully implement R.A. 1425.

CHED Memorandum Order 6

dated February 15, 1996 – CHED
ordered all colleges and
universities to offer Rizal course
as a separate three-unit course
fully and immediately.
Teaching of Rizal Course in College
Rizal as a course has been taught in College generally as a
supplementary course by teachers of different

In most cases, the focus of the course is on Rizal's

biography and trivial matters, compounded by the varying
interpretations of the spirit and the letter of Rizal law
through the years.
Assessment (BTLED 1A) (BTLED 1B)

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