General Parasitology L5

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Kayse abtidoon
Common name
Necator americanus (new world hookworm)
Ancylostoma duodenale (old world hookworm)
Disease – hookworm infection.
Geographical distribution
N. americanus is more common in the far east ,south asia,pacific islands,tropical
Africa,central and S.America.
A.duodenale dorminates in the middle east ,N.African coast,Europe,North china
and Japan.

Habitat - Adults N.americanus lives in the duodenum and jejunum while adult
A.duodenale lives in the caecum and jejunum.
 skin penetration by filariform larvae in contaminated soil.
 It is also rarely transmitted by ingesting infective larvae (A.duodenale)
Man become infected through skin penetration by filariform
larvae when he comes into contact with contaminated soil.
Also ingestion of larvae(A. duodenale)
The larvae enter the circulation and are carried to the right
heart from where they are taken to the lungs.
In the lung alveoli, they emerge through the trachea and
eventually reach the pharynx where they are coughed and
swallowed into the small intestines.
Here, the filariform larvae matures and attach onto the
intestinal mucosa.They mate and female lay eggs which are
passed out In stool.
In soil,the eggs hatch into rhabditiform larvae within 1-2
days,feed in soil and then develop into infective filariform
larvae in about one week.
The laboratory diagnosis of hookworm infection is by finding
hookworm eggs in faeces.
Skin reaction at the site of larval penetration(Ground itch)
and is more intense in those previously infected.
During migration of the larvae ,mild respiratory symptoms
may develop and also eosinophilia.
Adults hookworms causes chronic blood loss. A single
A.duodenale can suck 0.15 mls of blood per day and N.
americanus worm about 0.03 mls per day.The test for Occult
blood in faeces is positive.
Iron deficiency anaemia.
Loss of protein which can lead to oedema.
i. Preventing soil contamination by use of latrines and health education.
ii. Preventing infective larvae penetrating the feet by wearing protective
footware, Open sandals are not effective barriers to infection.

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