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Presentation by

Computer Science | 2023

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Block diagram M,Storage; imput & output
devices & Hardware &
Number system
Programming Languages

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A computer is an advanced electronic device that takes
raw data as input from the user and processes these data
under the control of set of instructions (called program)
and gives the result (output) and saves output for the
future use

Computer Science | 2023

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It is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.
Modern digital electronic computers can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. These programs
enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks
It is a combination of hardware and software resources which integrate together and provides various
functionalities to the user. Hardware are the physical components of a computer like the processor, memory
devices, monitor, keyboard etc. while software is the set of programs or instructions that are required by the
hardware resources to perform various operations as per the requirement of users.
. In a computer, there are various characteristics of computer systems depending on their size, capacity, and
specifications. But, the major characteristics of the computer can be classified into Speed, Accuracy, Diligence,
Versatility, Reliability, Consistency, Memory, Storage Capacity, Remembrance Power, and Automation.
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characteristics of computer system

01 Executing mathematical calculation, a computer works faster and more accurately
than human. Computers have the ability to process so many millions (1,000,000)
of instructions per second. Computer operations are performed in micro and Nano
seconds. A computer is a time saving device. It performs several calculations and
tasks in few seconds that we take hours to solve. The speed of a computer is
measure in terms of GigaHertz and Megahertz.

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characteristics of computer system

02 A human cannot work for several hours without resting, yet a computer
never tires. A computer can conduct millions of calculations per second
with complete precision without stopping. A computer can consistently and
accurately do millions of jobs or calculations. There is no weariness or lack
of concentration. Its memory ability also places it ahead of humans.

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characteristics of computer system

03 A computer is reliable. The output results never differ unless the input
varies. the output is totally depend on the input. when an input is the
same the output will also be the same. A computer produces consistent
results for similar sets of data, if we provide the same set of input at
any time we will get the same result

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characteristics of computer system

04 The world is quickly moving toward AI (Artificial Intelligence)-based
technology. A computer may conduct tasks automatically after
instructions are programmed. By executing jobs automatically, this
computer feature replaces thousands of workers. Automation in
computing is often achieved by the use of a program, a script, or
batch processing.
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characteristics of computer system

05 Versatility refers to a capacity of computer. Computers perform
different types of tasks with the same accuracy and efficiency. A
computer can perform multiple tasks at the same time this is known as
versatility. For example, while listening to music, we may develop our
project using PowerPoint and Wordpad, or we can design a website.

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characteristics of computer system

06 A computer can store millions of records. these records may be
accessed with complete precision. Computer memory storage capacity
is measured in Bytes, Kilobytes(KB), Megabytes(MB),
Gigabytes(GB), and Terabytes(TB). A computer has built-in memory
known as primary memory.

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characteristics of computer system

When a computer performs a computation or operation, the chances
of errors occurring are low. Errors in a computer are caused by
human’s submitting incorrect data. A computer can do a variety of
operations and calculations fast and accurately

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Types of computer
Super Computer Server Computer
Mainframe computer Analog Computer
Mini Computer Digital Computer
Workstation Computer Hybrid Computer
Personal Computer (PC) • Tablets and Smartphone

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super computers
When we talk about speed, then the first name that comes to mind
when thinking of computers is supercomputers. They are the biggest
and fastest computers (in terms of speed of processing data).
Supercomputers are designed such that they can process a huge
amount of data, like processing trillions of instructions or data just in
a second. This is because of the thousands of interconnected
processors in supercomputers. It is basically used in scientific and
engineering applications such as weather forecasting, scientific
simulations, and nuclear energy research. It was first developed by
Roger Cray in 1976.
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Mainframe computer

Mainframe computers are designed in such a way that they can support hundreds or
thousands of users at the same time. It also supports multiple programs simultaneously. So,
they can execute different processes simultaneously. All these features make the mainframe
computer ideal for big organizations like banking, telecom sectors, etc., which process a
high volume of data in general.

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Minicomputer is a medium size multiprocessing computer. In this type of

computer, there are two or more processors, and it supports 4 to 200 users at one
time. Minicomputer is similar to Microcontroller. Minicomputers are used in
places like institutes or departments for different work like billing, accounting,
inventory management, etc. It is smaller than a mainframe computer but larger in
comparison to the microcomputer.

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A workstation computer is designed for technical

or scientific applications. It consists of a fast

microprocessor, with a large amount of RAM and

a high-speed graphic adapter. It is a single-user
computer. It is generally used to perform a
specific task with great accuracy.

