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Internet of

Jannat Ara Oyshi - 2015041 Jannatul
Ferdous - 2015046
Md. Abid Hossain Miha - 2015053
Md. Mamunur Rashid - 2015015
Md. Asif Iqbal - 2015039
What is IoT
At it’s core, IoT is simple; it’s about connecting
devices over the internet, letting them talk to us,
applications and each other. In short IoT refers to
the rapidly growing network of connected objects
that are able to collect and exchange data in real
time using embedded sensors.
History of IoT
• At the Connegie Nelon University, a group of
19 students from the university created a way to get
80 their company coca-cola vending machine.
• The first internet-connected toaster was unveiled
19 at a conference.
• The term internet of things was coinned by Kevin
19 Ashton.
Types of IoT

Features of IoT
We have listed some of the features that make IoT
what it is in the present digital scenario. IoT devices
have several sets of features that are common. They
IoT Technologies
How IoT works???
Smart Nano
RFID Sensor
Tech Tech

To collect To enhance
and the power To make
process the of the the smaller
To identify data to network by and smaller
and track detect the developing things have
the data of changes in processing the ability
things physical capabilities to connect
status of part of the and interact
things network
Architecture of IoT
3 layer 4 layer 5 layer 6 layer
architecture architecture architecture architecture

• Perception
• Perception layer
layer • Network
• Application layer
• Perception • Perception layer • Application
layer layer • Business layer
• Network • Network layer • Business
layer layer • Processing layer
• Application • Application layer • Coding
layer layer • Transport layer
• Support layer • Middleware
layer layer
Applications of IoT
Challenges of IoT
Pros of IoT
Cons of IoT
Can the IoT be secured?
Everything new & shiny has downsides, and security &
privacy are the biggest challenges for IoT. All these devices
& systems collect a lot of personal data about people- that
smart meter knows when you are home and what
electronics you use when you’re there- and it’s shared with
other devices and held in databases by companies. But the
answer of the above question is YES, IoT is relatively SAFE:
you’re not likely to face serious loss or damage because of
your smart meter, any more than your home PC, atleast.
However, there’s no guarantee, and so far not enough is
being done to ensure IoT isn’t the next big hacking target.
IoT Protocols
IoT protocols are modes of communication that ensure
security for data sharing between various devices of
IoT. Some protocols used by IoT are – Hypertext tranfer
Protocol(HTTP), LoRaWan(Long-Range Wide Area
Network), Bluetooth, ZigBee, Message Queue
Telemetry Transport(MQTT), Machine to Machine
Communication Protocol(M2M), etc.
Is the IoT Real?
This is perhaps the best query being Googled about IoT:
is it real? Surprisingly it’s tough to answer. Technology
is full of marketing and hype-it’s often difficult to decide
early on whether an innovation is truly ground-breaking
or not.
But the IoT is one of those wider ideas that isn’t
dependent on a single project or product. Smart fridges
may well be the appliance of the future, or could fall by
the wayside as too much tech for too little gain, but the
idea of connected sensors and smart devices making
decisions without our input will continue. A decade from
now, everything could be connected or perhaps only
bits or pieces with specific
benefits, such as smart meters; and we may
call it IoT, smart devices or not call it
anything at all, the way smartphones have
simply become phones. No matter where it
is or what we call it, IoT is real- but what it
will look like in the future is something even
Google can’t answer.
This should be enough for us to learn about
“Internet of Things(IoT)”

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