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Determination of

Iodine Value in oil

Apparatus and Reagents :
• Analytical Balance • Soluble Starch
• Burette • Chloroform/Carbon Tetrachloride
• Beaker Glass (CCl4)
• Dropper Pipette • Distilled water
• Erlenmeyer flask with stopper • Oil
• Funnel • phenolphthalein Indicator
• Volumetric Flask • potassium iodide solution 15%
• Volumetric Pipette • Sodium Thiosulfate solution 0,1N
• Watch Glass • WIJS Solution
Procedure :

Weigh 0,1-0,5 gram oil in Add 10 ml of Chloroform/CCl 4 Left solution in a dark place for 30 minutes
erlenmeyer flask 250 ml solution and 10 ml of WIJS and then shake it occasionally

Do a blank titration with titrate the compound with 0,1N Add 10 ml of 15% Potassium
10 ml of Wijs Solution, 10 Add 2 ml of starch solution then
sodium thiosulfate solution until iodide solution and 100ml of
ml of 15% KI Solution, continue the titration until the
the compound turns into a pale distilled water
and 100 ml of distilled blue color disappears
yellow color

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