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Personal Computer (PC)

Personal Computers is also known as a microcomputer. It is basically a general-

purpose computer designed for individual use. It consists of a microprocessor as a
central processing unit(CPU), memory, input unit, and output unit. This kind of
computer is suitable for personal work such as making an assignment, watching a
movie, or at the office for office work, etc. For example, Laptops and desktop

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Server Computer

Server Computers are computers that are combined data and programs. Electronic data
and applications are stored and shared in the server computer. The working of a server
computer is that it does not solve a bigger problem like a supercomputer but it solves
many smaller similar ones. Examples of server computer are like Wikipedia, as when
users put a request for any page, it finds what the user is looking for and sends it to the

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Analog Computer

Analog Computers are particularly designed to process analog data. Continuous data that changes
continuously and cannot have discrete values are called analog data. So, an analog computer is used
where we don’t need exact values or need approximate values such as speed, temperature, pressure,
etc. It can directly accept the data from the measuring device without first converting it into
numbers and codes. It measures the continuous changes in physical quantity. It gives output as a
reading on a dial or scale. For example speedometer, mercury thermometer, etc.

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final output. It
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understands the
binary input 0
and 1, so the
raw input data
is converted to

0 and 1 by the
computer and
then it is
processed by
the computer to
produce the
result or final
output. AllScience | 2023
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Hybrid Computer
As the name suggests hybrid, which means made by combining two
different things. Similarly, the hybrid computer is a combination of both
analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers are fast like analog
computers and have memory and accuracy like digital computers. So, it has
the ability to process both continuous and discrete data. For working when
it accepts analog signals as input then it converts them into digital form
before processing the input data. So, it is widely used in specialized
applications where both analog and digital data are required to be
processed. A processor which is used in petrol pumps that converts the
measurements of fuel flow into quantity and price is an example of a
hybrid computer
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Types of programing language

Programming is a skill that is becoming increasingly sought after in the job market.
Having at least a basic understanding of how software functions is helpful for
anyone who interacts with technology. With a background in programming, you
can get a job coding, designing software, data architecture, or creating intuitive
user interfaces. 1. Procedural programming languages

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A procedural language follows a sequence of statements or commands in order to

achieve a desired output. Each series of steps is called a procedure, and a program
written in one of these languages will have one or more procedures within it.
Common examples of procedural languages include:

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·C and C++

01 03 ·Java
02 04 ·BASIC

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Functional programming languages

Rather than focusing on the execution of statements, functional languages focus on the output of
mathematical functions and evaluations. Each function–a reusable module of code–performs a specific task
and returns a result. The result will vary depending on what data you input into the function. Some popular
functional programming languages include:
• Scala
• Erlang
• Haskell
• Elixir
• F#

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. Object-oriented programming languages

This type of language treats a program as a group of objects composed of data and program elements, known as
attributes and methods. Objects can be reused within a program or in other programs. This makes it a popular
language type for complex programs, as code is easier to reuse and scale. Some common object-oriented
programming (OOP) languages include:
• Java
• Python
• C++
• Ruby

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Scripting languages
Programmers use scripting languages to
automate repetitive tasks, manage dynamic
web content, or support processes in larger
applications. Some common scripting
languages include:
• Ruby
• Python
• bash
• Perl
• Node.js
Logic programming languages
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Instead of telling a computer what to do,
a logic programming language expresses
a series of facts and rules to instruct the
computer on how to make decisions.
Some examples of logic languages

• Prolog
• Absys
• Datalog
• Alma-0
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Programming is a skill that is becoming increasingly sought after in the job market. Having at least a basic
understanding of how software functions is helpful for anyone who interacts with technology. With a background in
programming, you can get a job coding, designing software, data architecture, or creating intuitive user interfaces.
But what language should you learn? You'll find a seemingly infinite number of programming languages that are free to
learn and develop projects with online. With the field of technology growing exponentially each year, the internet is a
great place to start when trying to explore the latest developments or discover a new skill.
Whichever language you learn, you may find it helpful to take notes or draw diagrams detailing the steps you're taking
and why. It's important for programmers to be able to communicate their process to non-technical stakeholders, but
taking notes can also be a great learning tool. "Turns out this often comes in handy not only for the sake of creating
documentation, but often helps in solving a single task or issue where the underlying tech is challenging to understand,"
offers Eric Hartzog, a software engineer at Meta.

Computer Science | 2023

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