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Is Your

Baptism Scriptural?

“one Lord, one faith, one baptism”

Ephesians 4:5
Is Your Baptism
An example of re-baptism...
1) The disciples at Ephesus Ac 19:1-2
2) They had been baptized Ac 19:3
3) Their baptism was lacking Ac 19:4
4) Requiring a “re-baptism” Ac 19:5
Is Your Baptism
Elements of scriptural baptism...
1) Mode: immersion (burial) Ro 6:3; Co 2:12
2) Authority: in the name of Jesus Ac 2:38;
10:48; 19:5; Mt 28:18-19
3) Purpose: remission of sins Ac 2:38; 22:16;
Ro 6:3; Co 2:12
4) Subject: penitent believer Ac 2:38; 8:37;
Mk 16:16
Is Your Baptism
When re-baptism is necessary...
1) Wrong mode: pouring, sprinkling
2) Wrong authority: someone other than Jesus
3) Wrong purpose: because we are saved, as a
public confession
4) Wrong subject: not a penitent believer, to please
others, an infant
Is Your
Baptism Scriptural?

“make your calling and election sure”

2 Peter 1:10
Is Your
Baptism Scriptural?

“Examine yourselves,
whether you are in the faith.”
2 Corinthians 13:5

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